Bio-Pen Pictures

residing on Minnesota Avenue, at the Willows, is one of the leading horticulturists and fruit-driers of Santa Clara County. His drying establishment was first opened for business in 1879. The business has increased steadily since that time, and is now of great magnitude. Every variety of fruit is bought by him, and prepared for market, his shipments of dried fruits of the crop of 1887 aggregating over 800 tons. Capital, enterprise, and business capacity combined form a monopoly that may be of great good to the many. Realize how much the fruit-grower has been benefited by the regular market established by the fruit-drier, whose capital and skill are so necessary in preparing a crop for, and placing upon, the distant market, at the proper time and in the proper condition. Mr. Cozzens is largely interested in growing fruits, and is the owner of over 200 acres, devoted to the raising of prunes, apricots, and peaches.

        Born in Sacramento, June 5, 1853, he is a thorough Californian. His parents, William W. and Mahala (Simons) Cozzens, are of New England birth. His father was one of the pioneers, coming by way of Panama, in 1850, his wife joining him two years later. They settled at the Willows, in October, 1873. W. W. Cozzens, Sr., was an active business man, being for many years engaged in the wholesale hay and grain trade. He early turned his attention to horticulture, and, as in other pursuits, with great success. His death, at the age of sixty-five years, occurred in August, 1883. His widow survives. Her daughter, Kate, is a teacher in the Normal School at San Jose.

        W. W. Cozzens, who is the subject of this sketch, married, on February 4, 1883, Miss Anna B. Boyer, daughter of F. J. Boyer, now a resident of Washington Territory. They have two children, William L. and an infant son. Mr. Cozzens is a member of the American Horticultural Society, and of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and in politics is identified with the Republican party.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 617


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight