Bio-Pen Pictures

deceased, came to Santa Clara County in 1853, then in the possession of that vigorous health that belongs to young manhood; with laudable ambition he commenced the work of improvement and building up, which was continued through a life devoted to the best interests of his neighborhood and the country at large.

        A brief review of his personal history gives the following facts: He was born at Greenburg, Green County, Kentucky, May 4, 1826, and there resided until he was about twelve years of age. The family then removed to Jackson County, Missouri, and several years later to Pleasant Hill, Cass County, same State. From that place, on the fourteenth of April, 1853, Mr. Taylor started on the overland trip to California, coming directly to Santa Clara County. A few months later he could have been found employed in the redwoods of San Mateo County, whence he returned, after about one year devoted to that labor, to this county, and spent several years in farming on Adobe Creek, in Fremont Township. In 1860 he established himself at Mountain View, and there began an active business career. He was soon interested in several branches, conducting a general merchandise store, besides engaging in farming and butchering. He afterwards sold his farm property, and purchased the Mountain View Hotel, which is yet owned and conducted by the family. The merchandise business was successfully conducted by him the rest of his life, and was closed out after his death. For ten years he was the village Postmaster, served some years as Notary Public, and for several years was the agent for the Wells, Fargo & Co. Express.

        In Missouri, about thirteen months before coming to this State, he wedded Miss Letitia Kifer. The date of this marriage was March 2, 1852. Six children were born of this union, viz.: Mary A., born in Missouri, December 27, 1852; Samuel A., May 23, 1855; Clara E., September 25, 1857; John A., November 1, 1860; Lucy B., September 12, 1863; and George G., September 5, 1867. Death has taken out of the circle two of the brightest jewels—Clara E., who died June 3, 1886, and Mary A., January 16, 1888. The latter was a graduate of the University of the Pacific and of the Normal School at San Jose. She was a thorough, practical educator. She taught for twelve years, uninterruptedly and very successfully, in her home district school. Her death was mourned by the whole community, and by none more sincerely than by her loved pupils. John A. Taylor married Miss Flora E. Hadley, and makes his home in San Francisco. The other members of the family are residing at the old home, the Mountain View Hotel.

        In the death of Mr. S. P. Taylor, which occurred December 14, 1877, the community lost one of its most valued members. In all the relations of life, as husband, father, neighbor, and citizen, he was the true man—in all dealings just, in all worthy enterprises among those at the front, in all good work liberal with time and money. He was politically a strong Union man, and stalwart in his devotion to the Republican party. Attached to the principles of the Ancient and Honorable Order of Odd Fellows, he was one of the charter members of Mountain View Lodge, No. 244.

        Under the present management of Mrs. S. P. Taylor and her son, Samuel A. Taylor, the Mountain View Hotel is held up to its old-time standard of excellence. The main building was erected in 1869, and in 1885 an addition was built, giving in all to the hotel twenty-five sleeping-rooms. The office, dining-hall and parlor are large, airy, and comfortable rooms, and the general appearance of the property is quite attractive, while the accommodations are first-class.

        Samuel A. Taylor, the genial host and manager, was born on his father's farm in this county, and was educated in the Mountain View school. He entered his father's mercantile establishment at seventeen years of age, and there acquired a good business education, which thoroughly qualified him for his present position. Like his father, he is much interested in public affairs, and like him, a strong advocate of the principles of the Republican party. Was initiated into Mountain View Lodge, No. 244, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, June 2, 1876, upon the institution of the Lodge; is a Past Grand, and has represented his Lodge at three sessions of the Grand Lodge of the State. In May, 1887, at the session of Grand Lodge, was elected District Deputy Grand Master of his district for the space of one year, which office he filled in a creditable manner.


Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

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