

A successful career is that of Wilbur H. Draper, a native son of San Jose. who has worked his way steadily upward until he now occupies the position of manager of the George B. McKee Paint Company and is most capably discharging the responsible duties which now devolve upon him. He was born August 2, 1887, a son of Edwin W. and Martha J. (Beck) Draper, the former a native of Jackson, Mich. In 1863 the father crossed the plains to California, first going to San Francisco, where he lived for two years. He then re-. moved to Livermore, purchasing a 200-acre farm in the Panoche Creek country and devoting his attention to the raising of grain and stock. For eight years he operated that place, which he then sold, and coming to San Jose, he engaged in threshing grain for many years, having a Minnesota Chief thresher. He became well known in that connection, operating in the San Joaquin and Santa Clara Valleys, engaging in threshing in the former locality for ten successive seasons and also going as far south as Salinas. In Centerville, Alameda County, he married Miss Martha J. Beck, a native of Missouri, and purchasing a five-acre tract in San Jose, he there made his home until his demise on December 24, 1918. this ranch being now occupied by the subject of this review and his mother. In the family were three children: Wilbur H.; Edwin A., in The Willows; and Mrs. F. E. Whipple, who is residing in East San Jose.

Mr. Draper attended the grammar and high schools of San Jose and the Cox Business College and for four years assisted his father in threshing. In 1907 he entered the employ of the George B. McKee Paint Company, starting in as an apprentice and steadily advancing through merit and ability until he is now serving as manager. He thoroughly understands all phases of the ,business and this practical knowledge, combined with his keen insight and sound judgment, has enabled him to so manage the affairs of the company that its trade has shown a steady growth. In his political views Mr. Draper is a Republican and is a Scottish Rite Mason and a Shriner of Islam Temple, A. A. 0. N. M. S.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1044


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight