
A distinguished American educator who has done much to make California favorably known in circles of higher learning throughout the world, Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, President of Stanford University, and the leader in all of the many and varied activities of that great institution, has come to exert the most enviable influence wherever a son or daughter of Stanford may he found, his mental calibre and the warmth of his genial, impelling personality being as impressive as his immense, commanding physique. He has been at the helm of Stanford for the past six years; and it is only fair to say, without invidious comparisons or the disparagement in the least of any predecessor—Stanford invariably standing for loyalty to its recognized chiefs—that the University, of which Californians are so justly proud, has never had a better presiding officer. He was born at Boonesboro, Iowa, on April 13, 1875, the son of Dwight Locke Wilbur, a native of Ohio and a graduate of the Law School of the University of Michigan, who had settled for the practice of law at Boonesboro, and had also become a coal operator there. From Boonesboro he moved to the Dakota Territory, and there became interested, as agent of the Northern Pacific Railway, in selling railway land. From Dakota he removed again still farther West to Riverside, Cal., and there acquired an orange grove. He took a lively interest in local commercial affairs and was elected chairman of the Board of Trade of Riverside. He also evinced an intense interest in popular education and very naturally was made a member of the Riverside School Board. When he retired, he chose Los Angeles as his residence, and there he lived until he was sixty-four years old.

While still in Ohio, Mr. Wilbur was married to Miss Edna Maria Lyman, a daughter of Elias and Hannah (Proctor) Lyman and a representative of another long-established American family, the Lymans and the Proctors, like the Wilburs,
having come to New England in the earliest periods there. Prior to his marriage, Dwight Locke Wilbur enlisted for service in the Union Army as a member of the 87th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and being destined for capture had the distinction of falling
into the hands of the famous Stonewall Jackson. He was paroled, and returned to Ohio; and then, with his wife, he removed to Iowa. Mrs. Wilbur died in Los Angeles, the mother of six children, among whom our subject was the fourth child.

Ray Lyman Wilbur was only eight years old when his parents moved into the Dakota Territory and settled in what is now North Dakota; and at Jamestown he grew up and attended the local schools. Coming to Riverside he continued his schooling and in 1892 was graduated from the Riverside high school. He then matriculated at Stanford University in 1892 and was duly graduated therefrom in 1896. He continued another year at Stanford and in 1897 rounded out his Master of Arts work. He next took up the study of medicine and in 1899 was graduated, with the coveted M. D. degree, from the Cooper Medical College at San Francisco. In the course of time Dr. Wilbur went abroad for post-graduate study and during 1903-04 was a student at Frankfort-on-the-Main and also at London, and during 1909-10 he was at the University of Munich.

On December 5, 1898, Dr. Wilbur was married at San Francisco to Miss Marguerite May Blake, a native of the Bay metropolis and the daughter of Dr. Charles E. Blake, a prominent physician and one of the lecturers at the College of the Pacific, in the
medical department which later became the Cooper Medical College. Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur have five children: Jessica, Blake C., Dwight L., Lois Proctor, and Ray Lyman, Jr.

During 1896-7, Dr. Wilbur was instructor in physiology at Stanford University, and during 1899-1900 he was lecturer and demonstrator in physiology at the Cooper Medical College; and from 1900-03 he was assistant professor of physiology at Stanford University. From 1909 to 1916 he was professor of medicine at Stanford University, and from 1911 to
1916 he was dean of the Medical School there. On January 1, 1916, he was inaugurated president of Stanford University succeeding Dr. John Caspar Branner, its former president, now deceased, who in turn had succeeded David Starr Jordan, now chancellor emeritus. In 1917, Mr. Herbert Hoover asked Dr. Wilbur to become chief of the Conservation Division
of the U. S. Food Administration at Washington, and he also acted in that year as a member of the California State Council of Defense. He was regional educational director of the S. A. T. C., District No. 11, in 1918, and in 1919 he was president
of the California State Confederation of Social Agencies. Both the University of California and the University of Arizona conferred on Dr. Wilbur the honorary LL. D. degree in 1919; he is a Fellow of the A. A. A. S., a member of the American Academy of Medicine, of which he was president in 1912-13, and he is a Phi Beta Kappa. He belongs to the University,
Commonwealth, Bohemian, and Pacific Union clubs, and is not only highly esteemed and revered as a profound scholar and a patriot, like his predecessor, Dr. Jordan, but also, and equally popular, as a man of the greatest cordiality and gifted with winning qualities attracting to him the ambitious youth.

The year 1922 will be remembered as the year of the campaign to raise the first million for the Stanford Endowment. President Wilbur has thrown him-self heart and soul into this work and has met with heartiest response from the Alumni. At the present writing, June 1, 1922, success is apparent, as $900,000 of the $1,000,000 has already been secured. Additional glory was added to Stanford when on May 25, 1922, Dr. Wilbur was elected president of the American Medical Association. He will assume office at next year's convention.

Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 785

ANOTHER BIO for Ray Lyman Wilbur