The Valley of Heart's Delight


BIO Pen Pictures

ANDREA MALOVOS owns and resides upon an extensive farm and orchard property of 286 acres, known as the "Light-house Farm," and situated in the Midway School District, lying half a mile east of the San Jose and Alviso road, about five and a half miles north of San Jose, and three and a half south of Alviso. He is largely interested in horticulture, having 140 acres in orchard, producing principally peaches of the "Lemon Clingstone" variety. This large orchard also furnishes cherries, prunes, plums, apricots, apples, pears, and quinces. Seven acres are in grapes of the Verdal variety, sixty acres in asparagus, and the remainder in hay and grain. Mr. Malovos is also interested somewhat in stock-raising. There are five artesian wells on this farm, most of them flowing freely, but to increase the water supply he has erected fine steam pumping works, with a capacity of from 1,500 to 2,000 gallons per minute. Mr. Malovos employs a large force of men to carry on the extensive enterprises of his immense orchard, having from ten to sixty men, as the exigencies of the season require. He hires none but white labor, being opposed to any labor element that does not tend to enrich and build up the country of his adoption. With characteristic energy, he has erected one of the finest residences of the section, surrounded by beautiful and extensive grounds, and filled with all the comforts and luxuries of modern life.

The subject of this sketch was born in Giuppana, Dalmatia, Austria, October 18, 1845. He is the son of Pietro and Margerita (Gassivoda) Malovos, both natives and residents of the place of his birth. In youth he had fair opportunities for acquiring an educatin, of which he availed himself. He lived on his father's farm until fourteen years old at which age he entered the marine service. He followed a seafaring life until 1862, when he located at Matamoras, Mexico, at the mouth of the Rio Grande. Here he engaged in lightening stores from vessels lying off the mouth of the river to the landings. He found this work very profitable. It was during Maximilian's occupation of Mexico and the War of the Rebellion, and as this was a neutral port, business was brisk. Beginning with one small schooner, Mr. Malovos soon increased the number to five, the largest of which he himself commanded. The closing of the war and the restoration of peace in Mexico threw open the neighboring ports, and thus destroyed Mr. Malovos' business. After suffering heavy losses, he closed up his affairs in 1868, and came to this State, arriving in San Francisco on the eighth of April of that year.

He came directly to Santa Clara County, and here spent the two following years in various pursuits. In 1870 he took possession of the ranch upon which he now lives, and at once commenced its cultivation and improvement, with the results of which we have spoken in the beginning of our sketch.

In the same year he was united in marriage with Mrs. Maria J. G., a daughter of Domingo and Magdalena Alviso. They have nine chldren, viz.: Michael G., Peter, Marcus, Andreas, Stephen, Magdalena, Margerita, Catarina, and Delfina.

As a man of intelligence and enterprise, as one who is bound to carry through to a successful issue each enterprise in which he engages, Mr. Malovos is well known. Coming to this country from one so entirely different in manners and customs, he has yet become thoroughly identified with his new home, making his residence here pleasant and profitable for his associates, as well as for himself.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. 
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.- Page 268-269 transcribed by Carol Lackey


SANTA CLARA COUNTY HISTORY-The Valley of Heart's Delight