Bio-Pen Pictures

whose fine residence and grounds are situated on the Meridian road, above Hamilton Avenue, in the Hamilton District, came to California in the days of its pioneer history, when gold was its only attraction and almost its only known resource. He was born near Baltimore, Maryland, September 2, 1817. In that State his boyhood and early manhood were passed.
        In 1850 the gold-seekers' emigration caught him in its tide and brought him overland to California. He spent about two years successfully in placer mining, near Sacramento. In 1854 he became engaged in agriculture, in Solano County. He returned to his native State for his bride, Miss Susie Barnes, whom he married May 5, 1858.  Mrs. Herbert was born in Maryland, October 26, 1833, and was reared in her future husband's neighborhood. They made Solano County their home until 1876, when they removed to San Luis Obispo County, where they engaged in stock and dairy business. They lived there until 1881, when, in order to give their children better educational advantages, they removed to San Jose. Mr. Herbert bought a residence in the city, which they have occupied until a short time before the present writing (March, 1888). Soon after coming to San Jose, Mr. Herbert selected the site for his present residence, and bought thirty-one acres, all of which he commenced immediately to improve. Nearly all of this property was planted, in the spring of 1883, with apricot, prune, peach, cherry, pear, and plum trees. Since making these improvements, Mr. Herbert has sold to his son John ten acres, and to his son-in-law, J. W. Raines, five and a half acres. He retained fifteen and a half acres, upon which, with a view to permanent residence, he has erected a large, well-appointed house. Due attention has been paid to comfort and convenience in this homemaking, while all the buildings in connection with the property have been made correspondingly good. There he and his wife hope to spend their remaining lives, within a home where their children and grandchildren can always find a joyous welcome. Of these children there are eight living. Their fourth child, Lizzie, died at the age of eighteen. The names of the others, in the order of their birth, are as follows: John B., residing near San Jose; William M., a merchant in San Diego; Mary, wife of J. W. Raines, of San Jose; Frank, a resident of Santa Barbara; Susie, a Normal graduate of the class of 1888, who, with the three younger children, George N., Stella A., and Elwood F., lives under the parental roof.

        Mr. Herbert is a man thoroughly practical in all his undertakings, and his orchard shows, in its thrift and in the income realized from it, the care and skill which have been used in its management. Politically Mr. Herbert is identified with the Republican party. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, with most of their children, are members of the Presbyterian Church.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 497-498


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight