
An Italian American who has made good in an important field and in such a manner that his succcess, the results in part of foresight, experiene and unremitting industry, have benefitte others besides himself, is Pasquale Bisceglia, who was born in Cosenza, Italy on February 19, 1871, the son of Gabrielle and Clara Bisceglia, both of whom died in Italy.  They were the parents of seven children, and two of the brothers of our subject, Joseph and Brunno, came to America and Californi in 1894, a year prior to the advent of Pasquale.  The names of the chidren are as follows;  Joseph A.; Clementia, now Mrs Cribari of San Jose; Pasquale, our subject; Filippina, now Mrs. DeRose; Bruno; Maria. and Alfonso.  Joseph, Mrs. DeRose, Bruno and Alfonso are interested with our subject in the operation of the great Bisceglia cannery.  His schooling was largely obtained through his own efforts, with the result that if he is anything, it is that he is selfmade in every way and exceedingly practical.  He assisted his father until he came to the United Stae in 1895, arriving in San Jose in March of that year.  He chopped wood for a couple of years, and then the brothers established a small cannery at Llagos Creek in Morgan HIll, in order to take care of the tomatoes which they had raised that years, and their fist pack was 800 cases; two years later they moved the plant to Morgan Hill and lbuilt a new cannery and extended their oepratons to the canning of fruit as well as tomatoes; then in 1907 they built a cannery in Gilroy and operated the two of them until 1913 when both were abandoned, and they purchased ninetten acres on South First Street in San Jose and built a modern cannery, and from time to time have added to it until they now own and operate the largest cannery in the valley. IT is built of concrete, iron and brick and is 264 x 7110 feet. They use only the best of everything  and apply only the best methods and the most modern apparatus; and it is not surprising that they ship their goods all over the world.  Their plant is sanitary in every particular and their employees enjoy the fine rest rooms and dinning room and restaurant.  The Bisceglia brothers cooperate in every way and own and operate 200 acres of orchards; besides this they own much valuable real estate in San Jose and Oakland; they also operate their fuel business on Santa Clara Street between Fourth and Fifth streets in San Jose.  Mr. Bisceglia is a live wire in the San Jose Chamber of Commerce, and he endeabors to support all the probrams of that excellent institution.
When Mr. Bisceglia was married in Italy in 1906, he took for his wife Miss Amalia DeRose, a clever woman who has proven just the helpmate desired; and they, with their children, Gabriel, Clara, Joseph, Bruno and Clorinda, attend the Holy Family Catholic Church.  In national Politics a Republican, Mr. Bisceglia abandons party lines in all local compaigns an votes for the best man and the best measures.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
page  1568

Title: Marriage License File
Location: San Jose Historical Museum
Call #:
Source: Source Date: 2/12/1903
Page: Volume:

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.