The Valley of Heart's Delight



James Lendrum, deceased. Among the well-known and representative farmers of Santa Clara County was the subject of this sketch, a brief resume of whose life is herewith given. Mr. Lendrum was born June 4, 1833, in Fermanagh County, Ireland. His parents, William and Margaret (Lendrum) Lendrum, were of Scotch descent, but natives of the county in which he was born. His early life was spent upon his father's farm, where he was schooled to those practical and industrial pursuits that were so essential to his success in after life. He also learned the trade of a gardener, and was educated in the common and important branches of English studies. In 1854, at the age of twenty-one years, he emigrated to the United States, landing in New York, and from there went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he established himself in the dairy business. After a two years' successful prosecution of this enterprise, he returned to New York and entered into the grocery business with his cousin, George Lendrum. This enterprise was brought to a close in 1857 by a disastrous fire which destroyed their store and stock of goods, leaving him without a business, and with very limited means.

On February 18 of this year he married Miss Ann Jane Ried, the daughter of Alexander and Eliza (Birney) Ried, who were natives and residents of Tyrone County, Ireland. Immediately after this marriage Mr. Lendrum and his bride sailed by the Panama route for California. Arriving in San Francisco in April of that year, and after a short stay in that city, he came to Santa Clara County and located in San Jose, where he worked as a gardener and nurseryman for Isaac Hillman. In 1857 he purchased three hundred acres of land, known as the Silver Creek Ranch, and there engaged in farming, stock-raising, and dairy business until 1863, when he purchased twenty acres of land just east of San Jose, on what is now known as McLaughlin Avenue. After remaining there for a few months, he purchased three hundred acres of land located on the east side of the same avenue, and south of the Alum rock road, upon improvement and cultivation. Upon this farm he resided until his death, which occurred in February, 1885.

Mr Lendrum was well and favorably known in this county. He was a man of strict integrity and was honest and straightforward in his dealings. These qualities, coupled with his energetic and industrious habits, enabled him to acquire large and valuable estates, also valuable city property. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Church, and his daily life was such as gained him the respect and esteem of his associates, who joined his family in sincerely mourning his death. His widow in now (1888) residing on the old homestead on McLaughlin Avenue, where she is enjoying the comforts of the wealth which the well-directed efforts of her husband have left to her disposal. A large portion of this homestead land has recently been platted and sold for residence property, while the remainder is still used for farm productions.

Of the five children born to Mr. and Mrs. Lendrum, four are living, viz.: William Edward, who married Miss Josephine McMeekin, of San Jose; he is a resident of San Jose, where he is engaged in business as a druggist; Margaret Emily, who is residing on the old homestead; James George, residing in San Francisco; and Birney Alexander, residing at his mother's home. Lizzie, the eldest, was born February 1, 1861, and died April 25, 1879.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 233 transcribed by Carol Lackey-


SANTA CLARA COUNTY HISTORY -The Valley of Heart's Delight