The Valley of Heart's Delight

Amable Normandin Family

Carriages, Buggies, Wagons
Santa Clara Valley


Amable Normandin, of the carriage manufacturing firm of Hatman & Normandin, of French parentage, was born in Canada in 1852. He attended school and learned the trade of blacksmith in his native country. At eighteen years of age he came to California, and worked three years at his trade in San Francisco, learning to speak the English language after his arrival. In 1873 Mr. Normandin located at San Jose, and, after working a year as a journeyman, entered into partnership with F. D. Hatman, and engaged in the manufacture of carriages, buggies, and wagons. Their career has been a very successful one, and the firm’s business now ranks among the first in the Santa Clara Valley in its line, both in the amount and quality of stock carried and in the magnitude of trade handled.

Mr. Normandin and Miss Salina Pinard were married in 1878. Mrs. Normandin is also a native of Canada, but came to California in early childhood. They have one child, Louis, six years of age. Mr. Normandin is a member of the ancient Order of United Workmen.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Transcribed by: Letisha Oddo   Pg. 400
NOTE- The Normandin Family is still in business today
Normandin Chrysler-Plymouth Jeep

contributed by jch



Dies in Sleep at Home of Son, Louis; Funeral Services Tomorrow

            Terminating an outstanding career associated with early industrial development in Santa Clara valley, Amable (“Amos) Normandin, founder of the automobile firm of Normandin-Campen, died at 1 o’clock yesterday morning after a lingering illness of five years.  He was 80 years of age.

            Normandin’s passing was peaceful.  He died in his sleep at the home of his son, Louis O. Normandin, at 1225 Hanchett avenue where he made his home for several years since the death of his wife.

            Born in Montreal, Canada, Normandin began his career as a blacksmith’s apprentice.  Earning one dollar a month and his room and board in those days, he was always on the alert to advance himself, and after saving sufficient “extra money” by building sleighs, he came to San Francisco in 1870.

            There he opened a blacksmith shop of his own, then came to San Jose in 1875 where he organized a carriage manufacturing concern in partnership with the late F.D. Hatman.  San Jose, then populated with a thick settlement of Canadians and Englishmen, proved to be a successful background for the Normandin-Hatman company.  The former worked as the blacksmith, the latter as the woodworker, and their business flourished promisingly for many years on West Santa Clara street, not more than a half block away from the present site of Normandin-Campen company.

            Manufacturing carriages and buying them for distribution from factories in the east, Normandin and Hatman were prominently identified with the expansion of manufacturing interests in San Jose, maintaining the largest “carriage repository” in the county.

            Following Normandin’s marriage in 1878 to Celina Pinard, daughter of French-Canadian settlers in the valley, the partnership sold out to H. Messing and Son.  Later, upon the death of Messing, Hatman rebought a share in the company and the firm name became Messing, Hatman and company, dealers in carriages and manufacturers of harness and saddles.

            Existing for 25 years, the Messing-Hatman company was succeeded by the Normandin-Campen partnership, organized by Louis Normandin and F.B. Campen in 1903, and now maintaining offices at 320 West Santa Clara street.

            Known to hundreds of pioneers in the valley and admired by all who knew him, Normandin’s death will be mourned by many.  Funeral services will be held Friday. Thomas Monahan parlors have charge of the funeral.  Requiem mass will be said at 9:30 at St. Joseph’s church.

            Besides his son; Normandin is survived by Mrs. Louis Normandin and three grandchildren, Irving, Louis and Claire Normandin.

San Jose Mercury Herald, June 27, 1929, Thursday.


NORMANDIN -  At the family residence, 1225 Hanchett avenue, San Jose, Cal., June 26, 1929, Amable “Amos” Normandin, devoted husband of the late Celina Normandin, dearly beloved father of Louis O. Normandin, loving grandfather of Irving Louis and Clair Adrian Normandin, a native of Canada, aged 80 years, 7 months and 21 days.

            Friends are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Friday), June 28, 1929, at 9 o’clock a.m. from the modern funeral parlors of Thomas Monahan, 174 West San Carlos street, thence to St. Joseph’s Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o’clock.  Interment Santa Clara Cemetery.

San Jose Mercury Herald, Thursday, June 27, 1929, page 30


Funeral Held For Normandin, San Jose Pioneer

Throngs of friends and relatives attended funeral services held yesterday morning for Amable “Amos” Normandin, pioneer San Josean and founder of the firm of Normandin-Campen, who died after a lingering illness of several years Wednesday morning.

            Monahan’s funeral home, where preliminary services were conducted, was filled with profusions of flowers, expressions of sympathy from those who followed his early business career with interest.  At 9:30 o’clock, Rev. Father Joseph Crowley presided at the requiem high mass for the repose of the soul held in St. Joseph’s church.

            Normandin was laid to rest in the family vault in the Santa Clara cemetery.  Rev. Father Cornelius McCoy of Santa Clara university recited the last obsequies.

            Pallbearers, all lifelong friends and relatives of Normandin, were Daniel Manning, P.A. Maloney, David Burnett, Milton Page, A.J. Pinard, V.A. Pinard, W.J. Richard and Henry Beu.

San Jose Mercury Herald, Saturday, June 29, 1929



Mrs. C. Normandin, Mother of Local Automobile Dealer, Passes Away Suddenly

            Mrs. Celina Normandin of this city, wife of A. Normandin and mother of Louis Normandin of the Normandin-Campin automobile company, died unexpectedly at her home here yesterday.

            Aside from a slight illness some three months ago, the deceased had enjoyed good health up to the time of her death, and her passing comes as a distinct shock to relatives and a wide circle of friends.

            The deceased was a native of Canada, but came to San Jose in 1864 when but eight years of age, and has since made her home in this city.  She was a devoted member of the catholic church, and the Christian spirit which characterized her whole life made her an instrument for good wherever she went or in whatever she undertook.  Those who were privileged to call her friend, found in her all that the world implied and join with relatives in mourning the loss of one whose place it will be impossible to fill.

            Funeral services are being held up pending a reply to a cable dispatched yesterday to Louis Normandin, son of the deceased woman, who is now in Honolulu.  It is hoped that he will be able to return to attend the funeral services.

            In addition to the husband and son, relatives surviving the deceased are a brother, Antone Pinard, and two grandchildren, Irving and Clair Normandin.

San Jose Mercury Herald, Monday, February 7, 1921, Front Page and Page 2


NORMANDIN - In San Jose, Cal., February 6, 1921, Celina Normandin, beloved wife of A. Normandin, loving mother of Louis Normandin, sister of Antone Pinard, grandmother of Irving and Clair Normandin; a native of Canada.

            Friends and members of the Ladies’ Sodality are invited to attend the funeral today (Thursday), February 10, 1921, from Residence funeral parlots of W.B. Ward Undertaking Co., North Market street, at Devine, at 9:30 a.m., thence to St. Patrick’s Church, where requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 10 a.m.  Interment Santa Clara.

San Jose Mercury Herald, Page 14, February 10, 1921



Only Son Now in Hawaiian Islands Unable to Arrive in Time for Funeral

            The funeral of the late Mrs. Celina Normandin, devoted wife of A. Normandin and loving mother of Louis Normandin, well known automobile dealer of San Jose, was held from the undertaking parlors of the W.B. Ward company yesterday morning, proceeding to St. Patrick’s church for services.  A high requiem mass was held for the repose of her soul by the Rev. R. Collins, the pastor of the church, while the choir under the direction of Mrs. D.J. Gairaud softly chanted the reposes of the funeral mass.

            The church was comfortably filled with friends and acquaintances of the deceased and of the family, gathered to pay their last respects to one whom they had all loved and admired for her Christian character, spirit of friendship and kindness to everyone whom she knew.  During her residence in this city, Mrs. Normandin had always been a faithful and loyal member of the Ladies’ Sodality of the church, and this organization attended the funeral in a body.

            The cortege proceeded to the Catholic cemetery in Santa Clara for interment, short but solemn services held in the cemetery chapel, preceding the burial in a vault under the chapel.  Numerous floral pieces expressing the sorrow and sympathy of a large circle of friends of the family, were conveyed by motor truck and placed before the last resting place of this devoted pioneer of Santa Clara county.

            A most pathetic incident in the death of Mrs. Normandin was the fact that her only son, Louis Normandin, was away on a trip to the Hawaiian Islands, it being impossible for him to arrive home in time for the funeral.

            Besides her son, Mrs. Normandin is survived by her husband, A. Normandin, and a brother Antone Pinard, all of whom have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their time of sorrow.

            Those who acted as pall-bearers, all of them relatives of the deceased with but one exception, were the following: Lloyd, Leon, J.B., Antone and Fred Pinard and W. Ricard.

San Jose Mercury Herald, Friday, February 11, 1921

Normandin Dies 12 Days After Wife's Death


Automobile Dealer Fails to Recover Operation in San Francisco

     The death of Louis O. Normandin, San Jose automobile dealer, yesterday in Franklin hospital, San Francisco, after an operation on Tuesday, followed by 12 days the death of his wife in San Jose.

     In 1903 Normandin became the head of the firm which has borne the family name since 1875, when his father, the late Amos A. Normandin, and F.D. Hatman founded it to manufacture and sell carriages and harnesses. The son bought out his own partners, Fritz B. Campen and Peter A. Maloney, in 1931. In 1934 his son, Irving, joined the firm.

     Autos a side line in 1906, became the firm's main line in 1911. After five previous moves, each on West Santa Clara street, the business was established in its present modern quarters at No. 405.

     Born in San Jose, Normandin attended St. Joseph's parochial schools and was graduated from Santa Clara college in 1903. He was active in the San Jose Country club, the Native Sons, the Olympic and Exchange clubs, BPOE Lodge No. 522 and the Knights of Columbus.      His home was at 1517 Shasta avenue.

     Survivors are two sons, Irving and Clair, and four grandchildren, Lonnie, John Paul, Suzanne and Linda Normandin.

     Funeral services will be arranged by O'Brien and Moriarty, the hours to be announced later.

San Jose Mercury Herald, November 26, 1944, page 1

NORMANDIN - In San Francisco, Calif., November 25, 1944, Louis O. Normandin, devoted husband of the late Estellle Normandin; dearly beloved father of Irving L. and Clair A. Normandin; dear grandfather of Lonnie, John Paul, Suzanne and Linda Normandin; a native of San Jose, Calif.; aged 63 years.

     A member of San Jose Lodge No. 522, BPOE; Observatory Parlor No. 177, N.S.G.W.; and San Jose Council No. 879, Knights of Columbus.

     Friends are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tuesday), November 28, 1944, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. from the Chapel of Monahan, O'Brien and Moriarty, 174 West San Carlos street, thence to St. Leo's church where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment, Santa Clara Catholic cemetery.

     The Rosary will be recited at the above chapel this (Monday) evening at 8:00 o'clock.

San Jose Mercury Herald, November 27, 1944 Monday

Estelle Normandin Dies; Rites Set

     Mrs. Estelle Normandin, 61, wife of Louis O. Normandin, prominent San Jose Automobile dealer, and a native daughter of San Jose, died here yesterday.

     Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 9 a.m. from the Monahan, O'Brien & Moriarty funeral chapel, with requiem mass at St. Leo's church at 9:30 a.m.

     Mrs. Normandin was a daughter of the late Leon M. Pinard, who when in he died in 1938 at the age of 85 was the oldest alumnus of University of Santa Clara.

     The Normandin family also dates back to San Jose's early days, as Amable Normandin, who founded the transportation business carried on by his son and grandson, got his start here in 1875.

     In addition to her husband, Mrs. Normandin is survived by two sons, Irving L. and Clair A. Normandin, and four grandchildren. She was the sister of Francis, Lloyd and Vivian Pinard.

NORMANDIN - In San Jose, Calif., November 13, 1944, Estelle Normandin, devoted wife of Louis O. Normandin; dearly beloved mother of Irving L., and Clair A. Normandin; loving sister of Francis, Lloyd and Vivian Pinard of San Jose; dear grandmother of Lonnie, John Paul, Suzanne and Linda Normandin; a native of San Jose, Calif.; aged 61 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Wednesday), November 15, 1944, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. from the Chapel of Monahan, O'Brien and Moriarty, 174 West San Carlos street, thence to St. Leo's church where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment, Santa Clara Catholic cemetery.

     The Rosary will be recited at the above chapel this (Tuesday) evening at 8:00 o'clock.

San Jose Mercury Herald, November 14, 1944, Tuesday

Clair A. Normandin

     Services will be March 6 for Clair Adrian Normandin, who died of Alzheimer's disease Feb. 6 in Aptos. He was 90.

     Mr. Normandin was born in San Jose and spent most of his life there. After retirement, he and his wife spent the next 20 years in Pebble Beach. After her death in 1997, Mr. Normandin lived at Aegis Assisted Living in Aptos, where he could be closer to his children.

      His grandfather, an immigrant from Montreal, in 1875 founded what would become the Normandin Chrysler/Jeep dealership in San Jose.

     Mr. Normandin graduated from Bellarmine College Preparatory in 1932 and Santa Clara University in 1936 with a degree in mechanical engineering. In June of that year he married Jeanne Knapp.

     After graduation and through World War II, he worked as an engineer with Food Machinery Corp. When his father died in 1945, Mr. Normandin joined his brother, Irving, as partner and co-owner of the automobile dealership. He remained in the business until his retirement in 1980, selling his interest to his nephew, Lon Normandin.

     He was active in the San Jose Country Club, the Exchange Club and St. Leo's Parish.

     He is survived by daughters Suzanne Lennol of Brentwood and Linda Nicholson of Aptos; sons Bill Normandin of Santa Cruz and John Normandin of San Jose; 11 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren.

     A memorial Mass will be 11 a.m. March 6 at Resurrection Church in Aptos.

Contributions are preferred to Hospice Caring Project, 6851 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003, or Alzheimer's Association, 1777 Capitola Road, Santa Cruz, CA 95062.
Santa Cruz
Sentinel, February 21, 2004

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Grandson Irving died 1/30/1975

CADI -  NORMANDIN  IRVING  L  06/06/1908      M  CALIFORNIA  SANTA CLARA    01/30/1975  554-05-3966  66 yrs