
In commercial circles the San Jose Ravenna Paste Company holds a position as one of the strongest and largest concerns or its kind in California. The business of the firm is "transacted at its main office and factory in San Jose, located at 49-55 North San Pedro Street, where macaroni and kindred products are manufactured. This is a San Jose concern, which has grown from a small beginning and has become an important industry, tcur tons of food products being produced every day. The manager of the company, Michael De Mattei, is one of the able and deserving business men of San Jose. Much of his time is spent in travel throughout California selling the products manufactured" by the company. He is a native son of San Jose, born July 4, 1880. His father, August Mattei, was born in Italy and came to .San Jose in 1865. After arriving in the United States, he learned the butcher's trade and followed it for many years. He was married in San Jose in 1875 to Miss Teresa Nicora, also a native of Italy. They were the parents of four children, three now "living: August, Michael, and Teresa, 'the wife of Louis J. Trinchero, who resides at Niles, Cal"

Mr. De Mattei attended St. Joseph's College and graduated with the class of 1896. Soon after leaving school, he was employed as bookkeeper for the San Jese Paste Company. In 1915 a consolidation of the San Jose Paste Company and the Ravenna Paste Company. was effected and Mr. De Mattei assumed the managership of the new company, and to his native ability is due, in a large measure, the success that has come to the enterprise. The factory is commodious and sanitary in every respect, and their
    products are of a high grade.    

The marriage of Mr. De Mattei united him with Miss Flavia Baiocchi, a native of San Jose, educated at the College of Notre Dame. They are the parents of three children: " Elmer, Arthur, and Bernadette.

Mr. De Mattei is affiliated fraternally with the Knights of Columbus, is an active member of the Native Sons of the Golden West, also' of the Chamber of Commerce of San Jose. The family are members of the Catholic Church of San Jose. Pre-eminently a business man, finding his greatest pleasure in the management of his commercial interests, he nevertheless does not" neglect any duty that falls upon him as a citizen. but has always been. a con-ributor to the development of his community.

Transcribed  from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  1363