Bio-Pen Pictures

        Among the large farms  of the county must be noted the one belonging  to the subject of this sketch. It contains 242 acres, and is situated in the Braley District,
about three-fourths of a mile north of the junction of the San Francisco road and Reed Lane, and about the same distance west of Lawrence. Twenty-five
acres of the land, which is in a high state of cultivation, is devoted to fruit culture, and the remainder to the production of hay and grain and to stock-raising. The products of the orchard, principally apples and pears, for which this section of the county is peculiarly adapted, are excelled by none in the county. In stock-raising Mr. Britton is eminently successful, breeding and rearing some of the finest draft horses which the section furnishes. In State and county fairs he successfully competes with all exhibitors in this line. His choice horses are from English shire and Norman breeds. He also devotes considerable attention to the breeding of cattle, principally from the famous Jersey stock.

        Mr. Britton was born in Donegal County, Ireland, in 1848. His parents, Ephraim and Elizabeth (Duncan) Britton, were natives of Donegal County, but were of Scotch descent. His father died when he was but two years old, leaving the care of the family to his mother. Hoping to improve their circumstances, she emigrated to the United States in 1853, and made her home in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. There he was reared and received his schooling. When but fifteen years of age, filled with the love of adventure, he made the long journey to this State, and came to Santa Clara County, where he worked on the farms of Isaac Branham and James Lendrum, in whose employ he remained for several years. He afterward entered into business as a dealer in horses and cattle, being also quite extensively engaged in contracting for and baling hay. In December, 1883, he purchased the estate upon which he now makes his home, and since that date he has devoted himself to farming, orchard culture, and stock-raising.

        In his work he has been ably assisted by his energetic and industrious wife, whom he married in 1880. Mrs. Britton was formerly Mrs. Mary J. Clemence, the widow of William Clemence, of Santa Clara County. Three sons have blessed this union. Their names, and ages at the present date (1888), are as follows: Louis H., aged seven years; Raymond M., five years; and George E., four years. Of Mrs. Britton's children by her former marriage, there is now living Nellie Clemence, who has reached the age of seventeen years.

        As a successful stock dealer and an enterprising horticulturist and agriculturist, Mr. Britton is well and favorably known. Coming to California a poor boy, by his unaided efforts he has become possessed of a fine, large estate. He is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, being a member of San Jose Lodge, No. 34.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 468


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight