Bio-Pen Pictures

            F. D. Hatman, the senior member of the firm of Hatman & Normandin, is a German by nativity, and learned the trade of carriage-maker in his native land.  After completing his apprenticeship he came to America, in 1867, arriving before his eighteenth birthday.  He worked three years and a half at his trade in Ohio and Indiana as a journeyman before coming to California.  On reaching San Jose in 1871, he again resumed his trade as a “jour.,” until 1873, when, entering into partnership with A. Normandin, they started the carriage manufactory of Hatman & Normandin, on West Santa Clara Street, between San Pedro and Orchard Streets.  Their business, for the first eight years, was confined to the manufacture of fine carriages, buggies, and wagons, and grew to important dimensions.  In 1881 the firm began dealing in carriages and buggies of the best Eastern factories, of which they now carry a large stock and have an extensive trade.  They employ a force of skilled artisans, who are divided between new work and repairing in the several departments of the business.  The proprietors are both thorough-going business men, and by their combined efforts increase the volume of their trade each year.

            After arriving on the Pacific slope, Mr. Hatman traveled over the principal parts of California on horseback, seeking the most desirable point to locate.  He selected San Jose, and has never regretted his choice.  In 1873 Mr. Hatman was united in marriage with Miss Dora Messing, a lady of German parentage, but born here, whose parents reside in San Jose.  Mr. Hatman is a member of the Masonic Order.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 399
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight