The Valley of Heart's Delight

President of the Gilroy Bank

Bio- Pen Pictures


was born in Caledonia, Marion County, Ohio, January 14, 1844.  His parents were David and Maria Louisa (Linton) Zuck.  David Zuck was of Pennsylvania ancestry, and a native of Ohio.  He came to California in 1849, making the trip overland.  For a time he worked in the mines, but in the early part of 1851 gave up mining.  He then located a farm on the Honcut, about fourteen miles from Marysville.  In the fall of the same year he returned to Ohio, and the next year brought his family to California across the plains, and was four months making the trip.  He went upon his farm, near Marysville, and remained there until the fall of 1863, when he removed to Gilroy with his family, and located on the San Ysidro Rancho, where he yet resides.  His wife died in 1881.

 James C. was eight years of age when his father brought him to California, and but nine years old when he came to Santa Clara County.  He was educated at the University of the Pacific, where he took a classical course and graduated in the class of 1867, and three years later the degree of Master of Arts was conferred on him by the same institution.  He at once began the study of law, reading at first in San Jose and afterward at Gilroy, and was admitted to the bar by Judge S. B. McKee, of the Third District Court, at San Jose.  He thereupon began the practice of his profession, and was soon afterward joined by W. L. Hoover, with whom he was associated until the latter’s decease.  At that time three was quite a large Bar at Gilroy.  A short time before Mr. Hoover’s death, Mr. Zuck was elected President of the Gilroy Bank, and thereupon gave up his practice and devoted his time to the business of the bank exclusively (which he had helped to incorporate) for five years, and retired from that institution January 1, 1879.

 In September, 1879, he was elected State Senator from Santa Clara County, on the Republican ticket, and served in the regular sessions of 1880 and 1881. The session of 1880 was the first after the adoption of the new Constitution.  He was Chairman of the Committee on Contingent Expenses at both sessions, and Chairman of the Committee on Labor and Capital, and a member of the Committees on Claims, County and Township Governments, Elections, City, City and County, Town Governments, and Apportionment.  He introduced the bill for the quieting of the title of the Los Animas Rancho, which had to be introduced as a general measure, and was so put through and passed, and now stands as a component part of the law of partition on the statute books of the State of California.  He also took an active part in the “debris Legislature,” being opposed to it.  Before the expiration of his Senatorial term he resigned to accept an appointment as Consul at Tien Tsin, in China, where he remained about two and a half years, returning home in November, 1883, and taking charge of his father’s ranch, where he still resides.  In March, 1886, he formed a real-estate partnership in Gilroy with George T. Dunlap.
            He was married to Mary L., daughter of Dr. Headen, of Santa Clara.  She died in 1873.  His present wife is Jennie P., daughter of J. J. Dorland.  Mr. Zuck is a member of the Methodist Church of Gilroy, and President of its Board of Trustees, and is also a member of the A.O.U.W.

 Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p. 341
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler

Transcribers notes:
Marriage license is onfile at the San Jose Historical Museum-

Subject: ZUCK, JAMES C.

Title: Marriage License File
Location: San Jose Historical Museum
Call #:
Source:    Source Date: 2/26/1868
Volume:    Page:
Note: Bride: HEADEN, MARY L.

Buried at Gavalan Hills Cemetery---Gilroy, California

James Clay Zuck b. Caledonia, OH
Jan. 14, 1844 - Aug. 24, 1913