The Extensive Orchard and Garden Tract Near Alviso, Which Has Been Improved by
Andrea Malovos.  Silty Soil in the Artesian Well District.

As a rule, orchards in Santa Clara County are comparatively small, ten acres of fruit trees in full bearing will support an average-sized family in good style.  Again, the proper cultivation of ten acres, with the gathering and marketing of the fruit, will furnish occupation for one man most of the time, whereas if more land is cultivated, additional help is usually required. Occasionally large companies own orchards of from 100 to 500 acres, but individuals, seldom.

The Lighthouse Farm, on the Alviso road, about five and a half miles north of San Jose, owned by Andrea Malovos, is an  exception to the rule.  Mr. Malovos secured 260 acres of land, on Coyote Creek in 1870, and at once commenced to improve it.  The soil was exceedingly  rich and fertile, as it consisted almost entirely of silt deposited by the waters of  Coyote Creek, which in winter time formerly spread over the land.  Mr. Malovos constructed a levee along the bank of the stream, at great expense, from thirty to forty feet in height, for a distance of more than a mile.  The work was done most thoroughly, and the levee is safe for all time.  Mr. Malovos then sank four artesian well, varying from 225 to 475 feet in depth.  He thus secured an ideal orchard tract- one containing rich soil, with plenty of eater, in a locality where there is an abundance of sunshine to ripen and give to fruit its choicest flavor.

Subsequently Mr. Malovos purchased 100 acres more.  There are two artesian wells upon this tract, and a fine twenty-five horse-power engine was purchased at a cost of $2,300, with which to propel a Byron Jackson rotary pump.  WIth this plant, 2,000 gallons per minute are pumped in to an irrigation canal which leads to all portions of the vast orchard tract, supplying abundant water for irrigation purposes, just when and just where it is needed. 

Mr. Malovos now has a large orchard, and the trees are all very thrifty and bear heavily.  There are 22,000 prune trees, 3,000 peach, 3,000 apricot and 2,500 cherry trees.   They are planted from 20 to 24 feet apart, the average number of trees for the entire orchard being 108 per acre.  Sixty acres are devoted to asparagus.  This is one of the most profitable tracts on the farm.  In years when the prices are good, the profits are in advance of those secured from prunes; and are always great.  Twenty-eight acres are devoted to strawberries.  The profits vary with the season and market price, but are always satisfactory.  Twenty-five acres are in pasture for horses and cows. 

Mr. Malovos leases about 60 acres to a nursery company.  The nursery stock is heeled in between rows of young fruit trees.

Mr. Malovos has supplied a thorough and extensive system of drainage for the entire farm.  Thus, with water supplied by artesian well, and that furnished by the stream pump, he is enabled to supply the land with all needed moisture, and with the drainage canals can at any time remove an excess of moisture.

Mr.. Malovos has a large two-story residence, containing sixteen rooms and bath, a large basement, hot and cold water piped throughout, and sewers connecting with the main sewer, which leads to the bay from San Jose.  Water is raised from artesian wells to tanks above the house by hydraulic rams.  There are also two large barns, and a house for employees.

Mr. Malovos' neighbors, in every direction, are pleasant and intelligent people.

All of Mr. Malovos' children have received good school advantages.  Most of the boys have attended the Santa Clara College, while several of them have completed a course at the Garden City Business College.  The younger children are now attending the district school.

Mr. Malovos' residence is surrounded by a beautiful flower garden, flowers growing here most luxuriantly.

The residence is connected with San Jose and San Francisco by a long-distance telephone.

Mr. and Mrs., Malovos have ten children, all of whom, except a married daughter, Mrs.  B. N. Trubock, wife of the commission merchant of San Francisco, reside at home.

transcribed by cdf
Sunshine, Fruit, and Flowers. San Jose: San Jose Mercury Pub. Co., 1896.  page 181