
 Bio-Pen Pictures

            The First National Bank of San Jose was organized July 11, 1874, with a paid-up capital of $500,000.  Mr. W. D. Tisdale, the present president, was its first cashier, and has been the active manager of the bank from its organization.  The bank is situated on the southwest corner of First and Santa Clara Streets.  It does a general commercial banking business, and draws direct on San Francisco, New York, and the principal cities of Europe, having correspondents in the leading banks of those cities.  The First National pays no interest on deposits.  The fourteen years of its business life have been years of steady prosperity and growth.  The accumulated surplus and dividends aggregate $176,000; and the present deposits are about $600,000.  In 1880 W. D. Tisdale became president, and L. G. Nesmith, hitherto assistant cashier, became cashier, which position he now holds.  The bank employs six clerks, besides the officers.

            Mr. Tisdale came to the Pacific Coast in 1854, when nine years of age, and was for many years identified with mining interests in Nevada County, California.  He settled in San Jose, in 1872, and soon after, with others, took steps to organize the bank.  Mr. Tisdale is of old Mohawk Dutch stock, the son of William L. Tisdale (now a resident of Santa Clara County), and was born in Utica, New York.  He married Miss Gephart, a native of Michigan.  They have four children.  William L. Tisdale has been a resident of this  State since early in fifty, and now lives on the Alameda, retired from active business.  He is a stockholder in the First National Bank.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 191

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler


 Bio- Pen Pictures

            J. F. Thompson, editor of the Herald, was born in Massachusetts, and is now fifty-one years of age.  He entered journalism at the age of twenty.  He came to California in the ‘70’s, and was engaged on some of the leading papers of the State.  In 1878 he went on the Herald as its editor, and afterwards leased it from the Murphys and ran it successfully until 1884, when he went into the joint-stock company that purchased it.  He has been its editor continuously for ten years, and his efforts have done much towards placing the paper in its present prosperous and influential position.  He early became identified with the horticultural and viticultural interests of the county, and his opinions on these subjects are considered authoritative.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 103

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight