
Another Pioneer Gone
The Pioneer, published San Jose, Saturday, April 1, 1882
Surnames: Stone,  Watson
contributed by jchavnar

Dr. William H. Stone died just before midnight Thursday, March 16th, 1882, at his residence, corner of Fifth and William streets, after a protracted illness. The deceased had been an invalid for over a year, and during the last five or six months was unable to leave the house. About three weeks ago he began to break in health very badly, and his almost iron constitution showed that it could not much longer struggle against disease and death. His demise was not, therefore, unexpected, and was met with that courage and firmness which were distinguishing traits of his character.

Dr. Stone was born in Wayne county, Kentucky, December 12th, 1816, and after finishing his education studied medicine, becoming a successful practitioner early in life. When the California excitement swept over the East and South, he, like the thousands of other, took the fever, and in the Spring of 1850 became one of a party of young men, among whom were Judge W.W. Cope and General T.H. Williams, now residents of Oakland, and D.K. Newell, who together started for the new El Dorado. He made the trip over the plains with only the usual incidents common to those early days, arriving in California in September of the same year.

The Doctor settled in El Dorado county, and there practiced his profession until 1852, when he was appointed County Treasurer, to which office he was again elected in 1853; and so successfully did he manage the finances of his county that its warrants, during his administration, appreciated from twenty-five per cent to par. After his second term he assumed the management of the Pilot Creek Ditch Company's works, of which he was principal owner, where his business sagacity again manifested itself to such a degree that being an unproductive enterprise it was made to yield handsome dividends.

 In 1856 Dr. Stone married Pauline, the accomplished daughter of E.H. Watson, who, with nine of the eleven children borne to them, remain to mourn the loss of a faithful and provident husband and father. In 1862 the Doctor came to San Jose with his family, but returned to El Dorado county after about two years. He returned to this city again in 1871, and has since made his residence here. He became at once identified with the material interest of the place, invested largely in real estate, which he improved handsomely by erecting substantial business structures that will long remain as monuments to his enterprise and sagacity. Although Dr. Stone never engaged actively in politics, he always manifested that keen interest which every good citizen should ever display. Socially, he was courteous and entertaining, and in his personal relations with his fellow men he brought into active play that personal courage and decision so characteristic of the man. It had been the pleasure of the writer to be intimately acquainted with the Doctor since 1853, and while he possessed many peculiar characteristic, yet to those he respected he was a genial, warm hearted friend, while to those he disliked he was as bitter in his animosity. There was no half way place with him.

 The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from his late residence, corner of Fifth and Williams streets. A very large concourse of his friends followed the remains to their resting place in Oak Hill cemetery. After the singing of a hymn by Lois Singletary, Mrs. J.E. Brown and Messrs. Moody and Boulware, Rev. Dr. Sim, of the M.E. Church, South, read the usual burial service and made a few appropriate remarks, closing with an earnest prayer in behalf of the bereaved widow and children. The pall bearers were Captain Lubbock, Dr. Thorne, Jacob Rich, John Trimble, Givens George, W.A. January, D. Bowen and Mayor B.D. Murphy. The ceremonies were concluded with the customary singing and the completion of the church offices by Dr. Sim. The last will and testament of Dr. William H. Stone, deceased, with petition for probate, has been filed. The estate consists of real and personal property valued at $85,000, in this county, and is devised to George E. Williams of El Dorado county, in trust for testator's wife and children, who are to share and share alike upon final distribution, the house and lot in this city, heretofore conveyed to his daughter; Susan N. Stone, to be treated as part of the estate, and its value charge to the said daughter in such distribution. The said Trustee is desired, at the death of testator, to take full charge and management of all property, with authority to sell or convey any or all thereof for the benefit of the heirs as he may deem best for their interest, without probate proceedings or other legal steps, and that he shall not obtain letters testamentary or execute bonds, "It being my intention that said Trustee shall have as full power to manage and dispose of the same as I have while living." The will is dated August, 1881, and is witnessed by M. N. Stone, residence Virginia City, Nevada, and G.W. Gordon, residence San Francisco.