
A resident of the Santa Clara Valley for more than thirty years, William M. Hersman came to San Martin in 1891, to work on the ranch of his uncle, Rev. W. M. Hersman. He was born at Middle Grove, Monroe County, Mo., January 1, 1865, his parents being George H. and Mildred (Pollard) Hersman, both natives of Monroe County, but of Kentucky parentage. The father passed away some time ago, but Mrs. Hersman is still living and makes her home at Darby, Mont., with a daughter.

William M. Hersman was reared on the home farm and at the age of eighteen completed the high school course at Strother, Mo., and two years later, in 1885, he removed to Kansas, where he continued to work on farms. In 1889 he continued his westward journey to Montana. remaining there for two more years, and then came down to California, locating at Templeton San Luis Obispo County, where he became foreman on the ranch of his uncle, Rev. Hersman, and after coming to Gilroy he spent four years on the ranch of his uncle there. Feeling that it was time for him to go to ranching on his own account, he then leased land, which he farmed to grain for several years, then leased the old White Place on Foothill Avenue, San Martin, and planted part of it to orchard, and he bought twenty acres on that avenue which he cleared and set to orchard, the land being covered with live oaks and stubble at time of purchase. In 1918 Mr. Hersman located on Monterey Road about two miles and a half from Gilroy, having sold his twenty-acre orchard and gone into partnership with his cousin, former Congressman Hersman, and C. C. Lester of Gilroy, where he has 120 acres in orchard.

At Gilroy in June, 1897. Mr. Hersman was married to Miss Eva White, a native daughter, born at San Ysidro, the daughter of Thomas White, and their marriage has been blessed with five children: Mildred is the wife of George Quale, a merchant at San Martin. and they have one child; Myrtle passed away at the age of sixteen; Margaret, George and Evelyn are at home. Now one of the old, established families of this district, they are held in high esteem in the community, where they take an active part in all that pertains to the welfare of the people. While living at San Martin Mr. Hersman served as trustee of the San Martin school district two terms, the first time being appointed to fill a vacancy.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1433


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight