The Valley of Heart's Delight


photo and history of the  Wilcox Block-where the business was located

W. C. LEAN, Proprietor of the W. C. Lean Jewelry Store, 99 South First Street, San Jose, Cal., has been engaged in the jewelry trade and business for the past twenty-one years.  The business of which he is now the head, with its complete and comprehensive stock, was established in 1888, and until it was purchased by Mr. Lean in 1904 was known as the H. Morton Jewelry Company.  The subsequent change of ownership has placed it among the foremost of San Jose's mercantile enterprises, where the most exacting customer is assured of complete satisfaction.

   Although born in Virginia City, Nevada, May 26, 1874, his father, William C. Lean, brought him to California in early youth, barely five years old.  The elder Lean in his earlier days was a prospector among the famous diamond mines of British South Africa, and upon coming to this State engaged in mining operations in Yuba County.

   The younger Lean, after attending the public schools of San Jose, went to San Francisco, in which city he resided for ten years.  He entered the employ of A. I. Hall & Sons, wholesale jewelers of that city, and with diligent application to his duties was advanced to the position of salesman.  Later he was traveling representative for two years for Hancock & Freer, with a territory covering several of the Western States.  This position he held until 1904, whereupon he came to San Jose and purchased the present business.
   On June 16, 1903, he married Miss Louise Gerichs of San Jose.  His son, Richard, is five years old.  He manifests considerable interest in fraternal organizations, and is a member of no less than twelve orders, among these being the Masons, Knights Templar, Shriners, Elks, Odd Fellows and Woodmen of the World.  He is also a member of San Jose Chamber of Commerce and the Merchants' Association, having served as a member of the Board of Directors in the latter organization, as well as the Young Men's Christian Association.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral- researcher of Lean Family
Davis' Commercial Encyclopedia of the Pacific Southwest: California, 1915, page 431.


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