The Valley of Heart's Delight

see bio published 1881

BIO Pen-pictures, Lambert Dornberger, page 248-249


LAMBERT DORNBERGER, of Mayfield, was a resident of Mayfield when this valley was but sparsely populated, and improvements on a large scale had not been thought of. He is a native of Alsace, born near Strasburg, April 3, 1828, his parents being George and Catherine (Wanzel) Dornberger. His father, who was a farmer, died when Lambert was but five years old. His mother died June 18, 1869, aged nearly seventy-three years. Lambert Dornberger was reared in Alsace to rural life. At the age of thirteen he commenced the shoemaker's trade, but gave it up after an experience of two and a half years. He engaged in dairying and was at the head of a dairy of one hundred cows. He excelled in the business, and received from the Government for finest dairying a silver medal and five hundred francs. He left the home of his youth June 9, 1850, went to Havre, and took passage on the sail-ship Marado, bound for New York, at which port he arrived after a voyage of forty days. He went at once to West Point, where he remained two and a half years.

On the fourth of November, 1852, he took passage on the steamer Georgia, New York to Aspinwall, thence overland to Panama, and from there to San Francisco, where he arrived December 6. He had acquired the Panama fever in route, and remained in the city sick there for some time. Early in 1854 he came to Santa Clara County and bought a squatter's right to a piece of land near Mayfield. In 1857 he gave up this right, owning to litigation, and bought a squatter's claim to government land in the mountains along the line between Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. He set about improving the place, and was soon engaged in his old business of dairying. In 1862 he began to devote more attention to general farming, and this, with stock-raising, was his occupation until November, 1869, when he removed to Mayfield, having bought land where he now resides; and all the handsome improvements about the place have been made since that time. In this place there are some forty-eight acres, but his extensive mountain ranch contains one thousand two hundred acres.

Mr. Dornberger was married in San Francisco, September 10, 1861, to Miss Ann Kleinclaus, a native of Alsace, and daughter of Michel and Mary (Remer) Kleinclaus. They have seven children, viz: Eugene, who is on the mountain ranch; Gustave, Albert, Victor, Julia, George, and Edward. Mr. Dornberger is politically a Democrat.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. Transcribed by Carol Lackey-248-249

The Hollister Free Lance
20 May 1887

Born -- DORNBERGER -- near San Juan, April 25, 1887, to the wife of
Gustave L. DORNBERGER, of San Francisco, (formerly of Mayfield), a
daughter. transcribed by Dee S.

Bio-Coast Counties

In the days of this activity, general agriculture in the vicinity of Mayfield has a stanch advocate in Lambert Dornberger, and now that years of effort justify him in laying aside the mantle of labor, he still retains an interest in the varied and always progressive life by which he is surrounded.  HIs farm of eighty acres is equipped with modern machinery, and at all times under its present ownership has been conducted according to the best known methods.  That the seven children to whom his success has brought better advantages than he ever himself enjoyed, and that they are occupying positions requiring high business and intellectual  attainments, argues well for the spirit of progress and ambition which has dominated his home and personal guidance, and which has led him to espouse and encourage the best in education, politics, and all around development.

Mr. Dornberger inherits the thrifty traits of the peasantry of eastern France, where he was born in Alsace, near Strasburg, April 3, 1827.  His father, George, born in the same province, since conquered by Germany, died when Lambert was four years old in 1831, and his mother, a native also of France, died about 1884.  The four sons and four daughters of the family were reared on a farm, and Lambert, the fifth of the children, shared the hard daily tasks, and had little time for either recreation or schooling.  All of the sons are now living in America.  Lambert left home at an early age and applied himself to the shoemaker's trade for a year , and in  August, 1850, boarded a sailing vessel bound for America.  Until November 5, 1852, he remained in New York City, and on that date took passage for Panama, arriving in San Francisco, December 6, 1852.  He had started out with high hopes, and with expectations of a fortune made in the mines, but his voyage was calculated to dim his ardor, for he suffered from yellow fever after leaving Panama.  For two years he ws variously employed in San Francisco, and August 17, 1854, he came to Santa Clara county, which he thoroughly investigated with the expectation of making it his home.  Settling in the vicinity of Mayfield, he engaged in the stock and dairy business, and in 1857 went in to the hills of  San Mateo and engaged in the stock business until 1869.   December 4, of the same year, he bought his present home near Mayfield, bringing hither his wife, formerly Anna Kleinclaus, also a native of France, and born in February, 1837.  She died October 10, 1901.  For many years the improvement of this farm constituted the chief concern of Mr. Dornberger, but he gradually passed its management to his children, and is now  living in comparative retirement.  He is a Democrat in politics, and among other offices has held that of school trustee for six years.  He is a member of the  Catholic Church of Mayfield.

Eugene A., the eldest son born to Mr. and Mrs. Dornberger, is a business man of San Rafael, Cal.,; Gustave has found a useful and profitable field of activity in New York City; Albert is using his superior intellectual attainments as a professor in the high school of San Jose; Victor is principal of the Mayfield public school; Anna, the only daughter in the family is the wife of Dr. Ross, of Ferndale; George makes his home in Seattle, Wash.; and Dr. Edward lives with his parents on the home farm and practices dentistry in Palo Alto.  To his neighbors and business associated Mr. Dornberger has proved himself considerate and conscientious, and his many desirable traits of character have won him warm and lasting friendships.

History of the State of California of Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California- Guinn, 1904, page 967
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