The Valley of Heart's Delight


page 767

California has bee particularly fortunate in her exceptional  staff of educators who have done yeoman service in helping to lay broad and deep the foundations of the great commonwealth, and prominent among those contributing to theses great aims and results is Prof. Elmer E. Brownerll, the popular supervising principal of the Gilroy public schools and a leader in the educational work of Santa Clara County. A native of Vermonter, Elmer E. Brownell was born at Essex Junction, n the Green Mountain State, on June 1, 1865, the son of Lyman A. Brownell, also a vermonter, a stonemason who migrated west to California in 1871, and settled at San Jose, where he died in 1902.  Mrs. Brownell, who was Eliza A. Cook, before her marriage and a native of New York, died January 23, 1921, highly esteemed as was her husband, and the center of a circle of steadfast friends.  The Brownell's came to America before the Revolutionary War, three brothers hailing from England, and settled in Vermont, while the Cook family migrated from Scotland to New York in early Colonial days.

Elmer Brownell passed through the elementary schools of San Jose and was graduated from the State Normal in this city in 1884, after which he spent on year at Stanford University, and in 1887 he was in charge of the Lone Tree district school in Contra Costa County  The following year he removed to Monterey County, and then taught at Warm Springs and next at Decoto, in Alameda County, becoming there the acting principal of schools.  He was principal of the Mountain View schools from 1890 to 1899, and was assistant teacher of the San Jose high school from 1899 to 1904.  Since 1904 he has had charge of the Gilroy schools From 1896 to 1906 he was president of the board of education of Santa Clara County.  In national political affairs a Republican, Professor Brownell has always been an enthusiastic, non-artisan worker of local movements and men properly endorse.

At Irvington, in Alameda County, on July 25, 1890, Mr. Brownell was married to Miss Lizzie Calpey Craycroft, the daughter of J. W. Craycroft of Modesto.  She passed away in 1903, lamented by all who had come to appreciate her personality and gifts, and survived by four sons;  R. E. Brownell is a graduate of the University of California, class of '11, from which he received the D. D. S. degree; he is married and the father o two children, and resides at Fresno.  John R. is in the employ of the Southern Pacific Railroad, is married and has one child, and served for twelve moths in France, during the World War.  Dr. H. L. Brownell is also a graduate of the Physicians and Surgeons College of San Francisco, having been a member of the class of '14; he is married and lives at Fresno, and was a lieutenant in the U. S. Navy during the war.  Herbert W. Brownell, another ex-service man, is attending the Dental College of the University of Southern California.  Professor Brownell was married for the second time on Christmas Day, 1909 to Miss Sarah Annette Whitehurst, the daughter of L. A.[transcribers note- this is probably A. L.]  Whitehurst, the well-known pioneer, now deceased.  The family now reside at the old Whitehurst home on South Church Street, Gilroy.  Professor Brownell is a Republican, a Scottish Rite Mason and Knight Templar and a member of Islam Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.,  of San Francisco, and belongs to the Watsonville lodge of Elks, and to the Mountain View lodge of Odd Fellows, the Gilroy I. O. F., and is secretary and treasurer of Gilroy Golf and Country Club

Sawyer, Eugene T.
History of Santa Clara County, California : with biographical sketches of the leading men and women of the county who have been identified with its growth and development from the early days to the present
Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1922 
page 767
join with A L Whitehurst bio------

Trancsribed by Cdf
July 17, 2005

SANTA CLARA COUNTY- The Valley of Heart's Delight