The Valley of Heart's Delight


Bio- History of Santa Clara

Success, in whatever line of work he undertakes, has been the keynote of the life of Wallace E. Bland,  born at Norwalk, in Los Angeles County, Cal., April 15, 1889, a son of Samuel and Nancy (Worthington) Bland.  His mother was born in San Jose, her parents having come to California from Lancaster, Pa., in 1849, across the plains.  Her father went into the mines in the early days, mining for five years at Placerville, Carson City and Chinese Camp.  He then went to what is now Riverside County and there he lived until his death. The father was born in Nova Scotia and came to California via Panama in 1857, mined for some time and returned to Los Angeles County, Cal., and bought 360 acres of land near Norwalk and has engaged in farming, raising alfalfa and hogs and here he passed away.  Wallace is the youngest child of a family of nine children, William Edward, deceased; George S., of Lompoc; Adeline L., Harriet Maude.; Amelia Cornelia, deceased; Nellie; Agens G.; Ruby, deceased, and Wallace E.  The father passed away in 1905 aged sixty-nine, but the mother is still living, and resides at Los Angeles, aged sixty-eight years.

Wallace attended the grammar school at Norwalk, later supplementing with a course at St. Vincent's College.  After finishing school he took up the well-drilling business and learned his trade under E. R. Pitzer of Los Angeles County, who did drilling of irrigation wells in the Orange belt of Southern California and at Whittier, San Dimas and elsewhere.  Mr. Bland worked at he drilling business until he enlisted in the World War, except for a period of eighteen months, when he was in the automobile business in Pasadena.  He was one of the original volunteers that made up the Red Cross Ambulance Corps No. 1 of Pasadena, organized by Major Charles D. Lockwood of Pasadena.  He enlisted May 25, 1917, and trained for a short time in the south, then was sent to Annetown, Pa., where he was promoted to first sergeant of section 566 of the Red Cross Ambulance Corps.  Here he trained for eleven months and three weeks and then sailed from Hoboken, J. J., for foreign service.  His detachment was sent to Italy and was one of the 1,000 American troops that was spread over a front area of 400 miles.  These companies did ambulance work  and transporting of rations for the Otaoam trooops.  They passed through Gibraltar and landed at Genoa, Italy, serving in the Alps and spending one year in Italy and Mr. Bland was in three major Italian offensives.  Upon his return to the United States May 1, 1919, he was discharged at Camp Dix., N. J., June 3, 1919.  He immediately returned to Californai and settled in the Santa Clara Valley and became a partner  of Natan Charnock in the well-driggin business.   They own and oeprate four deep well power drilling rigs, and they are usually kept busy, covering the territory on the coast from San Francisco to San Luis Pbispo.

Mr. Bland's marriage occurred May 17, 1919, in Eaton, P., and united him with Miss Harriet McHenry, of Scotch-Irish ancestry, a native of Pennsylvania, born in Catasauqua, there she was reared and educated, completing her education in the Normal School of her native city.  Her mother passed away there in January, 1918.  Mr. Bland is an honored member of the Amercian Legion of San Jose' fraternally he is a memver of the Elks Lodge NO. 672 of Pasadena and was an active member of the baseball and drill teqam of this lodge.  Locallly he gives his support to progressive, constructive legislation, regardless of party lines, supporting the best man for public office.  His home is 1498 Park Avenue, San Jose.

Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1518


SANTA CLARA COUNT HISTORY-The Valley of Heart's Delight