


A successful physician and surgeon whose brilliant future is easily forecast by his exceptional scientific training and valuable practical experience and his keen intellect and its powers, is Dr. A. J. Baiocchi, a native of San Jose, where he was born on November 19, 1890, the son of Stephen Baiocchi, a native of Lucca. Italy, who came to New York on an old ship loaded with lumber and traveling so slowly that it took forty days to make the trip to New York. He reached San Jose about 1880,  and soon engaged in the manufacture of confectionery, organizing the San. Jose  Paste Company on Market Street, now known as the San Jose-Ravenna Paste Company. located on San Pedro Street. He owned and operated this company until his death. He had married in San Jose, Miss Marie De Mattei, a native of Genoa, Italy, and when he died in 1891, he left his devoted wife with our subject, then only eleven months old. The beloved woman is still living in San Jose, the mother of four children.

A. J. attended the San Jose grammar and high schools, and then matriculated at the Santa Clara University, from which he was graduated with the Bachelor of Arts degree on June 10, 1914. After that he took an A. B. degree at Stanford University, in 1915, and three years later received his M. D. degree from the medical and surgical department of Stanford, after which he served as an interne at the San Francisco County Hospital for one year, then served as house officer of the Stanford Surgical Service at the San Francisco County Hospital until in February, 1920, when he opened offices in San Jose for private practice as physician and surgeon, and he has been so successful in an ever-increasing practice that he intends to make San Jose the center of his activities. On September 10, 1921, Dr. Baiocchi was united in marriage at San Jose with Miss Martha B. Frain of Harrisburg, Pa.

When the World War called for experts on behalf of the government Dr. Baiocchi entered the Medical Reserve Corps and served for eighteen months in government work at the San Francisco County Hospital, which was under government direction, his assignment there running from November, 1917 to May, 1919; and he had a very active part in caring for many of the 3,800 cases of influenza-pneumonia treated. He belongs to the Santa Clara County Medical Society and the State Medical Association. and is a member of the medical fraternity, the Omega Epsilon Phi. He belongs to the Knights of Columbus and the Y. M. I., and he is naturally a member of the San Jose Parlor of the Native Sons of the Golden West.
 from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1257 cdf



Born in Lucca, Italy, August 9, 1894, Almanda Baiocchi migrated with his parents to America in the year 1900, coming directly to California, settling near Allenton, on the Sacramento River. He is the son of Natale and Dosolina (Gini) Baiocchi. Upon arrival in California, his father leased a ranch of some 350 acres on the Sacramento River, raising grain and general produce. As a lad, Almanda attended the public schools of Allenton , and since the age of fourteen, he has depended upon his own resources. His family had removed to Santa Clara, and he was employed as waiter at the Santa Clara College, where he remained for five years. About this time the family removed to San Jose, where they have since resided. Almanda is the eldest of a family of five children: Paul, Masueto, Bepeno, and Jessie, all living in San Jose. During the year 1911, his father opened business on Santa Clara Street near Vine, from there going to West Santa Clara Street. In 1915 Almanda Baiocchi purchased property at 695 West San Carlos Street and erected a store building in connection with a residence, and there he engaged in general merchandising, his father managing the store. During the fruit packing season Almanda Baiocchi is foreman for the Pacific Fruit Product Company plant on West San Carlos, making it very convenient, as it is only a few steps from his home.

At the beginning of the World War, Mr. Baiocchi offered his services to his adopted country, and on June 30, 1918, he entered training at Camp Kearney, remaining there for only twenty-five days, when he was sent overseas to France, serving in Company G, One Hundred Fifty-seventh Infantry, Fortieth Divi sion; remaining with this Division but three weeks, he was transferred to Company I, Three Hundred Twenty-third Infantry, Eighty-first Division. His first service at the front was at the Vosges, after which he took part in the Meuse-Argonne drive, where he with others went over the top again and again and kept going for three days without stopping, and he was very fortunate in not being wounded. After the armistice he remained overseas until early in June, 1919, when he set sail from St. Nazaire for America, arriving at Newport News, Va., and thence to Ft. Russell, Wyo., and on to the Presidio, San Francisco, where he was honorably discharged June 28, 1919, after which he returned to his home in San Jose and resumed his old position, which had been kept open for him. Fraternally he is a member of the Independent Foresters of America, and is a past officer; also member of the Yeomen. He is an active member of the Italo-American Club of San Jose and politically he is a Republican.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1664 cdf


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight