History of Santa Clara County, California :
San Francisco: Alley, Bowen & Co., 1881,

pages 577-591

Doctor Bowling Bailey. Was born on the Kentucky and Tennessee line, April 1, 1831. February 12,1850, he started with a mule team across the plains for California and arrived at Nevada City, September 27th of the same year. Mr. Bailey of course tried his chance at the mines and with good success. He came to Santa Clara county in June, 1853, and settled in Fremont township. Here he entered into the live-stock trade, driving his cattle to San Francisco and there disposing of them. This occupation he followed until 1859 when he commenced farming, which industry he has since prosecuted. He owns three hundred acres at his ranch near Mountain View, and two hundred and eighty more near Santa Clara. In the year 1859 he was elected to the House of Assembly, on the Democratic ticket, with a total vote of thirteen hundred and forty-nine; has been a School Trustee during most of the time which he has resided in the district. Married, November 3, 1858, Margaret Harmon, a native of New Jersey, by whom he has Mary B., born August 22, 1859; John S., born August 26,1860. Married, secondly, September 27, 1877, W. G. Jones.

Edward Barron. The subject of this sketch, whose portrait appears in this work, is a native of the south of Ireland, where he was born June 24, 1831. Coming to the United States in 1847 he made New York his home until November, 1851, when he started for California via Panama, and arrived January 1, 1852. Not long after landing in San Francisco he commenced dealing in live-stock and so continued until 1860 when he retired with an ample fortune. After paying a short visit to the Eastern States in 1861, Mr. Barron returned to California to find that the Comstock Lode, Virginia City, Nevada, had been discovered, he thereupon formed a connection with some others interested in the principal mines, and commenced their development, an association he maintained until the year 1876, he being in these years the owner of a quartz mill and ledge himself, and President of such well-known mines as the Gould & Curry, Consolidated Virginia, and California, and this, too, at a time when they were paying dividends of over two millions of dollars per month. In 1876 Mr. Barron resigned these offices and retired from an active participation in business affairs. He then set out on a one year's tour in Europe; returned in 1877 for a few months; again crossed the Atlantic, and finally came back to California in April, 1878, when he established his residence at Mayfield. Here Mr. Barron has constructed one of the most attractive homes in Santa Clara county. Its grounds are highly embellished with large groves of ornamental trees, the approach is along a well protected avenue, the building is encircled by parterres of richly-hued flowers, while the tout ensemble conveys the idea of rare opulence and patrician retirement. He married, November, 1851, Maria Cleary, by whom he has two children: George E., and William R., both at school in England.   (see bio published 1888)

Frank P. Beverly
. Was born at Mountain View, Santa Clara county, California, January 13, 1855, where he received his education, save a few months at an educational establishment at San Jose. Has been a farmer all his life, is at present Justice of the Peace of Fremont township, appointed May 14, 1881, by Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara county (vice R. B. Frink, resigned), and is agent for the following insurance companies: Liverpool, London and Globe; American Central; Royal, Norwich, Union and Lancashire; Imperial, London, Northern and Queen; Etna; California; Phoenix; New York Life; Hamburg, Bremen Fire Insurance Company, and is also agent for A. S. Hallidie's wire works in San Francisco. Married Carrie R. Hartwick, a native of New Jersey, on March 23, 1880.

John. Wesley Boulware. Whose portrait appears in this work, was born in Estill county, Kentucky, at Red River Iron Works, June 5, 1830, where he resided until he attained the age of fifteen years, when lie accompanied his parents to Jackson county, Missouri, there receiving his education, first, in the common schools and afterwards one term in Pleasant Hill Academy, Cass county. His scholastic training ended, Mr. Boulware entered the lumber trade, and continued in it until he started for California. May 4, 1852, lie commenced the weary journey across the plains with ox-teams and a herd of cattle, in company with Lindsey Lewis, his father-in-law, and arrived in Santa Clara county October 2d of the same year, locating on the precise spot on which he now .resides, but did not settle there then, for after two months he removed to Mountain View; at the end of two years he proceeded to Calaveras valley where he farmed until 1861, and then came to his present place where he has since dwelt. He is one of the many successful farmers of the Santa Clara valley, while as a proof of his sterling worth, it is sufficient to remark that besides being a School Trustee for many years he was elected in 1872 to serve four years on the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara county. Married in Jackson county, Missouri, January 1, 1852, Louisa Lewis, and has: J. A.; born April 24, 1853; M. A., born February 22, 1856; Permelia R., born January 31, 1858; and Louisa Jane, Loin October 5, 1860.  (see bio published 1888)

Benjamin T. Bubb. Born in Washington county, Missouri, February 15, 1838. At the age of twelve years he accompanied his parents to California and arrived by way of the plains, at Fremont, on the Sacramento river, August 25, 1858. Thence, in March, 1851, they moved to Downieville, Sierra county; from there, in July of the same year, they came to Santa Clara county, arriving in October, and after stopping in Santa Clara, proceeded to Fremont township and settled on a ranch one mile south-west from his present residence. In 1864 he located on the ranch where he now lives, where he has one hundred and sixty-eight acres in a high state of cultivation. Married, June 28, 1871, Sarah J. Smith, by whom he has four children, viz.: Charles R., born June 3, 1872; William F., born February 8, 1874 ; Alice G., born January 21, 1876; George R., born October 30, 1877. (see bio published 1888)

William Henry Bubb. Born in Washington county, Missouri, December 26, 1836. In the year 1850 he came to California with his parents across the plains, arriving at Placerville, September 26th, and from there to Fremont, on the Sacramento river, where they tarried three months ; thence they moved to Buena Vista, Nevada county, afterwards to Downieville,  Yuba county, and finally to Santa Clara county, locating at Mountain View in September, 1851. Mr. Bubb followed the business of stock-raising in conjunction with his father until 1855, and in 1857 went to Fresno and Tulare counties, started on his own account and there continued until 1865, when he sold out and returned to the Santa Clara valley. Mr. Bubb is an extensive farmer in the district, and besides owning a hundred and fifty acres and a dwelling-house, possesses a half-interest in the large warehouses at the Mountain View depot. Married, October 16, 1867, at Mountain View, Susan Farrar, and has three children, viz.: Laura J., born June 2, 1870; Louisa, born November 27, 1871; Susan, born March 30, 1874.

F. W. Covey. Born in Sacramento, California, September 22, 1856, and when an infant removed to San Francisco, where he received his education. He then entered into the business of rearing thoroughbred horses, which he continued in that city until the year 1878, when he came to the magnificent stock farm of ex-Governor Leland Stanford, as foreman.

Lambert Dornberger. Born in Alsace, France, now Germany, April 3, 1828, where he was educated. In July, 1850, he landed in New York City and there resided until 1852 when he came to California via Panama, arriving in San Francisco December 6th of that year. He was engaged, until 1854 working at his calling; he then came to Fremont township-Santa Clara county, and August 17, 1854, located about one mile from Mayfield, there residing until 1857. He then engaged in stock-raising on the borders of San Mateo county, until November 2, 1869, when he settled where he now resides near Mayfield. Married, September 10, 1861, Anna Kleinclaus a native of France, and has Eugene A., born September 12, 1862; Gustave L., born August 22, 1863; Albert L. and Victor (twins), born September 4, 1865; Anna J., born September 8, 1868; George, born February 24, 1870 ; Edward, born January 21, 1878. see bio published 1888

John C. Duchesneau
. Was born in Saint Francis, Bellechase county, Canada, January 27, 1832, where he resided until seventeen years of age and received his education in a French-Canadian school. In the year 1849 he went to Boston, Massachusetts, there learning the trade of a blacksmith, and living until 1852, when he moved to Worcester, in the same State, there remaining for a short period; he next transferred his residence to Rhode Island where he engaged in moulding bricks. On January 27, 1853, the subject of this sketch started for California and arrived in San Francisco June 10th, of the same year. On landing in that city Mr. Duchesneau commenced. brick-making which he continued until the Fall, when he proceeded to Spanishtown, San Mateo county, and worked at his trade for six months, then returning to San Francisco; thence being employed in different localities chiefly at the mines on the Yuba river, Sacramento, American river, Virginia Flat, Iowa Hill and Amador county, where we find in the year 1856 he opened a butcher's shop. Disposing of this business in 1857, he moved about from place to place until 1859 when he went to Oregon, but staying there only eighteen months came back to California and settled on the site now occupied by the town of Mayfield in November, 1860, where he opened and conducted a blacksmith's shop for fifteen years. In 1875 he transferred his residence to Humboldt county, coming back to Mayfield in May, 1880. Married, October 8, 1860, Maria Dolan, native of Ireland, by whom he has two children, viz.: Walford C., born November 22, 1863; Rosa Zoe, born September 6, 1867.

William F.  Foss. Born in Biddeford, York county, Maine, February 11, 1849, and there resided until June, 1857, when he accompanied his parents via the Isthmus of Panama to California. On arrival passage was taken on the steamboat Antelope for Folsom ; thence they proceeded to Nevada county, and located about five miles from the city of that name. At the end of a year they moved to New York Flat, near Brownsville, Yuba county, and there dwelt until the year 1870. The subject of our sketch then entered and spent five months in the Normal school in San Francisco. In 1872-73 he taught in Yuba and Butte counties; in the latter year he entered the Normal school at San Jose, Santa Clara county, from which he graduated in March, 1874. After this period he taught in schools in the counties of Butte, Sierra, and Colusa, and finally, in 1875, became Principal of the public school at Mountain View. Mr. Foss is also agent for several insurance companies, as well as being a Notary Public. see bio of his widow published in 1923

The Honorable Daniel Frink. The reminiscences of the early pioneers and adventurers on the Pacific coast must ever possess a peculiar interest for the Californian. Green in their memory will ever remain the trials and incidents of early life in this land of golden promise. These pioneers of civilization constitute no ordinary class of adventurers. Resolute, ambitious, and enduring, looking into the great and possible future of this western slope, and possessing the sagacious mind to grasp true conclusions, and the indomitable will to execute just means to attain desired ends, these heroic pioneers, by their subsequent career, have proved that they were equal to the great mission assigned them--that of carrying the arts, institutions, and real essence of American civilization, from their Eastern homes, and implanting it upon the shores of another ocean. Among' the many who have shown their eminent fitness for the important tasks assigned them, none merit this tribute to their characteristics and peculiar worth more fully than the subject of this sketch, whose portrait appears in this work. He was born in Chenangocounty, New York, August 7, 1827, and there resided until he reached the age of nineteen years, when he enlisted  in the First Regiment, New York Volunteers, raised to take part in the Mexican war. Being assigned to duty on the Pacific coast, he set sail in the ship Loochoo, and arrived in San Francisco, March 26, 1847, where he was  quartered until discharged, ,August 15,1848. Gold had now been discovered, and the whole world would appear to be en, route to the mines; to them also went Mr. Frink, his choice falling on those in El Dorado county, but not finding much encouragement to remain, he left the district after one month's mining, and returned to San Francisco. We next find Mr. Frink passing the Winter of 1848-49 in Chili, South America ; coming back, however, in the Spring, he once more toyed with fortune in the mines, but soon left for San Rafael, Marin county, where he established a mill in the redwoods of that county, which he conducted until the Spring of 1850, when he again left for the mines, this time to the Yuba river, but only making a short stay, returned to Marin county, where he bought a ranch, and embarked in stock-raising. However, in 1859, he disposed of this farm, moved to Santa Clara county, and settled on the land whereon he now resides, consisting of four hundred acres of the best soil in the country. Mr. Frink has been a Justice of the Peace in Marin county. During the years 1851-52, he, with John Minge, were elected the Associate Justices to form the Court of Sessions of Marin, Ai Barney being County Judge, while in 1879, he was elected to the State Legislature on the Republican ticket. Married, in Marin county, October 26, 1852, Pauline H. Reynolds, and has six children living, as follows : William R., born October 26, 1853; Pauline E., born January 26, 1856 ; Daniel B., born November 8, 1857 ; Henry R., born December 7, 1859 ; Robert A., born April 25, 1865 ; Stella H., born September 24, 1868.

Delavan Hoag. The subject of this sketch, one of the oldest settlers in Fremont township, was born in Montgomery county, New York, March 20, 1827. When he grew to the years of manhood, he followed the trade of a butcher, and after, embarked in the wholesale sugar trade, in which he continued until the year 1854, on the 5th of July of which he started for California. Arrived in San Francisco by way of Panama, on the 1st of August, and on the following day came to Santa Clara county, located in Fremont township, where he has been farming for the past two and twenty years. Mr. Hoag is now and has been for three years interested in mining enterprises in Mexico and Arizona. Married, June 29, 1876, Elizabeth Donley, by whom he has Mary A., born in Mayfield, August 1, 1878. Mrs. Hoag has by her first marriage, two children, viz.: Frank, born in Contra Costa county, September 17, 1866; Katie, born in San Mateo county, July 14, 1868.

James A. Huff. A native of Butler county, Ohio, where he was born February 21, 1832. When but four years old he went to Cass county, Michigan, whither his parents had moved, and there received his education, and was raised a farmer, an occupation he followed in that place until April 6, 1863, when he started for California, and arrived in Santa Clara county September 6th of that year. He first settled in Mayfield, but in April, 1864, located on his present property of three hundred and fifty-eight acres, one hundred and ninety of which belongs to the home ranch, where, in 1878, he erected a handsome and commodious residence. Married, January 26, 1856, Emily E. Gard, a native of Cass county, Michigan, and has living: Henry, born December 5, 1864; Franklin Lester, born March 24, 1867; William Ellsworth, born December 18, 1869; James Arthur, born January 30, 1876; Alpheus Earlan, born March 30, 1879.

George Warren LaPierre. Born in Pawtucket. Rhode Island, October 18, 1829. When an infant he was taken by his parents to New London county, Connecticut, where he received his education. He then commenced life for himself, first in cotton factories, at different places; then to Yantic where he learned the trade of wagon-making, and served two years; thence he proceeded to Stafford Springs, where, falling sick, he returned to his home at Fitchville, New London, Connecticut. On January 20, 1853, Mr. LaPierre sailed from New York to California in the ship Northern Light; at San Juan he was transferred to the steamship Independence. On the 16th February was wrecked on San Margarita Island, off the Coast of Lower California, when three hundred persons were lost, our subject and some others managing to make the island, and thus saved their lives. Here they were three whole days with neither food nor water; on the evening of the third day, however, they built signal fires on the highest points of the island, and on the following morning a whaling fleet hove in sight and took them off. Mr. LaPierre found a refuge on board the ship Fairhaven, Captain Fisher, where he was compelled to remain for two weeks, at the end of which a vessel was chartered to bring them to San Francisco, where he arrived March 31, 1853. After a stay of a month in San Francisco, Mr.LaPiererre came to Santa Clara county, and variously employed his time until the month of June, when he engaged with Eastin & Larue, of Mayfield. Remaining here but a short time he moved to San Francisco, with the intention of proceeding to the mines, but, meeting his brother, he was dissuaded from embarking in that venture, and remained there,    engaged in house-building during the Winter. The next Spring he opened a wagon-shop in Mountain View, but sold out at the end of two months, when he once more entered the employment of Eastin & Larue, and remained with them two years. After a visit to Kern river, he came to Mayfield, erected a wagon-shop, in partnership with his brother, and took J. V. Eastin into the concern. Meeting with an accident about this time, he disposed of his interest to his partners, and engaged with William Paul, as clerk, where he remained some three years and a half. During this period he bought back his original shop, and rented it to J. C. Duchesneau, with whom he afterwards went into partnership ; but, after eighteen months, disposing of his share to his associate, he joined J. N. Spencer in a grocery store, but selling at the end of a year and a half to Hamilton, he remained in the establishment as book-keeper, which position he now occupies, the store being at present owned by Joseph Rosenblum. Married, at Woodside, San Mateo county, June, 1859, Berthina Brown, and has three children, viz.: James H., born August 10, 1860; Edward A., born January 14, 1862; Jennie, born December 23, 1865.

Henry Daniel Margot. Born in Switzerland October 26, 1837. When seventeen years of age he came to the United States and soon after arriving in New York City commenced to work at his trade of carriage building. He did not continue long at this occupation, however, but went into the country and for some time was employed on a farm. We next find Mr. Margot engaged in house-painting in Brooklyn, New York, for a year; then in a store for five years in New York City; and finally came to this State in 1862, on board the Moses Taylor. Soon after his arrival in San Francisco he entered a  store as clerk where he remained six years, when he came to Mountain View Station, Fremont township, started and still conducts the first store in that thriving village. Married, June 3, 1865, at San Francisco, Mary Mulligan, by whom he has two children: Henry, born at San Francisco, July 11, 1866; Amy, born at Mountain View, April 24, 1871.

Bernard Mayer. Born in Dunkirk, Chautauqua county, New York, January 26, 1857. In 1858 he came to California with his parents who settled in Fremont township, Santa Clara county, where the subject of this sketch was reared and educated. At the age of sixteen years he entered the drug store at Mayfield, where he continued until March 10, 1876, when he became sole owner, and is now doing a thriving business.

Jules Mercier. Born in La Belle, France, in the year 1833. In the year 1852 he emigrated to the United States, came direct to San Francisco, and in 1853 started a wood and coal business in that city which he continued until 1856. From this year until 1863 he was master of the Adeline, a sloop that plied between San Francisco and the landing near Mayfield, and in 1864 purchased the ranch situated about three miles north of Mayfield on which he now resides. Mr. Mercier has just completed on his property, which comprises one hundred and six acres of very good land, a fine residence with every convenience, where he hopes to pass many days of full enjoyment. He married, in 1858, Adeline Ponce, a native of France.

Henry McCleary. Born in Indiana, June 10, 1840, and resided there until fifteen years of age when he went to Cass county, Michigan, and farmed until 1863. In that year he came to Fremont township, Santa Clara county, California, and commenced ranching near Mayfield, but afterwards moved to his present place, containing one hundred and three acres, near Mountain View. Married, April 1, 1866, Rachael Muncey, and has two children: John, born March 18, 1867; Ada, born April 4, 1869.

William Page. Born in Herkimer county, New York, March 31, 1826. When quite young he was taken to Oswego county, and at eighteen years of age to Wisconsin, where he resided until 1850. In that year he came to California and commenced mining in El Dorado county, and meeting with success, in four months he returned to Wisconsin. In 1852, we find Mr. Page once more in the search for gold, this time in Butte county, but fickle fortune had passed him by, he therefore, at the end of three months, removed to San Mateo county, and entered into a contract to cut timber for a mill, near Searsville. In 1854, he once more made a venture at the mines, but with no better luck than the last, he therefore retraced his footsteps to San Mateo county, and opened a store at Searsville, which he conducted for thirteen years. In 1868, he came to Mayfield where he has since resided, being now engaged in the lumber business. He has an interest in a large tract of timber land in the southern portion of San Mateo county, also a half-interest in a steam saw-mill, with a capacity of fifteen thousand feet in the twelve hours. Married, January 15, 1857, Sarah Ann Smith, by whom there is a family of four children living, viz.: Francis E., born in 1858; William H., born in 1863; Carrie M., born in 1872 ; Myrtle G., born in 1879. They have lost one son, a child of eight years, who was run over on the line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. (see bio 1882)

William Paul. Born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, where he received his education; then went out to Canada, where he had a brother living near Toronto, and spent two years there, when he crossed over to Rochester, New York, where he remained for some time, then traveled through the Western and Southern States, returning to Scotland, where he remained until 1838, when he emigrated to New South Wales. There he engaged in stock-raising, which proved disastrous at that time to every one engaged in it. In August, 1850, he arrived in San Francisco, where he remained a few months, came up this valley and engaged in farming and merchandising near the San Francisquito embarcadero. In 1856, he removed his store to where Mayfield is now located, also purchased a portion of the Robles' Ranch, near by, where he also carried on farming. In 1867, he employed Mr. Bowen, the County Surveyor, to lay out the town of Mayfield, which has since become a prosperous village, of about one thousand inhabitants. In 1868, he sold his store to A. G. Rich, and his ranch, in 1875, to Peter Coutts. In 1870, he was located in a mine in Diamond District, Nevada, took out several hundred tons of rich mineral, erected smelting works at great expense, but the ore being of that rebellious nature which could not be worked, consequently lost a large amount of money. In 1871, he was elected Supervisor at Large for this county, in which capacity he served four years. In 1878, he revisited his native land, having been absent forty years; he also traveled through Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and France, spent_ a month in Paris, visiting the Great Exposition. On his way home he spent a month in Canada, with his only surviving brother who still resides there. He now lives retired in Mayfield, looking after the few remaining lots he has there still unsold.

Andrew Jackson Pitman. Son of Berry Pitman, one of the first settlers of Missouri, his grandfather, Col. M. L. Pitman, being one of the first in Kentucky, and one of the few who founded Boonsborough in 1775. His father was born in Virginia in 1715, of Scotch parents who emigrated from Edinburgh. Mr. Pitman was born in St. Charles county, Missouri, February 25, 1821, the same year the .State was admitted to the Union. He there resided until he reached the age of seventeen. At that time he moved to Jackson county, Missouri, and there served an apprenticeship at blacksmithing up to 1840. Then he joined a Spanish freighting train under Javis (afterwards killed by the Indians), and in company with Major Hensley, for New Mexico, returning in a few months. He was appointed blacksmith among the Shawnee Indians, and worked at that business three and a half years, undergoing all the hardships and privations that are incident to early pioneers. Leaving his Indian friends behind, he returned to Missouri. He was there married to Armenia A. Lewis, daughter of Lindsey Lewis, August 7, 1844, and then turned his attention to farming. But love of adventure drew him into the tide of emigration that settled for California. On April 15, 1849, with six mule teams they started by way of Salt Lake, with Sam Lewis as Captain. July 28th they made Hangtown, now Placerville. After a few days' rest for men and teams they proceeded to Sacramento and thence to the mines on the south fork of the Feather river, where he remained until washed out by rains in December, '49. He then returned to Sacramento, where he remained a few weeks, then to San Francisco where .he took passage on the steamship, Oregon, for Missouri, via Panama and New Orleans. His return, however, was but momentary, for on the 15th of April, 1850, he once more had his face turned westward, bringing his wife with him, he acting as captain of the train which consisted of ten wagons. He arrived in Sacramento August 23,1850. Leaving that place he proceeded to Nicholas on the Feather river, where he started a hotel, which, however, he soon gave up for a farm three miles above Marysville, Yuba county, and there combined the two businesses of stock-raising and keeping a public house. In this locality he remained until December, 1852, when he came to Santa Clara county and settled in Fremont township, his first few years being devoted to stock-raising and dairying, which, however, changed as the country settled up into farming, an industry he followed with more or less success for twenty-five years. He is now in the dairy business in San Jose. Mr. Pitman has been across the continent no less than thirteen times, twice by teams, ten times by rail, and once by water. Who better than he can judge of the advance of the age. He has always avoided political offices, farther than serving in the capacity of School Trustee, preferring instead a domestic life. His married life has been a happy one. He has had ten children of whom three are dead. The oldest, James M., was born in Yuba county, January 30, 1851. The rest were born in Santa Clara county. Marion L., born October 2, 1854; Cornelius Y., born June 2, 1858; Berry M., born January 21, 1860; Willie A., born May 9, 1862; Belle M., born September 22, 1865, Ernest A., born September 23, 1869. Mr. Pitman is a member of the Territorial Pioneers' Society.

James L. Riddle. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but when quite young removed to Boston, Massachusetts, with his parents where he was educated and reared. At the age of nineteen years he was apprenticed in an auction house where, at the end of nine years, he was admitted a partner, the firm being James Allen & Co., it, however, in a short time dissolved, when Mr. Riddle started in business for himself in the auction line, and so continued until he left for the Pacific coast. November 13, 1849, he sailed for California via the Isthmus of Panama and on arrival at San Francisco established himself in the auction trade, but on May 4, 1850, lost everything in the ever-to-be-remembered great fire. He at once laid in another stock of goods and was quickly in full operation on Sacramento, between Montgomery and Kearny streets; on June 21st of the same year he was again the victim of the fire-fiend; however, he purchased the lot on the north-east corner of Clay and Montgomery streets and anew commenced business which he carried on until 1852, when he converted his store into a carriage repository and imported the first Concord coach and carriages to this coast. About this time Mr. Riddle bought the Macondray iron building on the corner of Pine and Sansome streets ; he retired from business in 1857, though still retaining an interest in that construction. He took up his residence in Fremont township in the year 1869, where he has a fine and comfortable residence near the foot-hills, on a good farm of one hundred and sixty acres.  Married, in Boston in the year 1845, Lizzie A. Allen, who died September 21, 1864.  Grace Ida is their only child.

Simon Saunders. Is a native of County Cork, Ireland. In the year 1856 he emigrated to the Australian gold fields, and having poor success, at the end. of two years took passage in the ship Orestes for California, but the vessel being unseaworthy she put in at the Sandwich Islands and was there condemned. Leaving the Islands in the bark Yankee, he arrived in San Francisco, December 4, 1858. Not long after he obtained employment from Dennis Martin in San Mateo county where he remained two years, got married and came to Santa Clara county.  He farmed for fourteen years on the Martinez ranch then came to his present place near Mayfield, where he has had his residence during the past six years. In the year 1870 Mr. Saunders paid a visit to Europe. He is the owner of two hundred and twenty acres of land in this county, while he has been agent for the last seven years for J. Clark, the owner of vast possessions in Fremont township. Mr. Saunders is one of those men who by dint of hard work, indomitable perseverance and a strict attention to duty, has made a stake in the country. He married at Redwood City, San Mateo county, September 3, 1859, Bridget McNamara, a native of County Clare, Ireland, by whom he has one son and two daughters at present living.

Gilbert E. Shore. Born in Crawford county, Missouri, October 4,1846. Came to this county and township in the month of August, 1852; was educated in this and Contra Costa, graduating from a college in the latter county, and now, besides being an extensive grain buyer, farms two hundred and forty acres of land near Mountain View. Married, April 13, 1870, Emily Bullard, and has three children: Anna, aged seven. Mary, aged three, and Richard E., aged two months.

Elias Fulton Springer. Born near Potosi, Washington county, Missouri, March 10, 1831. In May, 1852, he left his native place for California by ox-teams via the plains and came direct to Santa Clara county, in Fremont township, where in a few weeks after his arrival in September, he was married to Miss Kate Shore, October 14, 1852. Began farming on rented land with but little success, and in 1868 bought a farm between Gilroy and Hollister, farming it for four years. He sold out and bought the farm on which he now lives near Mountain View—a most delightful and charming home, where, with a conscience void of offense toward God and man he hopes to pass the remainder of his days. Mr. Springer's children now living are Lida H., the wife of Thos. Chappelle, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo county, California, born October 28, 1853; Charles T., born April 29, 1862; Lizzie F., born July 15, 1864; Susie B., born June 29, 1868.

M . 0. Stanley. Was born in Clarke county, Missouri, December 19, 1848, where he followed farming until 1870 when he started for California, arriving in February of that year. Not long after he proceeded to Humboldt county, where he worked for three years in a butcher's shop, at the end of which time he came to Mayfield, about February, 1873, and found employment in the Mayfield Livery Stable, there remaining until 1878 when he purchased the remaining shares, October 20, 1879, and now conducts the entire establishment.

S. P. Taylor (Deceased). The subject Of this sketch was born in Green county, Kentucky, May 4, 1826, and there resided until he was ten or twelve years old. He then went with his parents to Jackson county, Missouri, where he lived for a number of years ; then to Pleasant Hill, Cass county, for about fifteen years, and on April 14, 1853, left for California. Having crossed the plains with ox•teams he came direct to Santa Clara county, and after a few months went to the redwoods in San Mateo county where he worked for one year, at the end of which he returned to this county and located on Adobe creek, Fremont township, where he farmed for two years. Mr. Taylor next moved to near Mountain View where he commenced the butcher business, combining farming with it, which he followed until 1860.  At this time he opened a hotel and store at Mountain View, and was engaged in managing these at the date of his death, December 14. 1877. During the residence of Mr. Taylor at Mountain View he filled the important offices of Postmaster, for ten years; Notary Public for three years ; and agent for Wells, Fargo & Co., for eight years. He married, in. Missouri, March 2, 1852, Miss Letitia Kifer by whom there are : Mary A., born December 27, 1852 ; Samuel A., born May 23, 1855, who now conducts the hotel in conjunction with his mother ; Clara E., born September 25, 1857; John A., born November 1, 1860; Lucy B., born September 12, 1863; George G., born September 5, 1867.  (SEE BIO published 1888)

James H. Van Reed. Born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, November 2, 1809, where he resided for the first thirty-five years of his life. On coming of age Mr. Van Reed started the manufacture of paper, an industry he prosecuted for some years; he next established himself as a broker in Philadelphia and so continued until he left for the Pacific coast. July 4, 1851, he set sail by way of the Isthmus for California on steamer Panama and arrived at San Francisco, August 19th of the same year. On arrival he at once started in business as a gold-dust broker which he continued until July 1853, when he returned to the Eastern States and brought back his family: On his return he embarked in the real-estate business in which he remained until 1871, the date of his taking up his residence in Santa Clara county. The farm on which he lives is the property of Mrs. Van Reed, and was a wilderness when first occupied, but by great care, much perseverance and good taste, the wildest spots have been given an air of quiet repose, while the most dense brush has been so fashioned as to leave a picture of marvelous beauty. Married, in Berks county, November 6, 1832, Julia H. Miller by whom he has two children living, and two dead: Eugene M., Consul General for the Sandwich Islands in Japan, born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, 1835, died on board steamer Japan, en route to San Francisco February 8, 1873; Margaret, born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, 1840; William, Captain Company B, Fifth U. S. Artillery, stationed on the coast of Florida, born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, in 1841; and, Kate I., born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, and died there in 1878.

George T. Wagstaff.
Was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, August 30, 1832, where he was educated, and served in his father's store until he started for California. He arrived in this State in August, 1852, and lived for the first seven years in 'Pine Grove and La Porte, Sierra county, owning, during that time, several of the largest mines in that district. From there he went to Hamilton, Butte county, where he sojourned three years, conducting a hotel, and being Postmaster. We next find Mr. Wagstaff assisting in the laying out of an orchard in Ventura county; from there he proceeded to Paso Robles Springs, San Luis Obispo county, where he herded sheep for three months; thence to Napa county, being employed by R. B. Woodward for seven months; next to Knoxville, Lake county, for two years, engaged in quicksilver mining; and finally to Mountain View, and got married, -but left for Sutter county, returning, however, at the end of eighteen months to settle in Fremont township. For six years he was in the employ of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company ; he then rented the hotel at Mountain View Station, owned by Weilheimer Brothers, which he conducted for three years, at the end of which he opened his saloon, being also engaged in transactions in hay and grain. Married Murilla J. Levin, a native of the State of Illinois, by whom he has three children: Belle, born, January 25, 1867; Selah, born, July 15, 1868; Lotta, born, March 2, 1872.

Honorable Joseph Sawyer Wallis
. The subject of this sketch was born in Salem, Massachusetts, October 24, 1825, and received a liberal education in his native State. In the eventful year of 1849, Judge Wallis organized, at Salem, a company of twenty persons, mostly young men, under the name of the Naumkeag Mutual Trading and Mining Company, of which he was President, for the purpose of operating in the gold fields of California. He sailed, with his company, in the ship Capital, Thorndike Proctor, Master, from Boston, January 24, 1849, arriving in San Francisco, July 19th, of the same year. At Sacramento the company disbanded, when the Judge organized another company, and went to the mines on the middle fork of the Yuba river, mining with success till the 4th of November following, when he returned to San Francisco, and applied himself to the study of law. On the 15th of August, 1855, he was admitted to practice at the Bar of the Supreme Court of this State. He followed his profession at San Francisco till November, 1857, when he removed, with his family, to Mayfield, in this county, where he has practiced his profession ever since. He has ever been an active and prominent Republican in politics, of the radical type. In 1848, he was an alternate delegate from his native place to, and attended, the National Free Soil Convention, at Buffalo, New York. In 1858, he was elected a Justice of the Peace, for Fremont township, and, in the same year, was chosen an Associate Justice of the Court of Sessions, for this county, and served one term. In 1862-63, he represented this county in the State Senate. He was married to Sarah Green, July 25, 1854, and has four children living, viz.: Eva, born October 27, 1855; Josephine, born March 20, 1857 ; Joseph, born March 18, 1859; William A., born June 11, 1861. Talbot H. Wallis, born July 3, 1851, the present Deputy State Librarian, is his step-son. (see 1888 bio )

Frederick William Weisshaar. Born in Saxony, Weimar, July 2, 1832, where he received a collegiate training, and was educated a theoretical farmer, a business he followed before leaving his Fatherland. In the year 1852, he emigrated to the United States, and first settled in Baltimore, Maryland, but not finding in that city a congenial occupation, he went into the country and worked at various employments; in a short time, however, returning to Baltimore, he made arrangements to proceed to New Orleans, but being laid low for nine weeks with yellow fever, he changed his location to St. Louis, thence to Lexington county, Missouri; made two trips more to New Orleans, and finally started for Nicaragua, intending to settle there. At this period, Walker, the filibuster, held sway in that region, and being in want of men, among other necessaries, determined to press Mr. Weisshaar into his service, but not desiring the questionable glory, and probable fate, of a soldier of fortune, that gentleman laid his case before the Prussian Consul, who at once effected his release, thus saving him from the eventual fate of Walker and his buccaneers. Mrs. Weisshaar, not being smitten with this country of snakes, scorpions, and freebooters, prevailed upon her husband to leave its inhospitable shores. He therefore left for California, and arrived at San Francisco, June 26, 1856. After working at day's labor for a twelvemonth, he obtained employment in the furniture business of Mr. Bidwell; and there continued until the excitement consequent on the discovery of gold on the Frazer river. Our subject at once made up his mind to start for British Columbia, but, fortunately for himself he changed his intention, and entered the furniture store of J. A. Collins, for whom he worked until he sold to James B. Goodwin, with whom he remained until the year 1862, in which year he came to Mayfield, where he purchased land, which, dividing into town lots, he sold, and now owns several houses in Mayfield, besides a farm on the coast. Mr. Weisshaar .has been a School Trustee for nine years, and has been re-elected for three years more. Married, at New Orleans, Odilia Diss, by whom he has F. William., born December 9, 1856; Joseph, born March 19, 1858, died of lock-jaw, April 13, 1868; D. L. Elizabeth, born January 4, 1860; Louis G., born July 5, 1861; Francisca M., born January 1, 1865; Emil F., born November 8, 1866; Nathalia F., born February 26, 1868; Pattilia J., born November 20, 1869.

John A. Wright
. Born in Middlesex county, Massachusetts, September, 19, 1842, where he learned his trade of carpenter. In 1862, he shipped on board the bark Panama, in the capacity of ship's carpenter, and in her sailed for Australia, and finally concluding the voyage in San Francisco harbor, where he arrived in the Fall of 1863. He at once went into the ship and house building trade, which he followed until 1869, when he came to Santa Clara county, and commenced working at Mayfield, but ultimately removed to Mountain View, where be now resides, and carries on the business of a contractor and builder. Mr. Wright is the constructor of many of the finest edifices in his neighborhood.