BIO-Pen Pictures, page 244

JOEL S. WHITEHURST was born in Lexington, Missouri, August 4, 1844, being a son of William M. Whitehurst and Sarah (Shipp) Whitehurst, who were both natives of Princess Ann County, Virginia, where they were married in 1829. Their union was blessed with six children, who are: Thomas W., a teacher by profession for the past twenty-five years, and a resident of Saratoga, this county; Albert L., a lumber dealer, residing in Gilroy; William H., living in Hickman County, Kentucky; Edwin B., the proprietor of a hotel at Pierce's Mills, Santa Cruz County; Henrietta, the only daughter, died at the age of four years, in St. Louis, Missouri. Joel S. Whitehurst was married in 1869 to Miss Fannie Logan, daughter of Alexander Logan and Sarah (nee Easly) Logan. They are the parents of six children, whose names are: Edith, George, Susie, Estelle, Sadie, and Joel A. Mr. Whitehurst's father was an early pioneer of St. Louis, Missouri, where he manufactured carriages and plows, as he did both in Virginia and Lexington, being the first manufacturer of plows in the latter place.

In 1849 he and two of his sons came to California where he worked in the mines on the Feather River near Oroville, with varied success. In 1852 he returned to Lexington, where he remained until 1863, when he again came to this State and made his home with his sons Joel S. and A. L. until his death, which occurred on March 10, 1887, in the eighty-second year of his age. Mr. Whitehurst's mother died when he was an infant. He came to California in 1867, going first to Lexington and then to Gilroy, where he had charge of a mill. In 1878 he came to the Willows and bought eight and one-fourth acres of land, paying $350 an acre not including the improvements. His place is planted mostly to French and silver prunes, the latter known as a seedling of the California's Golden Drop variety. He has about 1,400 of these trees, they being an experiment with him, Mr. Plummer, of Oregon, having introduced them here. The firm of King, Moose & Co., of San Francisco, paid two and one-half cents a pound for the fruit in 1887, while the French prunes brought only from one and a half to two cents a pound. A wholesale grocer from Chicago was greatly interested in these prunes and anxious to handle them extensively. Those sold here in 1887 were dried and bleached and then sold at the drier for fifteen cents a pount to a Chicago fruit dealer. Mr. Whitehurst has about six hundred French prunes. All his trees are twelve feet apart, making nearly three hundred trees to the acre. This thick growth of trees would not succeed on any land less fertile than that at the Willows. He has not as yet fertilized his land in any way.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 604-605 Transcribed by Roena Wilson