Picchetti Ranch, Montebello Road


Ranchers on the Montebello Road, Anton and John Picchetti or Picchetti Bros. are successful horticulturists and viticulturists. They were both born in San Jose, Anton on April 15, 1884, and John on September 12, 1886. Their father, Vincent Picchetti, was born in Novara, Italy, and came to California when a young man in the early days, locating in Santa Clara County, where he followed dairying for a while until he became foreman of the Villa Marie for the Jesuit Fathers, and while there he purchased 160 acres on the Montebello Road, the nucleus of the present Picchetti Ranch.

 He made a trip back to his old home in Italy and there married Theresa Chicoletti and immediately brought his bride to Santa Clara County. Locating on his ranch he began clearing and improving it, setting out vineyard and orchards and built a winery, adding to it from time to time until it comprises 500 acres; about half of the acreage is in orchard and the balance is vineyard and grain land. He had completed a new residence, with everything well improved when he was called by death in 1904 at the age of fifty-six years; his widow now makes her home in San Jose. She was the mother of five children, four of whom grew to maturity: Anton and John of Picchetti Bros., operating the Picchetti Ranch, and Attillio and Hector, engaged in the automobile business in San Jose.

Anton and John Picchetti, after completing the schools in their home district, entered the San Jose Business College where they were graduated after which they returned to the ranch and actively assisted their father until his death, when they took up the management of the ranch, continuing the improvements, clearing more land and setting out fruit trees, mostly prunes and apricots. Anton was married to Miss Anita Pecchorini, and they have two children, Hector and Virgil. He is a member of the N. S. G. W. John was married first to Emma Grosetti, who died leaving one child, Alda. He was married the second time to Miss Josephine Prattini. Politically they are firm believers in protection for Americans, and are stanch Republicans.

Sawyer, Eugene T, History of Santa Clara County, California : Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1922, 1776 pgs.  page 1596



Among the representatives of oldp ioneer families of San Jose who are carrying on , under more promising conditions, the work undertaken by their forebears, mention is due Attilio Picchetti, owner of the Plaza Garage, located at 22-230 South Market Street.  He was born at San Jose, August 9, 1889, the son of Vincento and Terresa Picchetti, farmers of that district. The father settled in San Jose in 1874 and saw it grow from a small town to the thriving, prosperous city of today.

Attilio Picchetti grew to manhood in San Jose, received his education in the public schools and Santa Clara College, and later took a commercial course in the old San Jose Business College.  For the first nine years on entereing the business world he was engaged in the bivery business and then answered the call of his country by giving his servises in the World War, training at Camp Fremont, Camp Mills, N.Y., where he was made sergeant, and at Camp Stuart, Va.  He was engaged in drilling rectuits part of the time and was also supply sergeant and wqas two days on the ocean when the armistice was signed.  After the armistice was signed and he returned home he established the business he is now engaged in , namely, the Plaza Garage; he employs eight men besides his office force.  He has the exclusive agency for Hood tires in Santa Clara County and also is agent for the De Martini trucks and Reliance trailers in San ta Clara, San Benito, Monterey and Santa Cruz counties.  Mr. Picchetti makes his home with his mother, his father having passed away in 1905.  He belongs to the Native Sons of the Golden West, San Jose Parlor No. 22, the Loyal Order of Moose, and the Chamber of Commerce, the Commercial Club, and the American Legion of San Jose.  For recreation he enjoys a automobiling and out-of-door and all clean sports.
Sawyer, Eugene T, History of Santa Clara County, California : Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1922, 1776 pgs.  page 1596

SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight