BIO: Sawyers
In enumerating the men responsible for the business stability of San Jose mention is due Paul A Cribari, the genial and popular owner of the fuel, feed and oil station located at 990 South First Street.  HE was born in the providence of Cosenza, Italy, April 3 1886, the son of Thomas and Clementiana  (Bisceglia) Cribari, also native of Italy.  They came to San Jose in 1900 and engaged in horticulture until they retired. Both are now living in this city.  They had five children, all living, of whom Paul is the oldest.  Coming to America in 1898, he spent two years in Nelson, B. C., and in 1900 settled in San Jose.  He attended the public schools for awhile but much of his knowledge was gained from the school of proactive experience, which proved of substantial benefit in later years.  He fist assisted his father on the ranch and then engaged fruit raising as well as buying and shipping fruit.  In 1916 he established his present business which was on a comparatively small scale, but which has steadily increased until, at the present time he employs a seven men, with two trucks and two wagons to look after his growing business.
The marriage of Mr. Cribari December 10, 1916, in San Jose, united him with Miss Mary Barone, daughter of Pasquale and Catherine Barone, born in Palermo.  Mr. Cribari is a member of the Italian American Club, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Santa Clara Water Conservation.  He is a very enterprising, public-spirited and generous man, priding himself upon the modern equipment of his business and is constantly promoting practical plans for the upbuilding of his neighborhood. Quiet and unassuming, he has the dignity and assurance of the well balanced and even tempered man who has expected and deserves success and has accomplished his ambition.
from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
page 1536

Bio- Sawyers
A worthy representative of his family, Fiore Cribari, of San Jose, is ably carrying on the work of producing and shipping California products as manager of B. Cribari & Sons interest in Santa Clara County.  He was born at Cosenza, Italy on January 21, 1890, a son of Benjamin and Josephine (Abruzzini) Cribari, both born in that same community in Italy where their son first saw the light. In 1899, with their four children, they came to America and located at Trinidad, Colo., where the father mined and worked in the coke ovens.  He had followed the transfer business in his native country and this decided change gave him an insight into many angles of American life.  In 1903 the family came on to California and made settlement in the Santa Clara Valley and ever since they have followed ranching and orcharding.  Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cribari had seven children: Fiore  of this review; Angelo G., lives in San Bruno; Stanislaus is deceased; Anthony also resides at San Bruno.  These were born in Italy.  Erma, born in Colorado, is a graduate from the State Normal at San Jose; Mary was born at Morgan Hill and is a student Notre Dame; and Helen, also born at Morgan Hill, is a student in the San Mateo high school.
When his sons became of age, Benjamin Cribari formed the copartnership known as B. Cribari & Sons, and working together they have accomplished much good and aided materially in developing property in this part of the state.  The first parcel of land they bought was forty acres at Morgan Hill and starting on a small scale in 1904, they increased their operations until they owned and had under  lease some 3,000 acres of land in various locations. They have developed orchards and vineyards; raised hay and grain; developed a fine dairy with 225 head of cows from the Mills herd, this latter at San Bruno, in San Mateo County, where they lease 800 acres of land.  They own ninety-five acres and a winery at Madrone; have eighty acres in the Lion tract, which they will set to grapes and fruit.  In 1922 they bought 330 acres near Hollister which they expect to put in vines and orchard.  For several seasons they have raised, bought, packed and shipped wine grapes to markets in the East, specializing in their brand- Sunnie Boy.  I 1921 their shipments reached 3,000 tons and they expect to increase that amount in 1922.  They use only the most modern methods and appliances to save labor although they keep twenty-five head of horses on their ranches.  Eight men are employed regularly and in busy seasons they have from forty to fifty.
Fiore Cribari was united in marriage at San Jose, on July 6, 1919, with Miss Maria Bisceglia, a resident of the Golden State since 1902 and they have two children, Josephine Maria and Theodore Stansislaus.  The family are always glad to welcome their many friends at their home, which is located on Bird Avenue, San Jose.  Mr. Cribari received his naturalization papers at San Jose, in September 1915, and  ever since he has been a staunch Republican.  He is an active member of the Loyal Italo-American Association and of the Knights of Columbus, and ever ready and willing to do his full share to make Santa Clara County a better place in which to live by participating in all progressive moments.
Benjamin Cribari and his good wife live at San Bruno, San Mateo County, where the family have their headquarters.  The sons, Angelo G., and Stanislaus, who died from  the effects of his war service, showed their patriotism and loyalty when they gave their services to their adopted country during the World War.  Angelo served in France and was a corporal there for one year and since his discharge has taken his place with the B. Cribari & Sons firm.  Their father had served three years in the National Army in Italy in his younger days.  Taken all in all, this progressive family have advanced steadily in business word during their residence in California.
from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. 
page 1461

Title: Marriage License File
Location: San Jose Historical Museum
Call #:
Source: Source Date: 7/5/1919
Page: Volume: