
W. W. ATKINSON, San Jose Township is a native of Clark County, Ohio, born near Springfield, December 19, 1834, his parents being John and Elizabeth (Krietz) Atkinson. His father was born in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and his mother in Virginia. The father learned the saddler’s trade in Pennsylvania, but followed farming in Ohio. He was murdered in 1837, while on his way to Illinois. In 1843 the family removed to McLean County, Illinois and there the mother remained until her death. W. W. Atkinson remained in McLean County until 1852, and on the fourth of April of that year he left with a party of seven, in two wagons, for California. They crossed the Missouri River at St. Joseph, and joined a large party westward bound. On the second of September he arrived at Ione, Amador County, and obtained a situation bailing hay. He worked at odd jobs, and on contracts, for four years, and the money thus earned he invested in lands. In 1864 he bought a threshing-machine, which was the first brought into that portion of the State. In 1865 he purchased another one, and for nine consecutive years he operated one each in Nevada and California. He closed that branch of business, but continued farming until 1862, when he bought the Florence Mills at Ione, changed the name to Bloomington Mills, and made extensive additions and improvements, at an expense of from $6,000 to $8,000. He operated the mills until he came to this county. He also put $10,500 cash in a mercantile firm, but his partner failed, and he canceled the indebtedness, coming out of the ordeal a loser by $45,000! He also owned two ranches , of 720 and 150 acres, respectively. In April, 1887, he purchased sixty-five acres of land in San Jose Township, and moved upon it in September following. This tract is at the corner of King Avenue and Tully road. He also has fifty-five acres in the Fillmore tract, and twenty-five acres on First Street. He is making extensive and commendable improvements.

Mr. Atkinson was married, at Antioch, California, October 25, 1882, to Miss Alice Parkison, a native of Wisconsin. They have one child, Robert Orville. Politically Mr. Atkinson is a Prohibitionist. He was for many years School Trustee of Hudson School District, in his old county, and was the business man of the Board. He is a member of Ione Lodge, No. 80, A.F.& A. M.; Ione Lodge NO., 51, I. O. O. F. and Marble Encampment, No. 19, Ione.


SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. - page 608 - Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben