            P. R. WIGHTMAN.—One of the foremost figures in the business and public life of Sunnyvale is P. R. Wightman, a successful merchant, who is also serving as mayor of the town, and in both connections he is making a most creditable record, holding to high standards of manhood and citizenship. He was born in Lockport, Ill., six miles north of Joliet, March 15, 1873, a son of Hon. George Wightman, who served in the Illinois Legislature and was also a prosperous farmer and stockman. The mother, Mrs. Susan (Sisson) Wightman, was a daughter of Captain Sisson, an early pioneer of Illinois, who aided in building the old blockhouse at Fort Dearborn, in Cook County, to protect the white settlers from Indian attacks, also engaging in warfare against the Redskins.
            When P. R. Wightman was a lad of fourteen his father died and his mother then sold the farm and removed to Plainfield, Ill., where he attended the public schools, later entering a business college at Valparaiso, Ind., where he spent a year in study. He next went to Newton, Kans., and for a year was employed in the store of his brother, Frank Wightman, at that place, after which he made his way to Sayre, Okla., where for seven years he had charge of the general mercantile establishment owned by his father-in-law, J. D. Clay. In 1907 he left that state for California, first locating at Glen Ellen, where he engaged in merchandising for a year, going from there to Cloverdale, in Sonoma County, where for three years he was similarly occupied, and while residing in that place was elected a member of the board of trustees. He became proprietor of a large general store at Sunnyvale, which he conducted most successfully, having a thorough knowledge of the business and ever recognizing the fact that satisfied patrons are the best advertisement. In the early fall of 1921 Mr. Wightman sold out his store, and on November 1, 1921, with C. W. Shepard as partner, he started the Sunnyvale Supply Company, dealers in all kinds of lumber and building materials, fuel and feed. This was accomplished by buying out two Sunnyvale business concerns, The Sunnyvale Fuel and Feed Company and the Minton Lumber Company. His many friends are glad to know that the Sunnyvale Supply Company is meeting with merited success.
In Oklahoma, in 1900, Mr. Wightman was married to Miss Myrtle Clay, a native of Texas and a daughter of J. D. Clay
, a prominent merchant of Sayre, Okla. To this union has been born a son, George Clay. Fraternally Mr. Wightman is identified with the Woodmen of the World and the Knights of Pythias and the Elks Lodge at Elk City, Okla., being a charter member of the last named organization. In April 1921, Mr. Wightman was elected chairman of the city board of trustees. He had previously served on the board for a short time, being chosen to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Hendy, of the Hendy Iron Works. Mr. Wightman is providing a capable executive, giving to the town a businesslike and progressive administration, characterized by needed reforms and improvements. A broadminded, public-spirited citizen, he takes a deep interest in everything relating to the welfare of the district in which he lives, and has been most earnest in his support of those projects which are a matter of civic virtue and civic pride.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. 1page 807