Bio- Sawyers

During the '50s men from all sections of the country were thronging to California as offering advantages and opportunities greater than were possible in the East and it was in 1852 that Daniel Gardner. the father of our subject, journeyed across the plains with an old time ox-team train. Fred Gardner was born in the rural district's near Saratoga, November 29, 1879. the son of Daniel and Sarah  (Kenyon) Gardner. The father first settled in Placerville and worked in the mines for six years, coming to Santa Clara County in 1858. and in 1861 bought the ranch where the family have lived continuously ever since. Daniel Gardner passed away in 1913, having enjoyed the fruits of his labors. living for many years in peace and contentment in the beautiful Saratoga section of the Santa Clara Valley. The mother came with her family across the plains from St. Joseph. Mo., in 1849, when she was but a small girl of five years. and on July 9, 1861, the young people met and were married at Santa Clara. Mrs. Gardner passed away in 1913, lacking three months of celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. The old house still stands on the home place; last year half of the roof was reshingled, but the other half of the old roof still stands. Fifteen apple and ten pear trees planted by the father in 1863 are still bearing flowers and fruit each year.

Fred H. attended the grammar school in Saratoga and upon finishing the course went to the Los Gatos high school. With the exception of five years when he was engaged in the grocery business in San Mateo, Mr. Gardner has been engaged in farming. His marriage united him with Miss Mabel Deanglar of Los Gatos, and they have two children, Myrtle and Frances. Politically Mr. Gardner is a Republican, and fraternally is an Odd Fellow, being distric deputy grand master. He is also a member of the encampment and the Canton, and with his wife is a member of the Rebekahs. He also belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America and the Foresters of America at Saratoga. He finds his recreation in outdoor life, and gladly aids in all progressive measures for the upbuilding of Santa Clara County.
Transcribed by C Feroben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  730



A representative citizen of Califonria, keenly interested in all the problems pertaining to progressice horticulture, agriculture and the development and advancement of the county is Willialm Sherman Gardner, an orchardist living southest of Sa Jose on Phielps Avenue.  He was born in Santa Clara County at the old Kenyon homestead on Homestead Road, December 13, 1864, the son of Daniel and Sarah (Kenyon) Gardner, the former born in Ohio, the latter a native of Missouri.  Daniel Gardner came in ana ox team  train to California in 1850, when twenty-three years old, and after spending some time in the mines in Northern California, came on to Santa Clara County in 1853 and settled on part of the Quito Ranch.  Later he bought 167 acres on the McCall Road and farmed there; he also set out fifty-five acres of orchard, among the first to set out fruit trees in that secation.  He died there at the age of eighty-seven years, the mother preceding him about one year at the age of sixty-seven.  Grandfather Jame M Kenyon also brough his family across the plains in the early '50s and was a pioneer of this county.  Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gardner were the parents of six children: William S., the subject of our sketch; Frank and Clarence H., deceased: Fred H. resides on a aprt of the home place as do Mrs. Mattie D. Harmon and Alice M., who became the wife of F. D. Sanders.  During the Civ. War, Daniel Garnder was a lieutenant of a militia company formed in California but was never called out of the state; he received his commission from GOvernor Stanford.  He was always an adherent of the Republican party.

William Sherman Gardner enjoyed the advantages fo the public school system in the district of Saratoga, also helping his father on the farm.  When he became of age he engaged as a fruit grower and operated a ranch of his own.  At Saratoga on June 18, 1890, Mr. Gardner was married to Miss Hattie Smith, also a native of Califonria, born in San Francisco, and the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Smith.  Her father was James Harris Ham, a native of Portland, Maine, who came around the Horn to San Francisco in about 1854.  A passsenger on the same sailing vessel was Miss Harriet Hill Brown, who was born in New Hampshire, and the  acquaintance thus made culminated in their marriage in San Francisco.  Mr. and Mrs. Gardner became the parent of four children:  Winifred, deceased; Lillian; William Raymond; and Daniel Harris.  In religous faith, they are affiliated wit the Congregational Church.

this piece of information found at"HAM--In this city, January 17, James Harris HAM, a native of Portsmouth N.N., aged 44 years and 11 months." Source: Daily Alta California, 19 Jan 1875, p.4. Transcribed by Sandi Bordelon.

Transcribed by C Feroben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  741



A successful orchardist and dairyman is found in Walter J. Gardner, whose ranch is on the Homestead Road, and on this same place his father settled in 1860. Walter J. was born November 1, 1878, the son of L. E. and Johanna (McCoy) Gardner, the former a native of Maine, and the latter of Simcoe, Canada. The father was a pioneer of Santa Clara County who came to California in 1852, first going into the mines of the Placerville district; later he went to San Francisco and engaged in the draying business. He then located in the Santa Clara Valley and for two years engaged in hunting, furnishing game for the San Francisco market.

In 1860 he bought 160 acres on the Homestead Road, a portion of which Walter J. Gardner now occupies. The land was covered with brush planted it to grain. The mother also came to California in the early days. They were the parents of four children; Ella, Mrs. Arment of San Jose; Walter J.; Lee resides at Watsonville; Eva is Mrs. J. J. Murphy, whose husband is on the police force of San Jose; and Viola, a trained nurse, at O'Connor's Sanitarium. The father lived to be sixty-three and the mother fifty-eight years old.

Walter J. attended the Collins school and the Santa Clara high school, and later Stanford University; afterwards he went to Elko, Nev., and worked in the quartz mines in the Tuscarora district near Indenpendence Valley and spent two years in this occupation; he then returned to Santa Clara County and assumed control of his portion of his father's estate.

During 1903, in Santa Clara, Mr. Gardner was married to Miss Josephine Gardner, born in San Jose, the daughter of William H. and Jane (Holt) Gardner, the latter born in Liverpool, England. She is one of a family of four children, as follows; Henrietta wife of H. A. Blanchard, a San Jose attorney; Walter A.; Rose, now Mrs. C. L. Rich; and Mrs. Gardner. Mrs. Gardner's father was a native of West Virginia, who crossed the plains to California in 1851 and bought a piece of land consisting of ninety acres on the Hester grammar school, and later took a course at the Hester Business College.

Mr. Gardner's ranch consists of fifty-six acres, forty-six acres of which came to Mrs. Gardner as her portion of her father's estate; one-half of the acreage is planted to alfalfa and the balance to fruit; a good well for irrigation purposes has been developed on his place, and in connection with his orchard and alfalfa, he has a dairy. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner are the parents of three children; Walter, Jr.; Carol; and Dorothy.
Transcribed by Marie Clayton, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  569