Bio-Pen Pictures

one of the successful horticulturists of the Lincoln School District,  resides on the corner of the Bollinger and Blaney roads. His property consists of twenty-four acres of fine vineyard and orchard land in a high state of cultivation. It is principally devoted to the production of wine grapes of the following varieties: Cabernet (Franc and Sauvignon), Sauvignon Vert, and Berger, with about fifty vines of Muscat, Rose of Peru, and Isabella Regis for table use. The orchard furnishes fruit for domestic use. Mr. Miller purchased the land in 1886, and it is his intention eventually to have the apparatus necessary to convert his grapes into wine himself.

He claims Pennsylvania as his native State, dating his birth in Union County, October 31, 1836. His mother died during his infancy, leaving him to the care of his aunt, who resided in Danville, Montour County, Pennsylvania. His youth and young manhood were spent in that place, and there he received his education, and commenced his chosen career, as a druggist and chemist, at the early age of fifteen years. After devoting three years in learning his profession, he located in Ashland, Schuylkill County, and there established a drug store, which he successfully conducted for about eight years. During this time, in 1859, he married.

        In 1863 he determined to seek a new home in far-off California, and, with his wife, made the long journey across the continent, locating in San Francisco, where he entered the employ of Thayer & Wakelee, with whom he remained until 1865. He then purchased the drug store of J. H. Coggeshall, on the corner of Pacific and Stockton Streets, where he conducted an honorable and profitable business for many years, remaining in charge of it until 1881, when he disposed of his store and removed to Santa Clara County and took up horticulture. After a residence of about five years in the Moreland District, he visited Los Angeles County, spending some time in seeking a desirable location. Not being suited with the lower part of the State, he returned to Santa Clara County and purchased the property upon which he now makes his home.

        Mr. Miller is a man of sound business principles and habits of industry, and, with the aid of his long business experience during an active life, he is bound to build up a valuable vineyard, which will be an acquisition to his neighborhood. He has unbounded confidence in the future of the wine industry of California; and if wine dealers and producers will use their utmost endeavors to raise the standard of quality in their products he believes that the day is not far distant when pure, wholesome light wines will find a ready sale throughout the United States at remunerative prices.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight