BIO-Pen Pictures

            It is always a pleasure to mention in an honorable way the name of one who, while steadily and substantially prospering in the financial affairs of life, has at the same time retained the highest respect and esteem of all with whom he has come in contact, in whatever capacity.  Such a man is P. C. Hodges, of Gilroy.  He is a native of North Carolina, born in Surry County, July 19, 1825.  His parents are William and Dorcas (Cunningham) Hodges, and the former is yet living in Surry County.  The subject of this sketch resided in North Carolina until 1848, when he went to Missouri, and resided one year in Jackson County, then returning to his native State.

            In the fall of 1851 he again located in Missouri, and while there prepared to come to California.  Starting in the spring of 1852, he made the trip overland across the plains and mountains, and it was full six months before he reached the golden coast.  The first year in California he spent in Napa County, engaged in farm work, and then came to Santa Clara County, locating in the vicinity of San Jose.  Soon afterward he bought an ox team and engaged in the hauling of lumber for a livelihood.  This he followed for fourteen years, but during two years of that time he was engaged in logging for a firm on the coast above Santa Cruz.  From there he came to Gilroy in the spring of 1868, and contracted with William Hanna to do his logging.  The next year he formed his partnership with Mr. Whitehurst, and thus started the business of the firm which is mentioned in detail elsewhere. (see below)

            Mr. Hodges purchased his present country residence in 1875.  The place is a handsome one, situated about one and a half miles east from Gilroy, on the old Gilroy road, and commands much attention from passers-by on that road.  He has made most of the improvements about the place since purchasing.  Mr. Hodges was united in marriage, December 4, 1870, to Miss Judith Franklin, a native of North Carolina.

            Politically, Mr. Hodges is a Democrat.  He is a Christian in his every-day life and a gentleman in all his dealings.  He affiliates with the Christian Church, and is Deacon of the Gilroy congregation of that denomination.  He has banking interests in Gilroy and other points.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 332
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy

Mills of Whitehurst & Hodges.—This firm was organized in 1869, under the name of Ricketts, Whitehurst & Hodges. Mr. Ricketts retired after about two years, and since that time the firm has remained as at present. For ten years they carried on the business of manufacturing and wholesaling lumber alone, and they then bought the planing-mill of William Hanna, which they have ever since conducted. Here they manufacture for the local market. They employ from thirty to forty men. They employ some six or seven men in their planing-mill; and in the timber, and at hauling, at least thirty men are employed.

This firm is composed of L. A. Whitehurst and P. C. Hodges
 (see bio of J. S.  Whitehurst-)


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight