Bio- Pen Pictures

FREDERICK THEUERKAUF is one of the earliest settlers of Santa Clara County, having come to this beautiful valley in 1852, in which year he bought a claim of 160 acres, on the Quito Ranch, seven miles west of San Jose.  He made great improvements on his real estate, erecting a fine residence and planting a good orchard and vineyard.  In 1875 he sold the property to Peter Hilldebrant, for $30,000.  It is now know as the "Evergreen Avenue Farm."

During the three years following the sale of his ranch, Mr. Theuerkauf lived in East San Jose.   He then purchased 180 acres of improved land, and sold 100 acres of it, reserving the remainder for his fine home residence.  It is located in the Willow District, between Plummer Avenue and the Almaden road, three miles fro the city limits of San Jose.  Mr. Theuerkauf also owns a ranch of 254 acres, among the hills, six miles southeast of the city.  This he devotes to grain-raising, pasturing and fruit-growing, making the production of grain a specialty.

Mr. Theuerkauf was born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, January 29, 1822.  He is the son of Matthias and Catharine Theuerkauf.  In 1837 the parents, with their children, came to America.  Landing at New Orleans, they proceeded directly to Cincinnati, Ohio.   There Frederick, the subject of this sketch, on the twenty-ninth of September, 1845, married Miss Catharine Weyh, who was born in Baden, Bavaria, July 29, 1824.  Their two children were born in Cincinnati.  Caroline, the elder, is now the wife of George W. Henning, who has charge of the hill farm, spoken of above, owned by Mrs Henning's father.  George W., the younger, is a farmer in Monterey, of this State.  Mr. Theuerkauf's father died in New Orleans, in 1844, at the age of fifty-five years, and his mother, in Santa Clara County, in 1863, at the age of seventy-five years.  Mr. and Mrs. Theuerkauf and their children are members of the Methodist Church.  Mr. Theuerkauf has been a Republican ever since the candidacy of John C. Fremont.

Mr. Theuerkauf commenced life in poor circumstances, paying by $300 for 160 acres, which, as stated, he sold for $30,000.   He is a man of means, which he as accumulated by the pursuit of his life work, agriculture.  He may justly look with pride onhis beautiful home, surrounded by its fine grove, and approached by gravel walks, lined with flowers.  The home shows taste and love of order, and gives ample evidence of the care bestowed upon it by himself and his wife.  Mr. Theuerkauf prized knowledge, and therefore his children have been well educated.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World of Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 540 transcribed by Carolyn Feroben

[ed. note- See the TANTAU family biographies]