Crossed the Plains in 1861

BIO Pen-Pictures, William E. Spencer, page 247
SURNAMES:  Munson, Connell

WILLIAM E. SPENCER, of Fremont Township, is a native of Philadelphia, born June 27, 1842, his parents being Edmund and Ellen (Munson) Spencer. William E. was reared to the age of fifteen years in his native city, attending the primary school, corner of Thirteenth and Race Streets, and at Reed Street and Schuylkill Schools. At the age of fifteen he left Philadephia and went to Iowa, locating at Cedar Falls, in Blackhawk County. In 1861 he crossed the plains to Virginia City, Nevada, and followed teaming in that vicinity until 1864, when he came to California. He managed the Inego ranch for six years. He then bought a place in the Calaveras Hills. Here he remained for a year and a half, then sold out and went to the city, where he engaged for nearly three years as a carpenter. He then came to Santa Clara County, where he continued in the building trade. He bought thirty-five and three-fourths acres in 1886, where he now resides, on the San Francisco and San Jose road, between Mayfield and Mountain View, and at once commenced its improvement, so that it now gives promise of becoming one of the most handsome places in this beautiful neighborhood. He has planted about twelve acres in fruit, one-half of that amount having been planted in 1887, and the remainder in 1888. The trees are principally Silver and French prunes, with some peaches, apricots, nuts, etc. All the improvements, and there are many, have been made since the present proprietor came into possession. He had previously, however, improved a place near Santa Clara.

Mr. Spencer was married in this county, to Miss Ella Connell, a native of Massachusetts. They were the parents of six children, of whom one, Josephine, is deceased. Those living are: William, Agnes, Benjamin, Herbert, and Edward. Politically, Mr. Spencer is independent, forming his judgment after principles are enunciated and candidates placed in nomination for official position.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.Transcribed by Carol Lackey- page 247