William H. Ware
Almaden Township
Bio- Alley Bowen

The subject of this sketch was born in Salem, Salem county, New Jersey, November 22, 1822, where he was educated.  In early life, Mr. Ware devoted his time to teaching school, at the age of twenty years,  receiving his certificate from Messrs Ray, Picket, and McGuffie, Professors of Woodford High School, and State Examining Committee of Ohio.  He gave instruction consecutively in Delhi township , Hamilton county, Ohio; in different parts of Missouri; in Jefferson county , Indiana; in Shelby county, Kentucky; and in the State of Mississippi, where he had a two years' course of legal study.  As he was about to enter upon the practice of his profession, the discovery of gold in California was proclaimed to the world.  To be behindhand in the search of the precious metal was to sleep.  Mr. Ware therefore joined a mule train, dubbed the Pioneer line, Turner, Allen & Co., and left Independence, Missouri, April 1, 1849.  He continued with this party until they reached Carson river; here anticipation proved too much for him, he therefore pushed on ahead, alone, but meeting a predatory band of Indians his horse (a valuable animal that had carried Colonel Price through the Mexican campaign) was stolen, being considerably delayed thereby, and ultimately arrived at Weavertown, El Dorado county, September 17, 1849.  After a rest here of two weeks, he proceeded to San Francisco, and there with three others, formed a company to proceed to the San Jose mission and commence the cultivation of vegetables, on a large scale. This company made a good start for their destination, in a whaleboat laden with provisions and seed, they had not proceeded far when a dispute arose in regard to their common affairs (they having ignored all existing agreements).  Our subject thereupon severed his connection with the enterprise.  Mr. Ware next made for the mines at Beal's Bar, north fork American river, Placer county.  A few months later he went to Big Gulch Bar, where he started a trading post, being, at the same time owner of a mine.  Here he remained until the Fall of 1851, when he sold out and proceeded to Amador county, at a place called Arkansas Cabins.  Here he and two others named Smith and Drummond, constructed a ditch three miles long.  At this place he remained eight months, when he came to San Jose, and in April , 1852, in company with WIlliam Rogers, opened the Mansion House, and conducted it until the following July.  In that month he located the place on which he now resides, placed a man in charge, and left to dispose of his mining interests  near Cook's Bar, El Dorado county.  These he sold out., returned to Santa Clara county in the month of February, 1853, and took up his residence on his property in Almaden township, where he has resided ever since.

Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben
History of Santa Clara County, California
San Francisco: Alley, Bowen & Co., 1881, 838 pgs.