Bio- Sawyers
An enterprising, progressive rancher who, in forging steadily ahead, has set the pace for others as well as for himself, and has promoted the good fortune of neighbors and competitors, while building up his own prosperity, is William Francis Giacomazzi, the well-known dairyman whose farsightedness led him to invest in a motor transport for milk which has been of the greatest service. He was born at Salinas, on August 14, 1896, the son of James and Catherine Giacomazzi, the former a native of Mogheno, Switzerland, in Canton Ticino, who came out to California in 1886 and settled in Monterey County. Mrs. Giacomazzi passed away at Salinas in 1900, but Mr. Giacomazzi survived until 1910. Both lived worthy lives, and both died rich in friends. They had three children beside our subject, who was the third. Vincent was born in Switzerland on August 14, 1886. James, Jr., is deceased; and Elven, the youngest, is with his brother in business.

William Giacomazzi attended the grammar school at Salinas, and later went to Heald's Business College, and he grew up to inherit an interest in a fine grain farm of 330 acres in Monterey County. In 1916, he came into Santa Clara County, and three years later, in November, he opened a dairy on the Tuttle Ranch on Capitol Avenue. In 1920, he sold the dairy back to Mr. Tuttle, and then he took up wicking. In partnership with his brother, Mr. Giacomazzi owns two trucks of one and a half tons each, and two trucks of two tons each, and one truck of three and a half tons; and he makes both day and night trips; a night trip to Oakland and a day and night trip to San Francisco,—hauling milk for the farmers, carrying consignments to the East Bay Milk Producers' Association. All in all, they haul about 350 cans of milk daily, and although they employ two drivers, they take turns in going along themselves.

Public-spirited and patriotic to an admirable degrce, Mr. Giacomazzi served in the late World War, enlisting on September 5, 1918. He was sent to Camp Kearny and was in the Sixteenth Trench Mortar Battery, stationed there until the end of the war. Then, on February 5, 1919, he was honorably discharged at the Presidio at San Francisco. On February 8, 1920, he was married at San Jose to Miss Mabel B. Wilcox, a native of Berryessa, and the daughter of F. C. and Mary C. Wilcox and a granddaughter of Orin Wilcox, who with his family of seven children came around the Horn to California in 1861. They left their Connecticut home on the day that the Civil War broke out. Orin Wilcox became a prominent jeweler at Watsonville. Mrs. Giacomazzi was schooled at Berryessa and San Jose, where she attended Heald's Business College. One son has been granted Mr. and Mrs. Giacomazzi,—William Francis, Jr. Mr. Giacomazzi is a Republican, and as such has sought to elevate the standard of citizenship, especially among his parents' countrymen coming to California and associated with him; and in fraternal matters, he is active as a member of the Maccabees and the Woodmen of the World at San Jose
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1164


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight