
—Many of the sons and daughters of Sunny Italy have aided in the development of the orchards and vineyards that have made the Santa Clara Valley and Santa Cruz Mountains famous, and among them none have done more than Carlo Panighetti and his estimable wife who with pride can point to their six sons and three daughters who have also aided them in accomplishing the development of one of the valuable vineyards in this mountain region. Carlo Panighetti was born at Romianca, Province of Novara, Italy, February 19, 1856, a son of John and Theresa (Franchioli) Panighetti, of an old family there. The father worked in mines in Italy. Switzerland, France and Germany. He died in Neufchatel and the mother died at the old home. Of the seven children, Carlo was the second oldest, and only two are now living. He was reared on the home farm to habits of industry, at the same time he attended the local schools. However, at the age of fourteen years he struck out to paddle his own canoe, going to Neufchatel, Switzerland, where he was employed in an asphalt mine for twelve years. During this time he. made several trips to his old home and on one of these visits he was married, on New Year's Day, 1883, to Miss Marie Perone, who was born in the same vicinity. She is the daughter of Vincent and Josepha (Rossetti) Perone, farmers there, and the second oldest of their eight children. After leaving the asphalt mines Mr. and Mrs. Panighetti spent a short time in France, and then, in 1885, came direct to the Santa Clara Valley, Cal., a step they have never regretted.

Mr. Panighetti worked on farms and in orchards and vineyards and in time became foreman. Having accumulated sufficient means to engage in agriculture on his own account, he purchased his present ranch, in 1893, comprising eighty acres. There was very little improvement, so he set to work, clearing, grubbing and breaking the soil, and faithfully set out and cared for the vineyard until today it is a splendid property with thirty-five acres of bearing vineyard and orchards, the latter being devoted to raising prunes and cherries, apples and pears. His buildings are comfortable and in keeping with the prosperous condition of the ranch. He also owns an eighty acre ranch, purchased 1909, located two miles below his home, on the Bear Creek Road, both lying on the Santa Clara side of the Summit. On this ranch he also cleared much of the land and set out orchard and vineyard until he now has all of thirty-five acres in a high state of cultivation to which he and his family give splendid care.

Mr. and Mrs. Panighetti's union was blessed with eleven children, two of whom died in infancy before they emigrated to California; but nine grew up and are living, to whom they have given the best education within their means and trained to habits of industry and good American citizenship. The eldest, John, who served in the U. S. Army in the World War, is married to Pearl Cushing and resides in Los Gatos; Mrs. Delphine Scilini, of Alma; Mrs. Emma Pianto, of Los Gatos; Carlo Alphonso, who married Miss Camilla Tonini, is ably assisting his father to care for the orchard and vineyard. Then there are Marie Alvera, Noah, Albert, Charles and Salvatore. who are also assisting their parents and attending school. Mr. Panighetti is interested in the cause of education, being a member of the board of trustees of Brown school district, having served for some years as clerk of the board. He is proud of his American citizenship and casts his vote under the banners of the Republican party. Mr. Panighetti gives no small credit to his estimable wife, who has stood shoulder to shoulder with him in accomplishing their aim of a well earned competency.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1088



Among the very oldest settlers of the Montebello district is Silvestro Panighetti  who was born in Novara, Italy, fifty-two years ago, where he grew up on his father's farm until eighteen years of age and then made his way to Santa Clara County. For a while he worked at Villa Marie and then for Vincenzo Picchetti, where he was employed as teamster for sixteen years. Having carefully saved some money he was enable to purchase eighty-six acres, his present place, adjoining the Picchetti ranch, where he immediately set to work to clear of timber and brush, breaking the soil and preparing it in excellent condidti for fruit growing, setting out prune and apricot trees until now forty acres of the ranch is devoted to orchard.

Mr. Panighetti was married in San Jose, hbeing united with Miss Louisa Perasi, also a native of sunny Italy, a union that was happy and bless with three children, two of whom grew to maturity.  Louis and Guido, who are assisting their parents in the operation of the ranch.  A stanch Republican, Mr. Panighetti is also a member of the Italian Order of Foresters in San Jose.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1559


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight