Bio-Pen Pictures

            Dr. Hammond was born in Ashland County, Ohio, in 1851.  He was reared on his father’s farm, attending the public schools during their winter sessions.  His parents, Philip and Mary (Ensinger) Hammond, were natives of Pennsylvania, but emigrated to Ohio in 1848.  In 1864 they removed, with their seven children, to the vicinity of Fairfield, Iowa, and engaged in farming.  Dr. Hammond taught school in Iowa for about three years, his mind being directed meanwhile to the study of medicine, and all his energies being bent in acquiring means to enable him to prosecute his studies.  In 1871-72 he attended the State Agricultural College of Iowa, taking first the general and later the mathematical course.  He taught school again in 1873, and the next year came to California, where he also at first engaged in teaching.  In 1877 he entered the Medical Department of the University of the Pacific (now the Cooper Medical College) in San Francisco, graduating in 1879.  His abilities were recognized, and he was made Demonstrator of Anatomy at the college, at the same time practicing his profession.  As his duties called for about six hours a day in dissections and demonstrating, and as he was a young physician, he was sent on many night calls by the older practitioners, and the close application began to tell on his health.  Upon the earnest advice of Dr. Lane, he went to the Sandwich Islands, where he spent one year, holding the office of Government Physician on one of the islands, and carrying on his profession at the same time.  When he decided to return to America, the Board of Health of the kingdom, of which the late ex-Premier Gibson was President, offered him an increase of salary, but as his health was materially improved, the Doctor prepared for his return.

            Just before leaving for the Sandwich Islands he was married to Miss Mattie B. Snyder, daughter of John and Martha (Kifer) Snyder, pioneers of Santa Clara County.

            Dr. Hammond opened his office in San Jose, February, 1883, and has since practiced here the profession of medicine and surgery with great success.  He has lately purchased, in partnership with a friend, a fruit ranch of seventeen and a half acres in bearing trees, ten acres being in French prunes, about three acres each in apricots and peaches, and the balance in cherries and pears.  He is a Director in the Argonaut Land and Development Company, a corporation for the purchase and improvement of real estate.  He is also a member of the San Jose Building and Loan Association.  Dr. Hammond is the County Physician for the county of Santa Clara, holding the office now for the second term.  He is a member of the State and county medical societies, and also a member in high standing of Garden City Lodge, No. 142, I. O. O. F., being a Past Grand, and also of Triumph Lodge, No. 47, Knights of Pythias.  He is a Republican in politics, and an emphatic believer in the protection of all American industries.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 367-368
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight