A merchant whose unremitting labor and enterprise, together with commendable publix-spirit and unimpeachable integrity have broughttheir own reward, is John R. Carlo, of Milpitas, who was born at Horta on the Island of Fayal, in the Azores, on April 6, 171, the son of Manuel and Anna (Gortado) Carlo, estimable farmer-folk, in excellent standing in the community in which they toiled and died. They had a good-sized family, but John is the only one living of the once happy, united circle.  He attended the public schools at Horta, and when fifteen years of age came out to the United States, stopping for a short time at Bostom. Then, in August, 1886, at the beginning of the great boom here, he came on to California  and settled at Warmsprings in Alamdea County. There he again went to school, but having a good chance to get some wrok on a farm, he accepted a postion  which he held for seven years.

He then farmed a part of the old William Curtain ranch, on the Dowhing Road, the part now operated by J. F. Rose, and only at the end of eight years sol out his interesst, being attracted to Milpitas. Here he entered in to a partnership with Joseph Pashote, the father of the Pashote Bros., to conduct the grocery and general merchandise business now undertaken by the Pashotes, the partners buying out Mr. Cunha, but in 1908, he sold hi interest to Mr. Pashote, and he built another store in ilpitas, which he has since conducted.

At Milpitas, in January, 1904, Mr. Carlo was married to Miss Lena Pashote, the daugher of Joseph and Mary Pashote, the forerm an early settler of San Lenadro. where he engaged in framing.  The bride was born in San Leandro, and in the excellent school ther received her education.  Four children have blessed this unonis, Mary, John, Alfred and Joseph, all of whom attend the Milpitas school.  In national political affairs a standpat Republican, and one who is influential in local councils, Mr. Carlo is popula in fraternal circles.  He is a member of the I. D. E. S., and he is sceretary of the Milpias lodge; he is also secretary of the U. P. E. C. of Milpitas, is the supreme director for the S. E. S. of Milpitas, and a charter member of the  Milpitas lodge of the Woodsmen of the World.

Transcribed cferoben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1873