
A member of the firm of Pashote Bros. of Milpitas, Joaquin J. Pashote is identified with the commercial and social life at Milpitas. Pashote Bros. own several business interests and houses in Milipitas and operate a store, auto truck business, restaurant, ice-cream parlor and meat market. At present the firm is composed of Joseph, Frank and Joaquin J. Pashote and their mother, Mrs. Marian Pashote. Joaquin J. Pashote was born at Irvington, Cal., September 29, 1887, a son of the late Joseph Pashote, who was born on the Island of Fayal, in the Azores, and came as a young man to California, where he became a farmer and orchardist. He was married at San Leandro to Miss Marian Prairie, who was likewise a native of Fayal. Through frugality and industry they prospered, devoting their attention to farming, stockraising and horticulture.

The Pashotes' advent to Milipitas dates back to 1908, when the father came here and bought the property which comprised a store and barber shop, and placed his sons in charge of the various business affairs, while he himself went back to his farm and orchard. In 1909, a disastrous fire burned them out, but their present enlarged premises were soon built. The father located in Milpitas in 1912, but died the year following at the age of fifty-four. To the parents were born eight children: Joseph, who runs the ice-cream parlor and restaurant at Milpitas; Lena, who is the wife of J. R. Carlo, a merchant at Milpitas; Frank, who is in charge of Pashote Bros.' store and auto truck business in Milpitas, also helps run the restaurant; Manuel is a barber in San Jose; Joaquin James has charge of the meat-market interests of said firm at Milpitas; Tony, who was interested in the auto truck and restaurant business and a member of Pashote Bros., died at Milpitas in February, 1922, leaving a widow, whose maiden name was Eva Dingham, and two children, Albert and Clarence; Mary is the wife of Joe S. Nunes, who helps run the meat market; Johnny Edward died in France; he was wounded in the Battle of Argonne Forest and died two weeks later.

Joaquin J. Pashote was married at Milpitas in 1911 to Miss Augusta McNamara, a daughter of Jeremiah McNamara of San Jose. They have three children: Edward Joseph, Dorothy Marie and Gertrude Margaret. Mr. Pashote is a member of the W. 0. W. and of the Catholic Church. He is a deputy sheriff of Santa Clara County and a member of the board of trustees of teh Milpitas schools.  Active and popular, he did much to make a splendidd success of the Fourth of July celebration of Milpitas in 1922, as head of the barbecue and riding committee, 21000 pounds of choice beef being barbecued.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1592


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight