City Truck and Transfer Company
San Jose

Among the pioneers who came to California to take advantage of the opportunities that were afforded in the new country, the James family have been identified with Santa Clara county for more than a half century and among the present representatives of these far-sighted people is William Henry James, who is keeping up the good characteristics of his forefathers, and is working for the development of his community.

Mr. James was born twelve miles southwest of the San Jose on September 3 1882, at guadalupe Mines, Santa Clara county, a son of Charles H. and Jane (Tucker) James, who were both pioneers of California, having come to California in about the years 1865; the father  was born in Penzance, Cornwall, England, and they were married in this state.  He came to America and in time to California where he mined at new Idria and new Almaden.  Thiry-five years ago he started the transfer business now managed by our subject.  He and estimable wife are both living here retired.

William H.,  the fourth oldest in a family of six children, received his education in the public schools of San Jose and when he grew up , he followed in his father's footsteps and learned the transfer business.  In 1909 he became a partner in the business and took over the management, thus relieving him of the responsibilities, the firm being known as the City Truck and Transfer Company, and is one of the three pioneer transfer companies of San Jose.   He has a large local business, such as freight and furniture and it has grown in volume until it requires five trucks and four teams to handle it.  The firm owns the two-story building at 133 North Market Street in which they are located, which is 90 x 193 feet, and extends from Market to San Pedro Street, also having a warehouse on the S. P.  Railroad, with a switch from the main line.  In addition to his trucking he does a large storage business.

Mr. James was married in San Jose, August 23, 1904, to Miss Effie Carper and they became the parents of three children; Raymond Charles, Wilma Maude, and Effie Estelle.   Mr. James is a member of San Jose Lodge No. 10, F. & A. M. and also of Pyramid Lodge No. 9 of the Sciots and also San Jose Parlor No. 22, N. S. G. W. and the Junior Order of American Mechanics.  He is very active in the Chamber of Commerce, and Merchants' Association, also the Builders' Exchange and the Drayman's Association.  The family reside at `62 Viola Street.

Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922, page 1225