Bio-Pen Pictures

            The works of the Gilroy Fruit Packing Company are situated at the intersection of Monterey and Leavesley roads, adjoining Gilroy.  This company was organized in December, and incorporated under the State law, with officers as follows:  President, O. M. Welburn; Vice-President, J. C. Zuck; Secretary and Treasurer, L. A. Whitehurst.  The Board of Directors comprise the same, with Thomas Rea and William Buck.  The building is 36x40, with two floors and an addition 22x40.  They have an engine with a fifty-horse-power boiler.  Additions will be immediately made.  The present season from fifty to sixty hands will be employed.  Their machinery is all of the latest and most approved patterns.  The capacity at present is about 25,000 cases.  The principal market is in Texas and Chicago.  To Captain Welburn’s energy and capital is due the establishment of the canning factory, he owning two-thirds of the stock.

            O. M. Welburn, the President of the company, is a native of Macon, Georgia, born near that place October 27, 1855, his parents being G. T. and R. B. (Bedell) Welburn.  His father is deceased.  The subject of this sketch was reared and educated at Macon, and graduated at Mercer University in 1871, taking first honor in the literary course, and medal in oratory.  Immediately after completing his education he went to Texas and engaged in the mercantile business at Hillsboro, in Hill County, building up a business of $70,000 sales per annum.  There he remained until October, 1887, when he removed to California, coming here in January, 1888.

            He was married in Texas, in 1876, to Miss M. E. Harris, a native of that State.  They have three children:  B. C., Blanch, and Irene.  Mr. Welburn is a Mason, and was Deacon in the Baptist Church at Hillsboro, and Moderator of the Baptist Association.  Captain Welburn also represented his county in the Legislature, but relinquished politics on account of business; was Captain of one of the best drilled military companies of the State.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 340
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight