F. S. Rogers
Realtor- Gilroy
Bio- Alley Bowen, 1881

The subject of this sketch was born in Hardwick, Worcester county, Massachusetts, August 15, 1822. In the year 1832 he removed with his parents to Lenawee county, Michigan, where he received his scholastic training, and subsequently taught school. We find Mr. Rogers, in 1848, located at Georgetown, Scott county, Kentucky, there being again engaged in teaching the young idea how to shoot, but two years later, in 1850, crossing the plains to the new Dorado, he arrived at Placerville, then known by the euphonious name of Hangtown, September 2, 1850. Like every one else who landed in California at that early date, Mr. Rogers went to the mines, where combining trading with the practice of the dental art, he sojourned for six years, on the expiry of which he returned to the Eastern States and practiced his profession for a term of nine months, when he returned to the West, located at El Dorado, worked at dentistry, and engaged in the business of running a saw-mill. This establishment was unfortunately destroyed by fire, when  a heavy loss was sustained, consequently, in search of fresh fields for his energy, he came to Santa Clara county, September 11,1866. Leaving his family at the town of Santa Clara, our subject  proceeded southwards, the while pursuing his calling, and finally settled in Gilroy, September 4, 1867, at which time he was rejoined by his wife and children. About this time Mr. Rogers entered into partnership, as real estate agents, with J. C. Zuck, and in six months after, the copartnership having been extended to Mr. Hoover, the style of the firm became Zuck, Rogers & Hoover, and it can be safely asserted that it is through their enterprise, public spirit and acumen that the town of Gilroy has attained its present commercial importance. Mr. Rogers is a man of extreme energy, while for him to put his hand to a work is the sure sign of its ultimate perfection. It has been mainly through this will that would brook no check that many of the prominent thoroughfares in Gilroy were opened ;—as an estimable citizen he stands pre-eminent. He married, October 23, 1856, Dency C. Wilder, a native of New York, by whom he has: Edward 0., born August 29, 1861; died September 17, 1863; Fanny W„ born August 9, 1865, and Eugene F., born May 1.5, 1868.

F. S. Rogers
Real Estate, Gilroy
         Bio- Pen Pictures, 1888

         SURNAMES: REED,
F. S. Rogers, of the firm of Morey & Rogers in Gilroy, was born in Hardwick, Worcester County, Massachusetts, August 15, 1822.  His parents were Obadiah and Lydia (Reed) Rogers, both of whom belonged to old Massachusetts families.  They are both dead.  In 1832, when ten years of age, his parents removed to Lenawee County, Michigan, where he received his education and subsequently taught school.  In 1848 he went to Georgetown, in Scott County, Kentucky, and engaged in teaching there, and two years later crossed the plains to California, arriving at Placerville, September 2, 1850.  Here he engaged in mining and also practiced dentistry.  At the end of six years he returned to the Eastern States and practiced his profession for nine months, when he came again to California and located in El Dorado County, where he worked at dentistry and also engaged in the business of running a saw-mill.  This mill was unfortunately destroyed by fire, whereby a heavy loss was sustained.  Consequently, in search of fresh fields for his energy, he came to Santa Clara County, in 1866, and located his family temporarily in Santa Clara, but removed to Gilroy September 4, 1867.  About this time he entered into partnership with J. C. Zuck for the purpose of conducting a real-estate business, and later Mr. Hoover joined the firm, when the style of the firm became Zuck, Rogers & Hoover.  He was largely instrumental in opening many of the prominent thoroughfares in Gilroy.  The firm of Morey & Rogers was organized in September, 1887, to do a general real-estate and insurance business.

            In his political affiliations, Mr. Rogers is a Republican.  He was married October 23, 1856, to Dency C. Wilder, a native of New York, by whom he had three children, namely:  Edward O., born August 29, 1861, died September 17, 1863; Fanny W., born August 9, 1865; and Eugene F., May 15, 1868.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 309
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy
