The Valley of Heart's Delight


BIO- Pen Pictures, 

ANTHONY P. LOGAN is a son of Alexander Logan, who is a native of Lexington, Kentucky, where he was born in 1813, and removed with his parents to Lexington, Missouri, at an early date, being one of the pioneer settlers of that place. In 1839 he married Miss Sarah Easly, a native of Asheville, North Carolina, by whom he has eight children. The first born was George S., who now lives on his own farm at Alma. Their second child was Jane M., born in 1842. She married Vincent Ricketts, and died in 1865;is buried in Lexington, California. Their next was Hester A., who was married in 1862 to L. A. Whitehurst, and is now living in Gilroy. Anthony was the fourth child, and was born in 1846. Fannie M. was born in 1848; in 1871 she married J. S. Whitehurst, and is now living at the Willows. William P. Logan was born in Lexington, Misssouri, in 1850, and lives at Santa Maria, California. The two yourger children were born in this state.

In 1852, the health of Mr. Logan's father failing, and hearing such fabulous tales of the climate and gold of this State, he sold his farm, and in company with his family crossed the plains. Leaving Lexington, Missouri, in May, they arrived in San Jose the following September. Anthony P. Logan was at that time a child of but six years of age; still he retains a vivid recollection of that memorable trip. His father bought sixty acres in the Willows, which was then a wilderness of brush. He soon sold out to a Mr. Cole, and moved to the Santa Cruz Mountains, on account of his health. He finally settled about three miles from the town of Lexington, which he had named after the city of his nativity {SEE NOTES BELOW}. He still resides there, and his wife, who died in March, 1887, is buried near by.

In 1874 the subject of this sketch bought eight acres of land in the Willows, which he has since planted mostly to Hungarian prunes, they being best cultivated for Eastern shipping. The crop averages about $1,200 a year. He also, with his brother, owns 200 acres near Alma, this county, which he is planting to apples and pears, expecting to ship the fruit to Mexico and China, where there is a great demand. In 1875 he was united in marriage with Miss Susan E. Kneedler, of San Jose, a daughter of John Kneedler, of Pennsylvania, and Martha (Sparks) Kneedler, a native of England, who came to this State in 1856.

Mrs. Susan E. Logan has one brother, Fulton S. Kneedler, now living at San Diego, and two sisters, Misses Effie and Blanche, both living with their parents at the Willows. Mr. and Mrs. Logan have one child, John A., who was born November 18, 1876. He is attending the public school at the Willows. Mr. Logan is a member of Garden City Lodge, No. 143, I.O.O.F. In politics he is independent, with Democratic proclivities. Mr. Logan's maternal grandfather, Stephen I. Easly, was a soldier in the War of 1812, and a son and son-in-law of men who fought side by side under General Washington in the Revolutionary War. His paternal great-grandfather and his oldest son were killed at Yorktown, fighting under La Fayette for freedom. Mr. Anthony Logan's grandfather Logan was a companion of Daniel Boone in settling up Kentucky. He belongs to a family of pioneers of valor and of nerve, many of whom devoted their lives to the advancement of civilization, while others died in thier country's cause.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 270-271 Transcribed by Carol Lackey

_History of Los Gatos_ Bruntz,(published 1971)

(page 7)

......Actually, Lexington, now submerged by Lexington Lake, was the
business center for the people in the area.  As one writer put it,
"there was nothing grander than Lexington between San Jose and Santa
Cruz."[Addicott- Grandad's Pioneer Stories].  Lexington owed its
beginning to the sawmill built there in 1848 by Branham and Julian
Hank.  When Zachariah "Buffalo" Jones, bought the mill for $3,000 he
laid out a town and called it Jones Mill, also dubbing the stream "Jones
Creek."  In 1860 he sold the mill and 480 acres.  John P. Hennings
bought some of the property and built a sawmill, changing the name of
the settlement from Jones Mill to Lexington, after his home town of
Lexington, Kentucky.  Lexington remained the industrial center

throughout the 1850's.

In the early 1860's the saw mills moved back in to the hills to be
nearer the stand of timber.  As a result, Lexington lost its importance
and began to disintegrate, while Los Gatos began a period of growth.

same resource-----page 33-

" Hennings (J.P.) built a sawmill and a town which he called Lexington,
after his home town, Lexington, Kentucky".


On page 33 it  also mentions  Alexander Logan,  (father of Anthony) was 
treasurer of the Santa Cruz Turnpike Joint Stock Company. It also states
that Stephen I. Easly, (Anthony's maternal grandfather)  was the
President of this Company.