The Home of Woman's Clubs
from Ten Years in Paradise
Leaves from a Society Reporters Notebook
by Mary Bowden Carroll, 1903

SAN JOSE can show as large a number of Woman's Clubs as any city of its size in the Union, for the women here are intelligent, cultivated, refined, and if they do not arrogate so much to themselves as do their sisters in Boston or Philadelphia, they are found as eagerly pressing on in the paths of art, literature, and music. The influence that radiated from Chautauqua Lake long since reached this far coast, and ladies of elegant leisure are carefully pursuing a severe course of study, and the Shakespearean students rank with his admirers in other cities.

The San Jose Woman's Club is the largest of these organizations, its object being to promote acquaintance, good-fellowship, and co-operation among the women of this city and vicinity, and to furnish a civic centre where questions of importance to the community may be freely discussed and acted upon, in the hope of promoting the interests and welfare of all concerned. This club was born in 1895, and after gaining strength to stand alone, she took her first step by joining the National Federation in 1897, and three years later the State Federation was entered. In 1900, feeling the importance of the club motto, "All for one and one for all," she invited the woman's clubs in her vicinity to join with her in a friendly alliance. This was heartily responded to by ten of the leading clubs, composed of hundreds of women, who felt that a higher type of womanhood would evolve out of this union of clubs than would be possible were each to work only in its own line. The Woman's Club Alliance is composed of the San Jose Woman's Club, Willows Reading and Improvement Club, The Fortnightly Club, The Manzanita Club, The Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, The Saturday Morning Musical Club, The Morepark Art Club, The Siddons Dramatic Club, The U and I Club of West Side, and the Shakespeare Club of Santa Clara. On the fourth Saturday of every month each club, in turn, entertains the Woman's Club Alliance, putting forth its best efforts to make the meeting one of profit as well as of pleasure.

In 1902 the club became infected with the departmental epidemic, which more than doubled her membership, and brought on a feverish longing for a permanent club home. A large and enthusiastic committee was formed, a subscription list was started, and a series of entertainments was outlined by which it was hoped to still further augment the building fund. The initial affair, under the direction of Mrs. Leonard Stocking, chairman of the Permanent Home Committee, took the form of a typical Indian Village, with its various tribes, both real and ideal, its wigwams, tepees, wickups, totem-poles, and sweat house. The Indian decorations, the costumes, customs, music, and dances completed this unique affair, which caught the wave of popular fancy, and netted the members a handsome sum.

New members are coming into the club in a steady stream. Each member choses the department best suited to her taste, and under the supervision of efficient chairmen, all are doing excellent work. The department of Civics and Education has started a traveling library, planted trees on "Arbor Day," aroused interest in a permanent club home, the Consumer's League, and in many other matters of importance to the community. Mrs. E. 0. Smith is chairman of this section. The Home and Garden department, with Mrs. Kathrine Bingham in charge, has developed the practical as well as the ideal. Mrs. F. H. Bangs, chairman of the deparment of Art and Literature, has chosen California History and Landmarks for the year's work.

Current Events and Reviews, under the able directorship of Mrs. E. A. Kelley, have proven as interesting as they have been instructive. Mrs. S. A. Jones has provided programs of unusual interest in the department of Travels and Adventures, and last, but by no means least, the members and friends of the club have been entertained by the Social Section, in charge of Miss Esther Macomber. Many delightful club teas, receptions, and outings of various kinds have been given under the auspices of this section.

The directors of the club are: Mrs. W. C. Kennedy, President; Mrs. A. E. Osborne, Vice-President; Mrs. J. W. Davy, Recording Secretary; Mrs. W. B. Hill, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Paul Shoup, Auditor; Mrs. Horace Foote, Treasurer; Mrs. Charles Fleming, Mrs. Noble T. Biddle, and Mrs. E. H. Guppy. The members are: Mrs. R. H. Austin, Mrs. E. S. Allen, Mrs. F. H. Bangs, Mrs. D. D. Brooks, Mrs. Katherine Bingham, Mrs. T. C. Barnett, Mrs. Anna Brown, Mrs. H. C. Brun, Mrs. J. P. Burke, Mrs. Henri Bettman, Mrs. S. A. Buell, Mrs. Hiram G. Bond, Mrs. John L. Benepe, Mrs. M. D. Brainard, Mrs. William Beggs, Mrs. J. H. Campbell, Mrs. Mary B. Carroll, Mrs. Elizabeth Chambers, Mrs. J. W. Cook, Mrs. E. Coppock, Mrs. V. Cauhape, Mrs. W. A. Coulter, Mrs. E. J. Crawford, Mrs. E. L. Coe, Mrs. Hugh Center, Mrs. C. W. Coe, Mrs. Phelps Cory, Mrs. James C. Campbell, Mrs. Ella M. Cox, Mrs. Oscar Dewey, Mrs. J. W. Dowdell, Mrs. Marie Ferbos, Mrs. F. L., Foster, Mrs. William W. Fuller, Mrs. W. C. Evans, Dr. Amelia Gates, Mrs. W. A. Gaston, Dr. C. A. Goss, Mrs. F. S. Granger, Mrs. W. G. Hawley, Mrs. Jackson Hatch, Miss Kate B. Holliday, Mrs. Charles H. Hervey, Mrs. C. E. Hablutzel, Mrs. C. H. Herrington, Miss Agnes Howe, Mrs. W. F. Hunt, Mrs. T. James, Mrs. Albert Holbrook, Mrs. H. E. Jones, Mrs. W. E. Jenkines, Mrs. John R. Kocher, Mrs. E. A. Kelley, Mrs. T. Kirk, Miss Anna Kullak, Mrs. 0. N. Kent, Mrs. G. Lumbard, Mrs. B, E. Laughlin, Mrs. C. N. MacLouth, Mrs. R. A. Lee, Mrs. J. F. Leffler, Mrs. A. P. Murgotten, Mrs. H. A. Marckres, Mrs. Eli McClish, Mrs. Archibald McDonald, Mrs. Henry D. Mathews, Mrs. W. D. McDougall, Mrs. C. MacBride, Miss Esther Macomber, Mrs. Maud Nourse, Mrs. S. B. Olinder, Mrs. E. C. Prussia, Mrs. W. L. Pieper, Mrs. M. D. Pearl, Mrs. C. H. Putnam, Mrs. Milo Phelps, Mrs E. M. Rosenthal, Mrs. C. E. Randall, Mrs. A. K. Spero, Mrs. J. Sweigert, Mrs. A. Schoenheit, Miss Sarah M. Severance, Mrs'. N. A. Sanders, Mrs. R. Syer, Mrs. J. F. Stephenson, Mrs. H. K. Stahl, Mrs. R. Stewart, Mrs. D. D. Tennyson, Mrs. F. M. Temple, Mrs. J. E. Trueman, Mrs. M. S. Richmond, Mrs. R. E. Freeman, Mrs. Stanley Willey, Mrs. Charles Stillman, Mrs. C. D. Chittenden, Mrs. Valentine Koch, Mrs. John Manzer, Mrs. W. L. Woodrow, Mrs. G. H. Worrall, Mrs. Carrie Stevens Walter, Mrs. George D. Worswick, Miss J. R. Williams, Mrs. John T. Wallace, Mrs. J. M. Hughes, Miss Mary E. Hughes, Mrs. Edward Hersey, Mrs. J. L. Asay, Mrs. Charles A. Wayland, Mrs. M. E. Rodgers, Mrs. Hermann Pfister, Dr. Mary J. Bearby, Mrs. C. E. Moore, Mrs. W. N. Noble, Mrs. Mitchell Phillips, Mrs. M. A. Williams.

One of the first clubs here was the Manzanita Club, which was organized by Mrs. Edward Williams nearly twenty-five years ago. Of the original members Mrs. Williams and Mrs. A. P. Anderson continue in the club, which meets every Monday afternoon, each member entertaining for one month. At the beginning of the year the work is carefully outlined, and at each meeting a paper on a selected topic is read and discussed. The officers are: President, Mrs. Don Palmer; Vice-President, Mrs. J. R. Lewis; Secretary, Mrs. S. A. Buell; Treasurer, Mrs. A. P. Anderson. The other members include: Mrs. Noble T. Biddle, Mrs. G. Blaine, Mrs. C. B. Bills, Mrs. A. Beermaker, Mrs. Phelps Cory, Mrs. C. W. Childs, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. J. C. Cobb, Mrs. H. French, Mrs. D. L. Haas, Mrs. G. B. Lumbard, Mrs. M. Luther, Mrs. M. Phelps, Mrs. W. P. Squire, Mrs. E. R. Stone, Mrs. Jonathan Sweigert, Mrs. G. S. Wells, Mrs. S. Willey, Mrs. Edward Williams, Mrs. 0. Phelps, and Mrs. L. J. Rodgers.

The Monday Club began its work many years ago, but was reorganized under its present name in 1893. The object of the club is to carry on systematic work in history and literature. The number is limited to twenty-five active members. They are: Miss Phi Allen. Mrs. Hannah Bean, Miss Bowen, Mrs. B. Cochrane, Mrs. F. Cain, Mrs. E. J. Dawson, Mrs. M. Fairchild, Mrs. Jackson Lewis, Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Mrs. Frank K. Ledyard, Mrs. E. D. Haven, Mrs. R. S. Holway, Mrs. J. F. Hathaway, Mrs. M. F. McCulloch, Mrs. Elliot Reed, Mrs. John E. Richards, Mrs. B. C. Singletary, Mrs. Leonard Stocking, Mrs. F. H. Shelly, Mrs. George H. Start, Mrs. Anna Taber, Mrs. S. H. Wagener, Mrs. M. H. Wagner, Miss Cornelia Taber, and Mrs. Charles A. Wayland. The honorary members are: Mrs. H. E. Cox, Mrs. Benjamin Cory, Miss Anna Dow, Mrs. Mary Field, Mrs. A. M. Gates, Mrs. S. A. Jones, Mrs. Jane Ledyard, Miss E. Houghton, Mrs. M. J. Hazleton, Miss Mary Norton, Mrs. Hiram Mabury, Mrs. A. H. Randall, Mrs. E. P. Reed, Mrs. Arthur Washburn, Miss Lucy Washburn, Mrs. P. 0. Minor, and Mrs. Mary McCall. Mrs. Charles Wayland is President, Mrs. George H. Start, Vice-President, and Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Secretary and Treasurer.

Some ten years ago about a dozen ladies, who often met socially, suggested the formation of a club for the study of art, and in 1894 they organized the "Art History Club." At first the membership was limited to twenty, but it has since been increased.

Italian, French, German, and English schools of painting have been studied, and much time has been given to sculpture and architecture. The annual dues are used in the purchase of valuable photographs of famous paintings and books treating of art history, and a fair library and collection are already in the possession of the club. The meetings take place on alternate Saturday afternoons at the homes of the members, who include: Mrs. Lawrence Archer, Mrs. Leo. B. Archer, Mrs. William G. Alexander, Miss L. A. Bacon, Miss Mary Beans, Miss Laura Bethel, Mrs. Louis Bond, Mrs. Nicholas Bowden, Mrs. J. S. Cobb, Mrs. Anna Dougherty, Mrs. J. E. Fisher, Mrs. Arthur Field, Mrs. R.90    Ten Years in Paradise.
S. Holway, Mrs. Ralph Hersey, Miss Alice Jordan, Miss Della Kiser, Mrs. George A. Muirson, Mrs. Lester L. Morse, Miss Stella Morse, Mrs. Birney Moore, Miss Elizabeth Ogier, Miss Mary Post, Mrs. James Henry Pierce, Miss Ada Ryland, Mrs. E. C. Reed, Mrs. Joseph H. Rucker, . Miss Fannie Schallenberger, Mrs. F. A. Taylor, Mrs. B. Tisdale, Miss Martha Trimble, Mrs. J. F. Thompson, Mrs. George Thomas, Miss Cornelia Taber, Miss C. Vivian, and Mrs. B. F. Weston.

The business of the club is conducted by a staff of officers and an executive board. They are: President, Mrs. Nicholas Bowden; Vice-President, Miss Ada Ryland; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. F. A. Taylor; Executive Board, Mrs. Lawrence Archer, Mrs. James Henry Pierce, Mrs. R. S. Holway, Mrs. Joseph Rucker, Miss Cornelia Taber, Miss Ada Ryland, Mrs. Nicholas Bowden, and Mrs. F. A. Taylor.

The Santa Ysabel Chapter of San Jose of the Daughters of the American Revolution
was organized in November, 1896. The charter members were Mrs. Sutton Palmer, Mrs. William B. Gano, Miss M. Polhemus, Mrs. W. K. Beans, Mrs. M. G. Gates, Miss Edna Leib, Mrs. T. Ellard Beans, Miss Frances Beans, Mrs. Pedro Merlin Lusson, Mrs. Paul Furst, Miss Bessie Moore, Miss Rowena Beans, Miss Lida Leib, and Mrs. Chauncey Rea Burr. The regent, Mrs. Samuel Franklin Leib, was appointed by the then State Regent, Mrs. Virginia Knox Maddox. Since then nine members have been added. The invitation list has reached a limit that cannot be extended, as the Chapter meetings are held at the residences of the members; and while they know that there are many eligible to the Daughters, still they feel it is not possible to enlarge the Chapter. The Chapter is fortunate in having Mrs. Samuel Franklin Leib for Regent; Mrs. James Henry Pierce, Vice-Regent; Mrs. William Knox Beans, Treasurer; Mrs. J. Q. A. Ballow, Recording Secretary; Miss Cora May, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Leigh Richmond Smith, Historian. The Board of Managers consists of Mesdames A. S. Kittredge,Melville Waite, Paul P. Austin, Paul Furst, M. G. Gates, Miss Cora May, and Miss Lida Leib.
 The members of this Chapter are:
Mrs. A. C. Waite—Entered through her great-greatgrandfather, Colonel Jewett, Commander of the Connecticut regiment in the Continental Army. The gallant soldier is buried in Fort Green Park, Brooklyn.
Mrs. A. C. May—Entered through her great-grand father, Captain Hezekiah Hutchins. Her daughters, Mrs. Paul P. Austin and Miss May, entered through the same ancestor, and also through their great-grandfather, Stephen May, who served through the whole revolutionary struggle.
Miss M. Polhemus—Entered through her great-grandfather, Major John Polhemus of New Jersey.
Mrs. E. H. Guppy—Entered through her great-grandfather, Cornelius Russell, who was General Washington's private secretary, during the memorable winter spent at Valley Forge. He was a captain in the Continental Army and served all through the war.
Mrs. Leigh Richmond Smith—Entered through her ancestors, Captain Lucas from Virginia, and Colonel Houghton from New Jersey.
Mrs. A. S. Kittridge—Entered through her great- great-grandfather, Thomas Bedford of Virginia, who was a member of the Committee of Safety and also through her great-grandfather, Captain Thomas Bedford, Jr., who raised and equipped a company from Virginia.
Mrs. T. Ellard Beans—Entered through her great-grandfather, Dr. John Forman Grandin of New Jersey, who was only fifteen when he enlisted, but before the war was ended he served in the navy as surgeon.
Mrs. William Knox Beans, Mrs. H. W. Bustace, and Mrs. Sutton Palme
r—Entered through their great-grandfather, Lieutenant William Moore of Virginia, who served through the war in a regiment of Virginia militia.
Mrs. James Henry Pierce—Entered through her great-great-grandfather, Richard Thurston, who was a member of the Committee of Safety. He volunteered as a private and was later a captain in a Massachusetts company.
Mrs. J. Q. A. Ballou—Entered through her great-greatgrandfather, Edward Ainsworth of Woodstock, who enlisted as a private and rose to the rank of lieutenant. -
Mrs. S. F. Leib and daughters, Mrs. W. H. Wright and Miss Leib—ida LEntered through their ancestor, General Will Russell of Virginia.
Mrs. David Starr Jordan—Entered through her great-grandfather, Phineas Knight of New England, who was with Colonel Putman's Connecticut regiment during the struggle for independence.
Mrs. M. G. Gates —Entered through her great-grand father, Jonathan Palmer of New York, who was lieutenant of a regiment of Connecticut troops under Colonel Selby.
Mrs. Paul Furst—Entered through her great-grandfather, General Will Russell of Virginia. Her sister, Mrs. William B. Gano, entered through the same ancestor.
Mrs. E. C. Singletary—Entered through her great-grandfather, Massey Thomas of Virginia.

Mrs. Samuel Franklin Leib, Mrs. William Knox Beans, Mrs. James Henry Pierce, and Mrs. Leigh Richmond Smith also belong to the Colonial Dames of America, resident in California.
Mrs. Leib and Mrs. Leigh Richmond Smith are members of the Order of the Colonial Governors, and also of the Order of the Crown.
In August, 1900, the "Angel of Death" called to her eternal reward one of the most lovable and patriotic members of the Santa Ysabel Chapter, Mrs. Karl Plate, and the following was adopted by the society:

"It is the first time in the history of the Chapter that death has taken one of its members. A descendant of a long line of patriotic ancestors, Mrs. Plate loved her country and her flag. Her great-grandfather, Captain Anthony Rutgers of New York City, was captain of the second artillery in the Revolutionary War. In our recent struggle with Spain, Mrs. Plate quickly responded to the call of the Red Cross Society for workers, and was untiring in her efforts to assist in the noble cause.
"And now, since an all-wise Providence has taken our sister from us, we wish to express our deep sorrow at our loss. Kind, modest, lovely in character, she will live in our memories as a type of noble Christian womanhood; therefore be it
Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved husband, young daughter and sons, and also to those parents so far away, our truest sympathy. The beloved wife and mother has been taken, but her love has blessed them. 'Though dead, she yet lives.' Like her life, her death was peaceful. She but said good-night to awake in a brighter clime. We commend her dear ones to our Heavenly Father and to the words of His love to comfort them."
The late Mrs. P. M. Lusson—Entered through her great-great-grandfather, Colonel Thomas Newton, of the Norfolk county militia. He was also a member of the Virginia Constitutional Convention in 1776, a member of the House of Delegates, of the Committee of Safety, and Commissioner of Admiralty. She also entered through her great-great- grand father, John Wright Stanley of North Carolina, who contributed one hundred thousand dollars to General Greene for ammunition for the Continental Army.
Mrs. Lusson was a woman of rare personality, affable,
cultivated, and generous. This gracious lady was suddenly
called from earth, and the Santa Ysabel Chapter, of which
she was a highly valued member, at a meeting held shortly
after her death, paid the following tribute to her memory:
"Since we last met as a Chapter early in June, the
`Angel of Death' has claimed one of our members. Our
dearly beloved Registrar, Mrs. Elizabeth Stanley Lusson,
was, on the second of August, 1903, suddenly taken from
us, and a deep grief fills our hearts at our irreparable loss.
"Mrs. Lusson was an interesting and beautiful woman,
of generous nature and noble instincts. She was a charter
member of our Chapter, and by her efforts it was organized.
"She was also a member of the Colonial Dames, a mem-ber of the Society of Colonial Governors, and of the Order of the Crown, and counted among her ancestors some of the best of the old English and Virginia families. She was born at Fort Washington, Indian Territory, her father, Major Newton, of the regular army, having been stationed there. She was also a direct descendant of Lord Baltimore through his son, Leonard Calvert, who was first governor of Maryland; therefore be it
"Resolved, That in the death of our Registrar, the Santa Ysabel Chapter of San Jose, California, has lost one of its most honored and valuable members, whose devotion was ever an inspiration, and whose noble character will ever be held in loving remembrance; be it further
"Resolved, That this Chapter offer loving sympathy to the grief-stricken members of her family."

Among the other Daughters here are Mrs. Edward Williams—Entered through her great-grandfathers, Simeon Morse and Tarrant Sibley. Both enlisted when only fifteen and fought from the commencement until the close of the war. They were on the field when Burgoyne surrendered. Mrs. Williams is the proud possessor of several coins, pension money received by them. She is a life member of the Sequoia Chapter.
Mrs. Noble T. Biddle—Entered through her great grandfather, William Hiester of Philadelphia, who, with his three brothers enlisted in the Continental Army. They were at the battles of Trenton and Valley Forge. Also by her great-grandfather, Benjamin Miller, a captain of one of the companies in a Pennsylvania regiment. Mrs. Biddle is also a member of the Sequoia Chapter.
Mrs. Sarah L. Knox Goodrich—Entered the order through her grandfather, Lieutenant John Browning of Virginia. He volunteered at the first call to arms and served throughout the war; also through her great-grandfather, Captain John Strother, who was with the Virginia troops in many a hard fought battle. Her daughter, Mrs. Virginia Knox Maddox, entered through the same ancestors. Mrs. Maddox was State Regent of the Daughters inthis State for six years. Her grandfather, William Winston Browning, answered the call to arms in 1812.
Miss Blanche Blanchard—Entered through her great-grandfathers, Lieutenant Colonel David Lawrence and Justus Blanchard. The latter was private in the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill, and was with General Washington at Valley Forge.
Mrs. Carrie Stevens Walter—Entered through three ancestors, Major Thomas Ashley of Vermont, her mother's paternal great-grandfather, Josiah Everett of Massachusetts, her father's maternal grandfather, and Bartholomew Stevens of Massachusetts, her father's paternal grandfather. Major Ashley was second in command under Colonel Ethan Allen at the capture of Fort Ticonderoga. He was also one of the founders of the State of Vermont, being one of the grantees from King George III. of a township of land there in 1761. He was descended, through his mother, from Elder William Brewster, who came in the Mayflower's first voyage, and whose daughter, Patience, married Governor Thomas Prence of Massachusetts. This makes Mrs. Walter eligible to membership in the Colonial Dames and of the Mayflower.

The purpose of the Fortnightly Club, as set down in the business-like catalogue in each member's possession, is the systematic study of literature and history. The motto of the club is "There is an art of reading as well as an art of thinking and an art of writing," and the work of the members shows that they are mastering all three arts.
The officers are Mrs. B. F. Brown, President; Mrs. F. H. Eastey, Vice-President; Mrs. Frank Leffler, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. William A. Beasly, Recording Secretary; and Miss S. Morgan, Treasurer. The Program Committee is made up of Mrs. W. S. Orvis, Mrs. M. D. Barker, Mrs. R. J. Langford, and Miss Nellie O'Brien.
The members are Mrs. D. M. Barker, Mrs. W. A. Beasly, Mrs. F. B. Brown, Mrs. E. Conant, Mrs. F. H. Eastey, Mrs. M. J. Farrington, Mrs. J. F. Gassett, Mrs. C. R. Harker, Mrs. E. C. Hurff, Mrs. C. H. Johnson, Mrs. C. E.Kelsey, Mrs. R. J. Langford, Mrs. W. S. Johnston, Mrs. J. F. Leffler, Mrs. G. B. McKee, Mrs. L. S. Morgan, Mrs. W. S. Orvis, Mrs. M. H. Osgood, Miss Nellie O'Brien, Miss Emma Riehl, Mrs. S. E. Smith, Mrs. William Van Dalsem, Mrs. Georgia Willey, Mrs. Hume A. Spencer, Miss L. C. Peckham, Mrs. Edgar Pomeroy, Mrs_ E. E. Chase, and Mrs. Grace 'Aram. This club belongs to both the State and the National Federations.

The Saturday Morning Musical Club was organized in 1893, its object being to develop the musical talent of its members, and to stimulate a feeling for good music in San Jose. The club members meet fortnightly, when one or two composers are studied, and papers upon their lives and works are read, and a programme of vocal and instrumental music from their compositions is rendered.
The President, Mrs. Carrie Foster-McLellan, is one of' San Jose's fair daughters who has reflected high honor upon this city. She has won golden opinions abroad, where criticism is of special worth. Gifted by nature with a voice of great strength, purity and compass, it was not until she attracted the notice of the late Herr Karl Formes that her splendid natural talents received the cultivation necessary for their perfection. Formes was, like all artists, an enthusiast, and he undertook the training of Miss McLellan's voice with that zeal which inspired confidence in his modest pupil. She studied patiently and severely. San Joseans will remember the night of her debut before her own town's people. She challenged criticism by the selection of her programme, and she received the heartiest applause. Success was assured, and the grand old master enjoyed the triumphs of his pupil as though they were his own. He presented her to the music loving people of San Francisco, where she was most kindly received. After a short tour through the East, he took her to Europe, and there proved his opinion of her powers, when she sang before the most critical of London audiences, the solemn and splendid music of oratorios, and added a new charm to their composition. She sang with great success, and carried away by her en-thusiastic love of music, she overtaxed her slight frame so that rest became obligatory. Returning to her home, she soon regained her strength, and since then she has sung in concerts and in churches in this city, and ranks among the most efficient instructors here. Miss Nellie Rogers is Vice-President; Miss Nettie Moody, Secretary; and Mrs. Jessie Pascoe, Treasurer.

The Morepark Art Club is a charming neighborhood club, whose members meet one afternoon of each week, and spend a couple of hours reading and discussing the works of some of the great painters and sculptors. The membership is limited to fifteen, and includes Mrs. A. S. Alden, Mrs. A. C. Atchley, Mrs. T. B. Caldwell, Mrs. W. T. Parker, Mrs. J. S. Wallace, Miss M. Rozette Hendrix, Mrs. Angie Hendrix Webster, Mrs. Addie Kentner, Mrs. E. L. Coe, Mrs. S. W. Walton, Mrs. W. C. Elliott, Mrs. J. A. Coe, Mrs. D. D. Brooks, Mrs. B. Millard; and Mrs. H. J. Smith. The officers are: Mrs. D. D. Brooks, President; Mrs. W. F. Parker, Vice-President; and Miss M. Rozette Hendrix, Secretary.

The Willows Reading and Improvement Club, which meets on Thursday afternoon at the homes of the members, has been organized for several years. Its officers are: President, Mrs. Julia Waldo; Vice-President, Miss Liela Marshall; Secretary, Miss Marion Thompson; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Agnes Ousley; Executive Committee, Mrs. Alice E. Winans, Miss Anna Wight, and Miss Agnes Ousley. The other members include Mrs. Luella D. Oliver, Mrs. Ada Butts, Mrs. Anna L. Sprung, Mrs. Hulda Collins, Mrs. S. J. Currier, Mrs. Martha Foster, Mrs. Charles H. Hervey, Mrs. E. E. Evans, Mrs. S. M. Keith, Mrs. W. L. Thurston, Miss Flora R. Smith, Mrs. A. E. Newby, Miss Cora Wolfe, Mrs. Belle Gilman, Mrs. Esther Purinton, Mrs. Martha A. Hanson, Mrs. A. A. Geer, Miss Lena Briggs, Mrs. Helen Smith, Miss Emma Keesling, Mrs. Jennie Warner, Mrs. H. P. Flemming, Miss Alice Lester, Miss Anna Crever, Mrs. Anna Hulet, Mrs. Lucette Sloat, Mrs. Jennie Bennett, Miss Myra Fairfield, Mrs. E. S. Parkhurst, Mrs.H. A. Lee, Mrs. E. D. Webster, and Miss Louise Weisendanger.

The U and I Reading Club of West Side is not behind the other clubs of the county in the earnest work which it is doing. The officers are: Mrs. J. K. Boyd, President; and Mrs. I. N. Leonard, Secretary and Treasurer. The members include: Mrs. E. W. Conant, Mrs. I. J. Comer, Mrs. M.
F. Billings, Miss Anna Billings, Mrs. E. A. Parsons, Mrs. G. L. Graff, Miss Bertha Graff, Mrs. J. F. Tudor, Mrs. J. H. Kelley, Mrs. L. D. Meyers, Mrs. Matthew Hemphill, Mrs. H. R. T. Macy, Mrs. E. P. Phillippe, Mrs. A. M. Smith, Mrs. J. D. Setzer, Miss Bessie Cunningham, Miss Bertha M. Childs, Mrs. J. H. Bullard, Mrs. R. Pulaski, and Mrs. James Hemphill.

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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight