The Valley of Heart's Delight


Bio- History of Santa Clara. page 485

Surnames: WARD

W. W. & ELLA LORDS JENNINGS.--Prominent and popular among the most interesting of progressive and useful citizens in Santa Clara County, W. W. Jennings and his gifted wife, Ella Lords Jennings, of 371 South Thirteenth Street, San Jose, exert a wide and helpful influence in favor of better conditions in California which is helpful and promising to others as well as to themselves. Mr. Jennings was born in the Empire State, the son of Charles W. and Emma (Ward) Jennings, both natives of Leicestershire, England, who came to Seneca Falls, N. Y., where the lad first saw the light of day, and he migrated to California soon after the great realty boom in 1888. He was an employee of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, on the Coast Division route, and later embarked in the grocery business, and he followed that trade for many years at the corner of Santa Clara and Teresa streets in San Jose. In 1920 he sold out and took a position in the employ of Black's Package Company of San Jose, with which concern he has been ever since.

At Alviso, on October 16, 1890, Mr. Jennings was married to Miss Ella Lords, the daughter of Walden Lords, a frontier pioneer, who is also represented on this page. Ella Lords attended the Alviso school, and having decided to follow a pedagogical career, attended the San Jose State Normal School. Having graduated, she taught school at Monterey, in the old Capitol Building, and then, when she was beginning to be of valuable service to society as a trainer of the young, she concluded to marry and establish her own family. Her union with Mr. Jennings was a fortunate one, and this is especially true on account of the cooperation she has afforded her husband, with her exceptional ability, in all of his enterprises. To their union have been born one son and one daughter.--Walden A. Jennings, a mechanic doing expert service on Mare Island for the United States Government, and Emma E., a talented, esteemed school teacher, a graduate of the State Normal at San Jose, who lives at home.

W. W. Jennings is clerk of the San Jose Camp of the Modern Woodmen of America, and he has also passed through all the chairs of the Maccabees at San Jose, and is an active member of the Woodmen of the World of San Jose, besides being a member of the Royal Neighbors in the same city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jennings are Democrats, although the best of nonpartisan "boosters" of their home district; and Mrs. Jennings is a member of the Vendome Parlor of the Native Daughters of the Golden West, and is recorder of the local lodge of Royal Neighbors as well as recorder of the State Camp of that order.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 485


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight
July 17, 2005