Director of the Santa Clara County Agricultural Association

 Bio-Pen Pictures

            William Quinn, one of the prominent men of San Jose Township, is a native of [County] Tyrone, Ireland, born January 12, 1828.  His father was Owen Quinn.  When he was an infant his mother died, and at the age of thirteen he left his native country and emigrated to America, arriving at Pittsburg July 3, 1841. He lived with his sister for a few years, and afterward engaged in draying.  In 1853 he came to California by the way of New York and the Isthmus of Panama, arriving at San Francisco March 5, 1853.  He obtained employment at the San Mateo Hotel, and in 1856 was married to Miss B. A. Lannon.  During the same year he started a dairy.  In 1858 he removed to Santa Clara County, locating on tract No. 6, San Jose Pueblo, of 500 acres, where he now resides.  No improvement had at that time been made, and it was a wilderness of mustard.  He improved the place, and made it valuable, so that he sold off the greater portion of the tract at good prices.  He yet retains 128 acres of the old homestead, adjoining Lucretia Avenue.  He has large interests in Alameda County, where he possesses a tract of 1,180 acres of land, devoted to stock-raising, farming, and dairying.  He has 200 head of thoroughbred and graded Durham cattle.  Mr. Quinn is one of the county’s active, go-ahead men, and has been for many years a Director of the Santa Clara County Agricultural Association.

            Mr. and Mrs. Quinn are the parents of seven children, of whom one—William—died at the age of twelve years.  Those living are:  Maggie, Nellie, Daniel O., Dollie, Lizzie, and Winnifred.  The family are members of the Catholic Church.  In politics Mr. Quinn is a Democrat.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 346

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy

 Stock-Raiser, Santa Clara Pioneer

Born in County Tyrone, Ireland, January 12, 1828. In the year 1841 he came to the United States and settled at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he was engaged in draying until 1853. In that year he came to California, and
after a short stay in San Francisco, settled in San Mateo county July 1st, and embarked in the livery business.

Afterwards Mr. Quinn engaged in stock-raising and dairying, and in 1858 removed to Santa Clara county, and
settled on the five-hundred acre tract now occupied by him. Married, in San Francisco, May 11, 1866, Agnes B. Lennon, and has born to him seven children: William Thomas, born February 21, 1857, and died May 6, 1869;
Marguerite Adelaide, born December 14, 1859; Nellie Josephine, born September 18, 1861; Daniel O., born February 28, 1866; Marion G., born January 10, 1868; Lizzie Agnes, born February 13, 1870; Winfred Frances,
born July 19, 1872.

The Pioneer, published San Jose, California, Saturday, February 18, 1882

transcribed by jchavnar


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight