The Valley of Heart's Delight



 Bio-Pen Pictures

of the Alviso District, resides on 120 acres, situated north of the Alviso and Milpitas road, about midway between those two places.  The larger part of his farm is used for the production of hay and grain, and for stock.  He has a small orchard, which furnishes a variety of fruit for family use, eight acres in strawberries of the Cheney and Sharpless varieties, and about six acres in asparagus.  Two good flowing artesian wells furnish all the water needed for stock, irrigation, and domestic purposes.

            Mr. Zanker is a native of Germany, in which country he dates his birth, in 1831.  His parents were Frederick and Eva (Koch) Zanker, natives of the place of his birth.  He lived at home, receiving a rather limited education, and engaging in such work as his parents directed, until he reached the age of nineteen years, when he came to the United States.  He followed various pursuits in the States of New York, Louisiana, Missouri, and other sections of the East, until, in 1855, he came to this State by the Nicaragua route.  He went into the mines of El Dorado County, but, not liking the life, soon left to engage in farming in Santa Cruz County.  He also worked for some time in a saw-mill in that county.  In 1857 he came to Santa Clara County, and took up what he supposed was government land, near Alviso, only to find that it was claimed, under a previous grant, by Governor Burnett.  After two years of litigation, Mr. Zanker and his partners were defeated.  He rented this same land until about 1863, when he purchased the land upon which he now lives, and to the cultivation of which he has since successfully devoted his time.

            In 1861 Mr. Zanker was united in marriage with Miss Catharine Watters, the daughter of Louis and Catharine Watters, residents of Santa Clara County, but natives of Germany.  Mr. and Mrs. Zanker are the parents of eight children.  Their names are:  Emma, who married Christ. Roelling, residing in Santa Clara County; Minnie, the wife of Rudolph Binder, lives in San Jose; Lena, the wife of E. Glatto, makes her home in San Jose; Lizzie, who married Cyrus Shupe, lives in Shasta County, this State; and William, Frank, Douglass, and Adolph, who are members of their father’s household.

            Mr. Zanker commenced his life in this county with nothing, but his industry and strict attention to business have led him to the possession of a comfortable home and a desirable property.  He now holds the position of one of the substantial citizens of the county, enjoying the respect and confidence of a large circle of neighbors and acquaintances.  He is interested in the Ancient Order of United  Workmen, with which order he is connected.  In politics he is a Republican, but, being liberal in his views, supports the man rather than the party.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p. 544-545

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler

Thursday, 14 Nov 1861- Stockton Daily Independent MARRIED -- in San Jose, William ZANKER to Miss Catharine WALTER, both of Santa Clara county. NOTE:  Bios says wife was WATTERS-)


SANTA CLARA COUNTY -The Valley of Heart's Delight