Bio-Pen Pictures
            SURNAMES: COON

William R. Pender owns one of the finest fruit orchards in his part of Hamilton District.  He took possession of his fine residence (erected by himself in 1882-83) on Washington’s birthday, 1883.  The sixteen acres upon which his orchard stands were prepared from a stubble-field, and planted with 1,700 trees, entirely by himself.  His orchard is now five years old, and consists chiefly of prune, apricot, and peach trees.  Several varieties of plums and cherries are also found.

Mr. Pender was born in England, November 1, 1829.  He followed a seafaring life for several years before coming to this State, in 1854.  He engaged in mining for a number of years in Sierra County, making that place his home until he came to the Hamilton District.  In 1861 he returned to England, and on the second of January, 1862, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Coon.  They embarked at Southampton for St. Thomas, and from St. Thomas for Aspinwall, on the British steamer Trent.  It will be remembered that the Trent was the vessel from which the Confederate ambassadors, Mason and Slidell, were forcibly taken by Commodore Wilkes, of the United States Navy - an act which came near adding to our domestic trouble a war with England.  This happened during the first half of the trip, Mr. And Mrs. Pender being passengers of the same steamer on her return trip, from St. Thomas to Aspinwall.

Mr. And Mrs. Pender have two children.  Agnes, born in Sierra County, is a teacher, having taught five terms in the home district; she is now in Colusa county, where she is acting as Principal.  The younger child, David, also born in Sierra County, is a drug clerk in San Jose.

Mr. And Mrs. Pender are members of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in San Jose.  Mr. Pender is a member of San Jose Lodge No. 10. F. & A. M.  Politically he is a Republican.

His orchard gives ample evidence of the energy and care expended upon it.  His home is a handsome one, and is built to suit the convenience and please the taste of himself and his wife, as they expect to make it their permanent residence.


Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote. - Chicago:

The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

p. 460

Transcribed by Debbie Combs


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight