The Valley of Heart's Delight


BIO- Pen Pictures, page 520

It is usually the case that those who deserve to succeed, do succeed, and this whether they be men or women; yet it is a fact that, as society is at present situated, the way is not so open or so easy for a woman as for a man.  It is with pleasure, therefore, that we record the instance of the subject of this sketch as an example of what can be accomplished by push, pluck, perseverance, and probity.

Miss Theuerkauf is a native of Santa Clara Valley, being a daughter of George Theuerkauf, now a landed proprietor of Monterey County, but formerly of Santa Clara; a niece of Frederick Theuerkauf, who resides on the Almaden road, four miles south of San Jose, a family as well and honorably known as any in the valley, a pioneer family of the days of 1849, that has weather the storms and trials of those early days, and has reached the success deserved so amply by the argonauts.  Miss Theuerkauf being of an independent and ambitious turn of mind, left her home with a determination to succeed at whatever she might embark in.  She went to San Francisco several years ago to familiarize herself with whatever business she might choose. After looking over the field she decided to try canvassing, having a desire for outdoor work.   She commenced soliciting for sewing-machines, which proved to be her calling,  and her labors were crowned with success.  Her success, in a measure, is attributed to her good judgment in choosing the celebrated Domestic Sewing Machine.  It always gives such perfect satisfaction that every machine sold helps to sell another.  It is so perfect and reliable that it could be the most honestly recommended.  After one year spent in  the city learning the business, and acquainting herself with methods, she, not being content with canvassing for some company, made arrangements to buy her machines and conduct business for herself.

  She went to MontereyCounty, and , proving her fitness for the post by her diligence and success, her territory was successively enlarged, until now she is head agent for Santa Clara, San Benito, and Monterey Counties, with numerous sub-agents under her direction, and having her headquarters at  85 South First Street, San Jose.  The Domestic is considered the best and most popular sewing-machine made, there being over one million in use in the United States! It is simple, durable, and perfect, leading all other makes as a family-sewing machine.  Its rapid growth and popularity are marvelous.  With the success she had met wit in the machine business, she decided to handle pianos also, it taking but little more time to solicit for both  Again her good judgment was displayed in selecting the Knabe make for her leading piano, as it is second to none.  Those purchasing one can congratulate themselves on having one of the leading pianos of America, so pronounced by many of the great artists, such as S. Thalberg, L. M. Gottschalk, Marmontel, Professor the Conservatory of Music, Paris, Clara Louis Kellogg, and others.  It also graces the parlor of our eminent statesman , the Hon. James. G. Blaine, and many others too numerous to mention  With her ambition and push she is bound to be as successful in the sale of pianos as she has been in the machine business.

Parts of machines are kept, and every kind of repairing is perfectly done and guaranteed.  It should be mentioned that the numerous attachments that accompany the Domestic machine are attached without the use of a screw-driver, proving, a great convenience in this matter.

Another department of Miss Theuerkauf's business is the sale of the  popular Domestic Paper Patterns.  Many ladies will use no others, as they are giving the utmost satisfaction.

In conclusion, we cite Miss Theuerkauf again as one of the best instances of a self-made person, who by tact, energy, and economy, has placed herself safely upon the pedestal of success.  She is a pleasant person to meet, a true lady, easy and affable to all, yet a thorough business woman in every respect, esteemed a favorite in every refined circle.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World of Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 520 transcribed by Carolyn Feroben