Plumbing Contractor-San Jose,

Among California's native sons, who have done their share in the up-building of the city of San Jose, is William F. Serpa, who is engaged as a plumbing and sheet metal contractor. having been engaged in this business for himself since the year 1914. Mr. Serpa was born on February 21, 1885, and is a native of San Jose, a son of Manuel F. and Mary (Marshall) Serpa. The father came here in 1874 and it was here that he met and married Mrs. Serpa, who was also a native of California, having been born in Placer County; her father was an early settler, coming to California during the pioneer days; Mr. and Mrs. Serpa still make their home at San Jose.

Mr. Serpa attended both the grammar and high schools of San Jose and at the age of twenty-one became an apprentice in the plumbing trade. He worked for a number of years as a journeyman in Oakland and San Jose at this line of business and then he decided to start in business for himself, establishing his shop during the year 1914. He has installed the plumbing in many of the larger residences, and buildings, among them Mr. Schmidt's residence at Wright Station, and Mrs. Joseph's residence. Evergreen; S. H. Chase residence, R. H. Borches' residence, C. Kimberlin residence, Naglee Park; the Metropolitan Store, the Curtner-Wright Garage, the Delmas Paper Company, on North Market Street; the Montgomery Building, all school buildings in 1920, but one, and did a large amount of sheet metal work on the park and race track, and has secured the contract for all work for the Western Pacific from Milpitas to San Jose. In all his undertakings he has been very successful, and he has established a reputation for excellent work.

Mr. Serpa's marriage in March, 1907, united him with Miss Marie Ickler and they are the parents of four children: Clara, Hazel, Thelma, and Beryl. Mr. Serpa was very active during the World War in the different war drives, showing the patriotic spirit which he feels toward his country. He is also active as a member of the Chamber of Commerce and fraternally, is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Odd Fellows. In national politics, he casts his vote with the Republican party

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1133


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight